What have you named your FZ6?

Haven't really thought of giving "her" a name, unlike my previous cages.
But, off the records "she's" referred to as my other "Baby". Even my wife agrees I spend more time with my "Baby", I even use a soft cloth to wipe her down.
Wifey complains about all the attention my "Baby" gets............ my response.....
I don't need to make an appointment to touch my "Baby" and she never says "NO". hahahaha :D
"Thomas"...after my friend Tom Eden who left the bike to me when he passed away from cancer at 39 years young.

I miss him every day. RIP Tom:(
I haven't picked a name yet. (Partly why I started this thread.)
The headlights look like fiendish eyes, so I am trying to think of something that highlights them. (My sister thinks I should add pink or purple "eyelashes" above the headlights!!) Mine is the (fastest) black Raven color, which reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe's poem, so maybe something from that. I am still trying to decide!! :confused:

Well after our conversation the other night, I have decided just to call it "IT" :Sport:
I can't give 'it' a girl name...that's just wrong & I can't give it a guy name...so......."IT" is it!
Somebody from work told me that you were suppose to name your bike after the first girl (or guy) that you pick up on it.... if that is the case then I have a problem. I sometimes drive a Dodge Caravan that I named "Gus the Bus". Just got my bike, the name will come soon as I name everything I drive regularly.
After getting mine 3 years old, kind of rusted and almost never ridden, then after having to fix her oil pan (stripped oil plug thread), then lowsiding in the rain and finally getting rear-ended by an SUV (all this in a single month), I think I'll just call mine "Lucky".
Apparently Lytehouse is the only one who's mind is in the gutter enough to get that one!!! :eek:
My FZ6 is named LeeAnn.

I call her Lee when she's being a Bull.

I call her Ann when she's being nice to me and treating me right.
Mine is "Sarah"--as in Conner in the Terminator movies, because she's small, futuristic, athletic, edgy, but not TOO powerful.....