This is how I got from OR to TN!


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Dec 2, 2008
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Salem, OR
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Okay so I meant to do this several days ago but I've been enjoying my vacation (read that as lazy). I left Monday the 10th at about 4:30pm local time from Portland, OR and arrived on Sunday the 17th at about 11:45pm local time in Knoxville, TN. 5.5 days was certainly quicker to do that trip than I had wanted but my vacation kept getting pushed back... and pushed back... and then I just didn't have much time at all. The bike had to move and I wanted to take the trip, so I did it anyway.

So I learned a lot by doing 4k miles in under 6 days. I had done some work to the bike to make it more of a touring machine and to aid in making the trip more enjoyable.

I took things I thought I would need/use and didn't. I took things I thought I wouldn't use and did.

My trip pretty much followed the route proposed by h2o_boy in This thread. Big thanks to him! The only modifications I made was that I didn't go up to glacier and I just made a straight shot on i-40 from flagstaff instead of going up to Chicago.

It was an amazing trip and an incredible experience even though it was quick. I can't stand the interstate though. Everything on I-40 was pretty lame. I didn't realize that Rt-66 didn't really exist anymore :-/

So I pulled an iron butt on my last day and did 950 miles on the 17th.

I had my nice Nikon dSLR with me but forgot the memory card so I didn't get any pics until the 2nd day. :-|

Anyway here's more or less all the items I had.

For the bike:

* Givi V35 side cases and E52 top case (love them)
* Garmin Zumo 660 GPS (worked out really well)
* Throttlemeister throttlelock (LIFESAVER!)

In the Givis:
* Couple t-shirts (never used)
* extra socks and undies
* extra pair of pants (never used)
* chapstick (dude... don't forget the chapstick, I'm not kidding)
* long sleeve polypro shirt
* frogtogs
* down vest
* balaclava
* fleece pullover
* Alpinestars SP2 gloves and Fieldsheers windproof/waterproof
* phone charger
* earplugs
* ibuprofen (wonderdrug! for fever and inflammation)
* pepcid complete (you find crazy food on the road)
* sneakers (never used)
* sirius satellite tuner (tried to use but didn't work out too well at speed)
* nikon d80 with lenses and accessories (would opt for a coolpix instead)
* chain cleaner and lube (i kept forgetting to lube though)
* basic toolkit with socket and screwdrivers
* hex wrenches
* small rag
* sunglasses
* sunscreen
* passport (in case i had decided to go to canada)
* basic toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant)
* toliet paper (always have some on the road!)

Stuff I wish I had (just in case):
* Tire pressure guage
* Tire patch kit
* small bottle of alcohol spray to clean my visor

Everything worked out though. Ijust cleaned my visor when I stopped for gas. My butt didn't really bother me so much.... more than anything it was my knees. Maybe a new set of rear sets would help that but without them I relied on stretching, walking during fill ups and ibuprofen.

I had plans of listening to satellite radio and had what I thought was a decent setup. SiriusXM tuner that had a sony bluetooth transmitter attached to it, that would transmit to my Chatterbox XBi bluetooth headset in my helmet. Problem was I just couldn't hear it very well over 30mph. I don't know if it was the output of the Sirius tuner not being high enough or something with the XBi. (I think my speakers werent mounted well). Regardless it was all a big waste of money on that trip. maybe I can get that sorted out.

I really couldn't have considered the trip without the Givi luggage. It was awesome.

the Zumo worked out pretty well too. I think there was a bug in it though because it pretty much rebooted and deleted all my route history at some point in Utah. I still love it though.

And boy was I glad that I had that throttlemeister!!!!

All in all a great trip. I learned a lot about touring (mostly from how not to try and do it in a whirl wind trip).

Here's a couple select pictures from the trip (more available at my website

Oh... I forgot to mention that the first couple days I didn't have any pics because I forgot the memory card so I had to stop and buy one... and when I did ... weather didn't look so hot.

Somewhere in Idaho.

