What is your bad habit on your bike?


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May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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What is your bad habit on your bike? Something you KNOW you shouldn't be doing, but do it anyway. Or something you should be doing but don't.

Mine are not wearing riding pants and not coming to a full stop at stop signs. If nothing is coming, I don't even come close to putting my foot down.

C'mon folks 'fess up, if you are doing it, it is highly likely that someone else is too.

Maybe you have an instance where something you should or shouldn't be doing caused problems, let us know that too, could be a wake up call to someone else.
Stoppies. I can't help myself. At every stopsign, every red light, and sometimes just in the middle of the road nowhere near an intersection.

I'd like to think that I don't have any unsafe habits.

One habit I have that annoys me but that I can't stop doing is canceling my turn indicator. I have this OCD compulsion to push it even when I know it's not on. I must push it a hundred times every time I'm on the bike, and I only have my turn indicator on a dozen or so times. I would love to hear that others have this problem and it's not just me.
+1 on not wearing riding pants.
+1 on not coming to complete stops at stop signs.
And doing whatever it takes to get back in front of a cager who cuts in front of me in the fast lane :spank:
I undertake on the motorway, I overtake anywhere I think safe whatever the lines in the middle of the road, I'm constantly fiddling with my gloves - pulling them tighter, I also cancel the indicator even when it's not on, I check for punctures by looking down whenever possible, I flick the V sign at cops when they're not looking, I also flick the V at forward facing speed cameras, I intimidate people to pull over by zooming up behind them with full beam on (it usually works), I go for 7th gear all the time...erm there's probably more but I can't think of them now.

Apart from the above - I don't have any bad habits
My bad habit while in BRC was during right hand turns I had a habit of giving it more throttle and it almost got me in trouble a few times. I find left hand turns to be a lot more easier than right hand turns. Anyone else ever go through this?
When a car in the fast lane is intentionally matching speed with the one in the slow lane, I can't help but whip around them on the shoulder before they know what to do. You know they're doing it on purpose because they speed up right afterwards.
Probably my worst habit, due to the traffic I now encounter on the way home from work, is I duck into the bicycle lane at one intersection to get ahead of about 50 cars banked up. It's illegal to do it, but stuff 'em. I don't normally filter, so it's a bad habit for me!!

Other than that, similar to Steph, not coming to a complete stop at signs (not that we have many around here).

I undertake on the motorway, I overtake anywhere I think safe whatever the lines in the middle of the road, I'm constantly fiddling with my gloves - pulling them tighter, I also cancel the indicator even when it's not on, I check for punctures by looking down whenever possible, I flick the V sign at cops when they're not looking, I also flick the V at forward facing speed cameras, I intimidate people to pull over by zooming up behind them with full beam on (it usually works), I go for 7th gear all the time...erm there's probably more but I can't think of them now.

Apart from the above - I don't have any bad habits
:rof: OMG!!! it's okay... I do all that same sh?t.......and I mean all of it.......I can't stop it's just my nature....we're Taurus's ......it's what we do!!!:D
Not turning off my signal, I don't do it all the time just every now and again. At times I know I'm going too fast but every now and again you have to let the beast go. Last, not having my rain gear with me (see rain, rain, rain post).

:rof::rof: OMG!!! it's okay... I do all that same sh?t.......and I mean all of it.......I can't stop it's just my nature....we're Taurus's ......it's what we do!!!:D

The annoying thing is that sometimes I set off and think "right, just do 70mph and that way you're safer, have time to take in the view and use less fuel. Lovely." then I look down and the speedo reads 120....