
Mine is after my favorite pair of Rossignal Telemark skis. Is has kind of an evil sound to it too... :rolleyes:
My System

Here it is:
I was thinking of website name for my computer services. The idea was to have a unique name, that is easy to remember, catchy, and deals with technology. And so I came up with nimzotech. The roots of the name come from two parts "nimzovich" and "technology".

First,"nimzo" is short for one of my favorite chess grandmasters and authors. His name is Aaron Nimzowitsch (A.K.A. NIMZOVICH) Nimzovich made a name for himself not only by his success in the world's chess tournaments, but by a brilliant style of play he advocated; mainly hypermodernism. This new and at that time "unconventional" way of playing went against the majority of players who followed the classical school of play. For instance, instead of occupying the center with pawns - a main strategem used in most chess theory - Nimzo would prefer to control the center from a distance. He is the author of one of my favorite chess books: "[ame=""]My System[/ame]". The book is excellent and humorous at times.

Finally, the "tech" part implies the obvious technology. So as result I have a cool sounding name combining two entities I am fond of "hypermodern technology".

Here is a example of Nimzo’s famous win against Saemisch. Nimzo (playing black) forced Saemisch in to zugzwang - a pickle where there are virtually no more good moves to be made.

[ame=""]YouTube - presents Saemich vs Nimzovich[/ame]
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Another easy to work out lack of imagination name, aussie cause im from australia jules because its the nick name for julian.
Hazardous come from me just being a crazy kid with computer back in high school and the 006 is from the N64 game goldeye that me and my friends used to play nonstop when the systen first came out and its stuck with me since.
If I remember it right, Bren is a town in some 13-in-a-dozen -fantasy book (JV Jones maybe???). Could've been a character too. I've been using this username for years now, so I'm not quite sure where I got it from. Anyway, it has no personal connection for me such as many of you have with your usernames.
If I remember it right, Bren is a town in some 13-in-a-dozen -fantasy book (JV Jones maybe???). Could've been a character too. I've been using this username for years now, so I'm not quite sure where I got it from. Anyway, it has no personal connection for me such as many of you have with your usernames.

I thought your name was brenda or something...
I'm a long haired hippy.....not much else to it.

Actually, I think it really started back in undergrad. I lived in a dorm with a bunch of fellow engineers and thanks to the fact that I was the only person on the floor who didn't have a roommate, my room ended up being the local server farm for all of our nefarious purposes. The first box we set up had a scooby doo sticker on the side of the case so we named that one Scooby and as the cluster grew we followed the Mystery INC naming scheme (Daphne, Velma, Fred, Scrappy, Old Man Withers, The Mystery Machine). Since I was the designated caretaker of the group and, as previously mentioned, a long haired hippy, I was quickly dubbed Shaggy. All but one of the servers are gone to the great recycling center in the sky (located in downtown louisville), but the nickname stuck.

Some people think it's a reference to the regae/rapper Shaggy.....I hate those people.
I'm a long haired hippy.....not much else to it.

Actually, I think it really started back in undergrad. I lived in a dorm with a bunch of fellow engineers and thanks to the fact that I was the only person on the floor who didn't have a roommate, my room ended up being the local server farm for all of our nefarious purposes. The first box we set up had a scooby doo sticker on the side of the case so we named that one Scooby and as the cluster grew we followed the Mystery INC naming scheme (Daphne, Velma, Fred, Scrappy, Old Man Withers, The Mystery Machine). Since I was the designated caretaker of the group and, as previously mentioned, a long haired hippy, I was quickly dubbed Shaggy. All but one of the servers are gone to the great recycling center in the sky (located in downtown louisville), but the nickname stuck.

Some people think it's a reference to the regae/rapper Shaggy.....I hate those people.

So what's with the Avatar, I'm sure there some good ones out there ;)
I love cars and I love bikes. I know how to drive well, I have no idea how to ride well. 145mph is my top speed (which was on the autobahn - legal!).
Well, like a lot of us, mine is pretty clear... I surf, and I ride an fz6. A careful look might show that I currently live in Maine. Let me promise you that surfing in maine is a horrible experience, and one that I don't want to repeat... brrrrrr! However, I lived in Hawaii and worked as a surf instructor before moving here, and I'll be back on the pacific soon.
I'm 'doorag' because I used to always wear some sort of doorag/bandana on my head. I don't wear them so much anymore but the username is almost always avaialble.
Well i think mine is self explanitory, I live in a mobile home and i now laugh at the stereotypes i used to believe due to the fact that i never gave the subject much thought. It is quite funny and also depressing to be the youngest and the wealthiest in my trailer park (very small park):Sport:.

The reason i chose the name is because i do not have a shed yet (recentl moved in) and i, therefore, plan to store my fz6 indoors, in a trailer. LOL
Yeah, first name Sue (or Susan), and first two letters of my last name. Pretty boring!!

Well, it started with my name, Tony Todd.... TT

Back in 92-93-ish I was following The Dead around with some friends. We were somewhere in the southern US (maybe North Cackalacky) and stopped at a southern chain grocery store called Harris Teeter. Well, a girl we were travelling with started calling me Teeter and it stuck.
Real name is Adrian. My middle name is Jose, so I go by AJ its shorter :thumbup: The rest is self explanatory.

Cool thread J, I'm glad it got bumped. :rockon: