Two Brothers Group Buy.

Good news... the buy is open ....always....... so we can order one at a time... Seeing how we have orders 11 or so the vendor seems to really like us now... I am also working on a two brothers fender elim kit deal.....

So if you what the exhaust PM we with your info....:thumbup:

AWESOME! I was hoping that was the case. I don't have money yet so it's good to know that we're "really liked" by the vendor and when I'm ready so is the discount.
I'm very interested but wondering about the FE kit- it won't work with the stock lights is that correct? I definitely want to get rid of the huge rudder but should I order new lights and if so what kind will work with this kit?
I'm very interested but wondering about the FE kit- it won't work with the stock lights is that correct?
This is correct....
I definitely want to get rid of the huge rudder but should I order new lights and if so what kind will work with this kit?
The Two Bro kit comes with a set of signal lights and license plate lights.

Side note: The FE kit included with the Two Bro exhaust package is integrated with the pipe hanger mounting bracket. If you want to use someone elses FE kit, you'll have to mod the hanger (see Boneman's Two Bro post) to do so. The alignment of the Two Bro pipe prevents the re-use of the stock fender and lighting assembly unless you decide to distort the lower cross-member piece as it comes into contact with the canisters.
Yeah this is a great deal sort of. I mean great discount but still expensive as hell. Thanks for the info biker dude! I'll be going for this very soon, stock is dangerously quiet.

Thanks for putting this together Dennis, much appreciated!
So....., I think the P1R dB killers might be a waste of money. I tested the sound with and without them on the exhaust with no appreciable difference in sound level. I would have expected maybe 1dBA difference but nodda.

Anyway, from what I know about exhaust and noise, there has to be some form of reflection of sound at the tip to cancel out some noise thus reducing the net level. These P1R's have very little obstruction surface for reflection. I talked to Two Bro's and they said the P1 would be better for the noise reduction. They agreed to exchange them for P1’s at no charge so I’m going to give them a try. I’ll let you know how that turns out. Geesh, am I high maintenance or what?!

So I still haven't received my P1's but decided to try something anyway which it to prototype my own. The results were a drop from 91dBA to 85dBA at idle! I haven't tested the sound levels at the different RPM's yet as I think it's still preliminary.

These orifices or discs have a port opening of 1" which is slightly larger in diameter than the stock muffler. The way I see it, the backpressure with the prototype would produce the same kind of backpressure if we just considered the port opening alone. My only concern was the possible build-up of heat in the canister which could prematurely shorten the life of the packing within. I had a IR thermometer to measure the surface of the canister and after rides with and without the discs, I saw no real elevated temperatures on the surface. Two Bro’s kind of mentioned that some of their tips should not be used in dyno testing due to heat buildup in the exhaust during testing.

Here are some pics and dimensions of the prototypes. Sorry for the weird way I did my dimensions as I was too lazy to pull out my drafting books from way back.

P.S. The Two Bro P4’s look like they would do the same thing but when I mentioned it to the TB Tech rep, he said not a good idea with no real good reason. If someone here is interested enough to ask them again for the reasons, that would be cool!
Thats awesome.. I think we will have to change your forum name to Q.......:thumbup:
Definately have to get some Two Bros.. It will be about 3 or 4 weeks before I can get them, but It's great to know that the discount is available!!
Has anyone bothered to put the Two Bro stickers on the side of their pipes or is that just ghetto....:eyebrow:, if so, let's see some pics.
I've kept the stickers off, no sense of putting them on when my sidecases will only cover them. I also didn't use the FE, may consider using them someday, when I decide to go straight for the more sportier look instead of the touring look I've got on now.
Has anyone bothered to put the Two Bro stickers on the side of their pipes or is that just ghetto....:eyebrow:, if so, let's see some pics.

Even though I have a different set of pipes ( Remus ), they didn't come with stickers, they came with a smal oval mounted plate already mounted on the side of each pipes. Nice quality, no stickers.
No way am I putting this stickers on. Why ruin the clean carbon fiber look for the yellowish sticker

I agree, I like the clean look to any vehicle. I'm down to five stickers on my bike, one Yamaha tuning fork on the left side, only because I haven't taken it off yet, the rad sticker - same reason, and a BIG FAT Ohlins sticker on my swing arm. The others are the Akrapovics on the cans. They are like Vegas' Remus stickers, nice metal types, however they may come off too.

In Europe I like how many people have no stickers or name plates on their cars at all. Looks great! Just the logo of the car on the grill and that is it. Clean and not busy. :thumbup:
Two Bros. Kit ordered today!!! Now the terrible wait begins... and no I don't like the stickers either, I like the cleaner look.
Hey Bill how long did it take to get them in? I'm unbelievably anxious to get mine...
Thanks Godspeed, I see you ordered them as well. I checked my paypal and it took them until today to release the check for some reason, how long is the shipping wait these days? Will it take a few weeks?