I ended up getting hailed on twice that day and snowed on once... and then rained on. It sucked :( The 32 degree weather while doing 75mph sucked. I thought I was going to get frost bitten but luckily I didn't. I would give a negative review of the field sheer gloves even so. They just started falling apart.

But then weather cleared up a bit to enjoy the scenary

Just north of Yellowstone.

Idea of how cold it was? Try a frozen lake. (yellowstone lake)


Grand Tetons!

So after 6800 miles my tires pretty much didn't have much tread on them. I stopped at this shop in moab,utah to try and buy another pair.

He didn't have a way to mount hte tires but there's a place called "Arrowhead motorsports" that had a pretty awesome guy running the place. He totally helped me out with a bunch of stuff, plus I got my tires. Check out my flat spot


So with my new tires on I headed further south... into "open range"


Bryce canyon was pretty great




Zion National Park was my favorite, methinks


But the Grand Canyon was pretty magnificent!


As was the painted desert



So when I got to flagstaff, az I was going to pick up route 66... well it doesn't exist! and here's my artistic representation of where it went (this is what's left of route 66 in the petrified forest national park)


I thought I was going to get rained on again coming through texas/oklahoma but luck was on my side and I just froze to death instead.


interstate sucked so that's the only pick I took from it.

the end.
those are some great pictures...Moab, Zion & Grand Canyon are among my favorites too! Glad you had a safe trip! :rockon:
Great pics. 4k in 6 days on a FZ6? Hell of a ride dude!
Did you do any night time riding?
Utah is a cool state, Eh?
I had to do the tire thing once in Vegas. Never leave home on a long trip without new rubber.
Great pics. 4k in 6 days on a FZ6? Hell of a ride dude!
Did you do any night time riding?
Utah is a cool state, Eh?
I had to do the tire thing once in Vegas. Never leave home on a long trip without new rubber.

crazy ride for sure. I tried to stop around dusk most days but ended up riding a few hours past on a few nights where I didn't think I'd miss anything (where it was just flight farm land in washingston for instance).

Monday I stayed in Othello, WA
Tuesday I stayed near Butte, MT
Wednesday was near Park City, UT I think... not far from Salt Lake
Thursday was near Torrey, UT
Friday was Winslow, AZ
Saturday was west of Oklahoma City but I can't remember the town

Yeah, next time I just won't leave home without fresh rubber. It killed a lot of time waiting on tires to be mounted and balanced. (that is after all the time I killed LOOKING for tires)
quick correction.

I didn't use fieldsheer gloves (I actually wanted those but couldnt find them)

The windproof/waterproof gloves I used were made by Frank Thomas. They got me home but I was not/am not happy with them. The inner lining and the waterproof/windproof exterior aren't made together so if you aren't careful you get the liner tangled up and it's almost impossible to put your hands back in. plus they has holes in the liner now :(
Oh!! I forgot to mention.

Join the AMA towing service. It's like $39 a year and you get other AMA benefits like....

the Garmin AMA affiliate program. Garmin gives employee pricing for memebers of the AMA. Let's just say that I saved over $150 on my Zumo 660 purchase. Highly recommended
Great report and photos.
Thanks for sharing with us.

I also had some long distance touring at the last holiday weekend.
1500 miles for the 3 and half days, 5/22 to 5/25.
Let me post some photos in another thread too.
(not as good as yours, most of my photos were taken at the Gas station.. ha ha ha)
Great report and photos.
Thanks for sharing with us.

I also had some long distance touring at the last holiday weekend.
1500 miles for the 3 and half days, 5/22 to 5/25.
Let me post some photos in another thread too.
(not as good as yours, most of my photos were taken at the Gas station.. ha ha ha)

I don't know that my photos are anything special.

However... I had them printed off at the pharmacy so I could bring them to work and show some people so when I went to pick them up they couldn't find them by looking for my name and I said "well there was a bunch of them.. maybe they wouldn't fit in your little drawer"

so the person said "were they outdoor photos?"


"oh... we had those out to look at them, they are really nice"

me "!!!!!!!!"

which is fine, I didn't care so much that they were looking at them... but what if I didn't want them to look at them? I just felt violated