Where and What were you doing on 9/11?


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May 5, 2007
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This was such huge event that effected everyone, not just Americans, I was just curious what everyone was doing on this forum on that day. Unfortunatley, it's one of those events that you will never forget the exact time and place where you were at and what you were doing.

For me, I was out working for the Backstreet Boys, and just finished up doing 3 shows at the Fleet Center in Boston the night before 9/11. We had a day off to get to Toronto Canada where the next show was at. All the tour busses rolled after the show. That next morning, the bus was still rolling but I got awakened from the other people on my bus from all of the loud talking. I opened up the curtain of my bunk and saw the T.V, as we had a tracking satellite dish so you could watch live T.V. Saw the twin towers on fire, but was infomed by a crew member that they no longer were standing. I also heard that we just got across the border before they closed the crossing between the U.S. and Canada. We eventually checked in our hotel that morning and I watched the story unfold from my room.

Later that day I found out that one of our crew members was staying behind in Boston so that he could fly home to LA so that he could be with his wife for their first birth of their child. Sadly to say, he was on AA flt #11, one of the planes that hit the tower. So we lost a member of our touring family. As all forms of entertainment from sports to music cancelled across the world pretty much for the week, the Backstreet Boys elected to perform the very next day. Their decision to perform, at the time, we were not in America. Pretty bunch of greety guys to me. They just lost a member who was on their payroll. We had a nice private memorial for him at the Air Canada Center, as we all had an opportunity to speak. As far as the Backstreet Boys, none of the four or five members showed up for the memorial with the exception of Howey Dorough. To this day, I think everyone one of them are a bunch of unpatriotic selfish little punks, with the exception of one member.

Anyway, his name was Daniel Lee, I really didn't know him very well as the tour was so big, but I did have an opportunity to pay my respect a few years later by touching his name on the plaque at ground zero in NYC. I hope his wife and daughter are doing well.
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second period, junior in high school, physics class... second plane was thrid period study hall... ill never forget that day :(
3rd period 10th grade. was sitting in earth science class, was just getting started when the anouncement came over the loud speaker. we watched the news that period then went to US History and Government for 4th period and started to get sick ended up going home with a killer cold. was a pretty messed up day all around for me. i was sick, my dads salesman that has since passed rip. his son's g/f at the time her sister died in the twin towers. well they are assuming, her body was never found. He was in the military so went down to help look for survivors... Was a very terrible and stupid day! and our lovely president bush just sat in a class room with his thumb up his butt like always such a douche..... his ex g/f still isnt right to this day, she is a lil loony.....
Going through a very painful break up with a girl that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Thank you for rehashing that memory. :(


If that was the only pain you felt on that day, consider youself very lucky, as others experienced pain that was much, much worse.
I was at home watching it all on the news and was moving back to college in Santa Barbara that day. Decided to go ahead and keep to the plan. My route goes right through downtown LA. Anyone who has ever been to LA knows that there is always traffic no matter what time of day/night on that stretch of the 101hwy. What was erie was how empty the roads were and how there wasn't a single plane in the sky (I found out later all airports were grounded). In the 140 mile drive, I saw maybe two other cars on the road. Weird.

Most of my family lives in New York and my aunt worked in the towers Tuesday's and Thursday's. Thankfully, she had a meeting in Jersey that day instead, otherwise we would have been mourning the loss of a family member as well.
It was the weirdest thing. I saw a massive crowd all huddled around the TV. They didn't even notice me! I jumped up and down a couple of times and saw the World Trade Center on fire!!

Naturally, I thought the whole thing was an accident. A fire. A plane suddenly appeared and crashed into the buildings!! (It was the second one at this point. I didn't know about the first).

