Wrecked my FZ


Junior Member
May 2, 2008
Reaction score
Woodstock, Il
I went down last Monday in Wisconsin, I thought some information on my wreck may benefit you guys. I was northbound on WI Rt 55 through the Menomniee reservation, Nice road supposed to be one of the best in WI. Riding quickly but not really railing it I was probably going 60-65mph. A couple things went wrong at the same time, I'm unsure of the exact order but as I came into the turn I hit a tar snake and the front end got loose, there was an oncoming car that may have changed my line causing me to cross the tar snake or I hit the snake and the oncoming car limited my options. I crossed the fog line and tried to crank into the turn to keep it on the road but wasn't able to hold it. I went off and lowsided the bike.

The turn

the bike hit a tree

The end result



The one place that I know I absolutely fked up is that the last thing I saw before going down was the edge of the road I should have continued to look through the turn .

No Doubt about it my gear saved my life, I got up and took all the pictures myself. I broke my collar bone and have a bit of road rash where my jacket sleeve came up but no other injuries. I was in a remote enough area that it took nearly 2 hours before an ambulance was on scene that is a ton of time to bleed had I not been wearing full gear not to mention the fact that the helmet saved my life I was wearing full textile gear with CE approved pads and good boots and do not have a bruise anywhere except my shoulder which was probably the first point of impact. Wear good gear it may save your life.

I'm waiting to hear whether the bike will be fixed or totaled, I should know soon.

I'm going in for surgery tomorrow for them to plate my clavicle which will hopefully speed up my recovery time.
ya cuz that force is dissipated with the pads, otherwise it is FULL force on your internal bodyparts and that = bad

good stuff.

bike is insured hopefully so no harm done, ull heal up good to hear ur ok tho cuz at over 60mph a lot can go really wrong. thank ur guardian angel ur fine cuz there seems to be a lot of things to hit in that picture....namely the trees.

R.I.P. poor blue fazer. Hopefully you can be resurrected.
Thanks for sharing so we can possibly learn from your unfortunate accident. Glad to know you're going to be OK in the end but very sorry to hear about this. Take care and keep us posted on your progress as well as the situation with insurance.

Heal fast and ride soon!
Yeah my gardian angel was working overtime, you know it's funny but for some reason I put on my heavier jacket and actually zipped it to my pants, something that I never do that morning. The only thing I'll change gear wise is that I'll go to full gauntlet gloves. I'm betting they total the bike but we'll see. If it is totaled it's going to be real hard to convince the wife that I need a new one....sucks I just bought it in May and already put over 4000 miles on I really love riding that thing.
It doesn't look all that bad considering. You didn't even snap a peg off. Any frame damage? Forks bent at all? Good luck man!!
It's hard to tell from the pics but the forks are badly bent as are the handel bars. Looking at it from the rear it looks like the frame may be bent or maybe just the seat assembly.
Ouch! Glad to hear it was only the collar bone, yeah I know the hurt like hell but you'll be okay in a few weeks. I'm glad you weren't hurt any worse. As they say, "Stuff happens."

Get well soon.
as everyone else has said glad your okay! as for the bike they make them everyday good luck on the wife issue.... can be hard but who knows. as long as she doesnt do this :spank: to you, you are good lol, to a fast recovery:thumbup:
Heal up soon man. Sorry about the machine, but at least its not you all messed up like that.

Thanks for the pics.
So sorry to hear the accident,,,,everytime i want to just get rid of my jacket and ride with a tshirt,,i remember these kinds of accidents and put my jacket back on...

it is really very hard to understand how useful they become at this freaking hot & humid weather when you have the full gear..

let us know if they total the bike or not,,,,good luck for the surgery and healing process...
Glad you are mostly OK...and thanks for sharing your experience with us.:(

Hope they total the bike, they are never the same once they have been wrecked. Good luck with the wife, I know I would have a lot of explaining to do...and my wife also has her own bike so she would kind of understand.

Good luck and speedy recovery.
Should have had the estimate today but still waiting to hear whether they fix her. I'm conflicted part of me hopes they fix her but the sensible part of me hopes they don't I really don't think she'll ever ride the same.
Thanks for posting. It is always good for others to learn from our misfortunes/mistakes. I'm glad you wore your gear - I am sure it made a huge difference. the one time we think we won't need the gear, we do. I also hope that your bike is totaled and that you can just get a new one. I didn't even ask my wife when I totalled my brand new bike - I went and looked around until I found another one. Good luck!