What do you look like?

These are from some recent rides, but before the FZ6. The second was en-route to a top 10 at US Nationals. Riding is soooo much easier now with a 600cc motor, but the motorcycle still doesn't beat the adreneline rush of hammering through the banking during a Kierin. Maybe I need some motorcycle track days?

I hope to repeat the Colorado ride(s) this summer with the FZ6. Expect more pics!

Hey JohnTex, You still riding with Wolf Pack? I've been with REI and AT&T the last few years. Never done the track thing, looks like fun, mainly Cyclocross now, 35+ and 3's.
Hellgate- You have been part of some good teams! Unfortunately, after 16 yrs with them, the Wolf Pack is now dead... several of us are keeping the club going socially, but we are not USCF registered for 2008. The kids really hit it off with other juniors on the Spincycle team, so that is where we are. We missed the big spring road races in your area, but we'll all be in your town this summer for the downtown crit- and I'll somehow get the FZ6 up there to ride some good roads!
I'm the blond dude applying the choke. Back in the days, Judo was my sport.

Several years later and about 40 lbs. heavier you can see my reflection in the gas tank :D (first photo)
Hellgate- You have been part of some good teams! Unfortunately, after 16 yrs with them, the Wolf Pack is now dead... several of us are keeping the club going socially, but we are not USCF registered for 2008. The kids really hit it off with other juniors on the Spincycle team, so that is where we are. We missed the big spring road races in your area, but we'll all be in your town this summer for the downtown crit- and I'll somehow get the FZ6 up there to ride some good roads!

Too bad you missed them, Walberrrrrrrg was epic as always, and Pace Bend was a blast.

I'm sorry to hear the Wolf Pack folded, that was a good club. We kinda did the same thing with REI, joined up with AT&T. Every time an REI rider made it to 2s or 3s they left. Can't beat 'em, join 'em! Besides the kit is better with AT&T, its all about the show, right??? See ya at the Down Town Crit.
Let's see what I can find....

Nothing good with just me. This is the night before we agreed to love each other forever. :)
Good stuff, only joking with ya, marriage rocks. Though 3 weeks in you may need a spare room just for a bit of rest.

This was taken in Munich at the start of our motorcycle tour honeymoon! :D

Those aren't our bikes, they are BMW rentals for the tour.
For those who haven't visited my profile, me on a normal mild-mannered day...


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