Track day report from st louis


I Love Lamp
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
Just Right of St. Louis
Visit site
One word. addicted!

Today was my first track day! Boy was it awesome. Very fast. I was in the novice group the whole day. I got asked to be bumped up to intermediate but I wanted to stay down to get used to the track, work on entryspeed and lines. Plus theres like 40 something ppl in class b and about 20 in c.

The Fiz handled amazing thanks to the racetechs. The $180 pirelli diablo set worked amazing. Felt super glued and confident. No strips left on the back at all. Front is basicaly gone to.

4 crashes today. 3 in class b one bad highside, one away in an ambulance, and 1 in class c. Saw a guy run off the track infront of me but he saved it.

Oh ya, one other fz6 who rode pretty hard.

Heres a quick vid. Pics will be added later b/c when i try to add em it says some security thing.
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ohh ya better than canyons. I was wayyy faster. Lap times were around 1:20-1:22 ish The experts where running 1:10-1:115

Well done! A few more track days and some gooey tires and you'll be nipping at their heals.
Had a ball,eh?
4 crashes in one day seems a bit high but you did just fine. Everyone should do a track class it's soooooo much fun and don't you feel your riding ability jumped up a few notches?

Good thing your not near Wolfman, he would have you pump up the 6 and racing in no time:)
It was pretty cool because the passing rules were pretty laid back. On the site they said no passing sep in straights but they let us pass around the outside 6 feet. I asked a chaperone and he said that you can pass on the inside as long its safe and you dont scare em on the inside at the exit of the turn.