Everybody screamed. We all saw the second plane crash into the building in real-time! Never been the same since. What a tragedy. The building fell down a few seconds later. I knew there would be a war over this. I later discovered the whole incident was done on purpose. I was very gullible at the time. Not anymore.
Funny that you should post this Vegas, because I was in the Caesars Palace hotel in LV when I switched on the tv in the morning to discover what was happening. I was on a 2 week road trip from San Francisco > LV > LA and back up the coast to SF. Had to give the hoover dam a miss as they closed it which was a pity.
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Woke up and my mom was watching the news

didn't know what was going on

then i also saw the second plane hit in real time

even more scary

my dad's office one year previous was in the section that got hit at the pentagon...

we had a close family friend actually help at the scene...

that whole terrorist culture needs to die and go to there heaven full of virgins (and by virgins i mean a bunch of star trek nerds (guys) virgins for eternity)
At Home....hanging with a Norwegian chick called Katrina, did'nt know this girl for very long, but will always remember her, as she was who i was with when the horror unfolded, live on Television, as it happened...

Watched a special on Discovery last night which was made up of footage taken by people who were there when it happened...very surreal, and very eery.
I had just watched a movie and was channel surfing and wondered why the same movie was on all channels, including cable,yup I thought it was a movie.When It hit me what had happened I got this awful cold feeling,will never forget that feeling.We had a guy from Adelaide who died on top of one of the towers,sheltering from the smoke with a female co-worker,he rang his twin brother back here,he said he couldn't breath and you could here the co-worker in the background saying the smoke is too thick to breath,then nothing.I just don't understand why people do this kind of thing, I really don't.
I was working at Westcott credit services in Hull, UK.
At lunchtime the streets were packed and everyone was standing and staring in the TV shop windows. It was just like one of those old American films.

Even now when I see those planes flying into the twin towers it still seems surreal. It must be the most hideous but compelling piece of film footage ever taken. You have to watch it to try and convince your brain that what you have seen actually happened.

I was in the middle of teaching a class when one of my students, who was running late, came in and told me that a plane had just crashed into the World Trade Center. I just figured that it was somehow related to a severe pilot error, and although I felt bad about the people who died and were injured, continued on with class. One of the other classrooms had the TV on and were watching the news when the second plane hit. At that time, I called for an early break in class and went to see what was going on. What I saw was both frightening and hear-wrenching, but even though two planes had crashed into the WTC, never did I expect both towers to collapse. When I saw the first tower go down, I felt ill, and had to turn away from the TV. I just couldn't watch the horror that was happening. Luckily, the president of the college informed everyone that the school was closing for the day and that everyone should go home and spend time with their families.

During this time, I also held a second, part-time job as a designer at a printing company that was near an airport. It was extremely strange and eerie not to hear the planes taking off and landing for the next few days. When I first went to work that evening at the printing company and got out of my car, something just didn't seem right. Before I made it to the entrance of the building, I realized what it was, and got cold chills.

It was a long time before I could ever allow myself to watch any of the videos of the planes hitting the WTC, and the collapse of the towers that were circulating the Internet. It was just too difficult for me. It still is.

At work in the suburbs of Boston, in a meeting. The guy next to me showed me the headline on his phone. By the time we left the room the office area was silent, and small groups of people were huddled around the few computers that were able to log on to cnn.

My phone rang, and it was my wife at the time, who was going to school in downtown Boston. Because nobody really knew what was going on, as there were still suspect planes in the air, and Boston being mentioned in all the talk, the rush out of the city significant. She jumped the first train she could and was headed for a town 60 miles away.

As with most of us, that day is thoroughly imprinted in my brain, joining the day Regan was shot and the Challenger disaster. To those on the board that serve (military, FBI/CIA etc, police, fire, emergency services), my sincere thank you.
I had the honor of being on the colorgaurd and raising and lowering the flag here at 2nd Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, NC.
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I was in my senior year at college in the cafeteria when my friend called me to turn on the TV. Being that I was an International Security major and our school is 50 miles from ground zero, it was a hectic day.
If that was the only pain you felt on that day, consider youself very lucky, as others experienced pain that was much, much worse.

I was partly being facetious, but partly not. Aside from the obvious, there was much more going on that day, but 9/11 holds a special significance to me. National catastrophy? Unquestionable. Personal life changing disaster? Yup.

It wasn't my intent to "cheapen" the post by throwing some personal addendum in it, but, yeah... painful stuff.

By the time I woke up on the west coast the first plane had already hit. I watched the second plane hit as I was getting ready to leave the house. I watched the first tower collapse during first period English class.