Yay America!!

There are certainly many heartwarming stories of the baddies being blown away with just cause. But I wonder if you lined up the stories of drunk people shooting each other; people shooting someone sneaking in their house when it turns out to be their kids breaking curfew; children playing with guns; people over-reacting to a situation; people misinterpreting a situation as a robbery that isn't; racial stereotypes coming into play; road rage; people intimidating others with innuendo about their guns; impulsive suicides; impulsive murders over domestic disputes; accidental discharge - which side would have more tally marks? It does not make me feel more safe thinking that everyone I see is carrying a gun - and I live only 10 miles from Oakland!
A perfect example of someone living with guns who is LESS than IMPRESSED with the reality of the "Right to bear ARMS"...Thankyou for your INPUT C V Rider....Here in Australia it is ILLEGAL to CARRY a firearm unless licenced to do so....E.G. Police, Security Guards etc and the rate of GUN RELATED crime is VERY LOW....and people can FEEL SAFER walking the streets any time of the day or night.....As I said, 150 years ago it may have been relevant but TODAY its MADNESS
See thats the problem. The rational that gun control would prevent kids from being killed with guns. If we could wave a magic wand and they would all disappear where would we be?

The physically larger and more violent man can take what ever he wants from who ever he wants.

I am going to assume that you are a very nice person and have only gotten into so many fights and such and the like because other people have something to prove.
Oddly enough I only wiegh 155 lbs. I am also very well mannered, easy to get along with, and not rude. However if a 230 lb man wants to cut me with a knife, or hit me with a bat or hurt my little one, or rape my wife or girlfriend, or rob my home, I will not hesitate to shoot him repeatedly.

Gun control doesnt work. Then the only people with guns are the criminals intent on rape, murder, theft, and rampage.

A 5'2" 100lb woman will have almost no possibility of defending themselves physiclly from a 240 lb 6'4" man intent on raping them. Twist it, cut it, paint it purple but its a fact. However if that lady has a gun she can defend herself.

I dont choose to be a victim.

On your case of the guns being taken to school and killing kids its not quite as presented.
Thier parents failed them. They should be held responsible. I and all of my friends were raised around guns. I have shot guns since around 12 years old. We all had guns, we all still have guns, and oddly enough none of us brought them to school, none of us shot each other.

I have never fired a gun in defense. I pray that I never have too.

When seconds matter the police are only minutes away.

I am so very glad that we have our second amendment rights in this country.

These people exist, hoping they will go away and do these things to someone else dosent work.

Tied-up Columbia student left to die used fire set by creep to free herself

The good news is I live where it is legal to defend yourself.
You just don't seem to get "IT"...If THEY didn't have guns YOU wouldn't NEED ONE would you?

So how exactly do you propose to get the criminals to stop commiting crimes with the illegal guns they already have?

It really doesnt matter though, in this country we have the right to keep firearms and use them legally. Those that use them illegally have almost never purchased them legally.

And I do disagree with your statement above. Yes I would need several guns. See above.
I'm NOT LOOKING to LAY BLAME on ANYONE....I'm saying your society has a PROBLEM with GUNS and who HAS them, Why they use them and the continued JUSTIFICATION of something that DEFIES LOGIC.....The cause perpetuates the need and continues to GROW OUT OF CONTROL.....Its NOT GOOD news you live where you have the RIGHT to defend yourself, IT's JUST BLOODY SAD you HAVE TO....
And just to clarify, I have had SO MANY FIGHTS, because I worked in security for MANY years dealing with drunken D**kheads who get full of Dutch courage and want to take on the WORLD
This is one hot topic, i too have been handling guns since i was 9 years old, but dont own one now and dont want to. Im sorrt to say every thing we hear here in aus, about gun related insidents in the states in mind boggling, and i have to stand by silverbacks side. I dont have to worry here if the guy i just upset somehow is about to shoot me. There was a thread on here that was about one of you getting cut off by a car and when you razzed them a gun was pulled by the car driver, that wont happen here. For years even our police could only have 357 revolvers, with full standard grips etc. I would like to hear from our english conterparts on this, i know the bobbies(police) there werent aloud to carry guns, i dont know aboput now, but their theory was if dont carry guns then every bad guy doesnt then feel the need to carry one aswell.
I've got a box of hammers out in the shed that would probably have more luck discussing this with.....STRICT gun laws WILL remove the ILLEGALLY held firearms off the street....An initial AMNESTY would remove some before these laws were put in place and over time the three strikes legislation would REMOVE the PEOPLE who Don't want to change....CARRYING FIREARMS IN PUBLIC is just TOO TEMPTING to SOME people who think POWER comes from BEHIND THE BARREL of a GUN....Confucious said....He who strikes the first blow, admits he has lost the argument.....
You just don't seem to get "IT"...If THEY didn't have guns YOU wouldn't NEED ONE would you?

well i see your point good man. and i raise you another...as a law abiding citizen i went through all the right channels so i can legally own and carry a gun in my home state of pa. now criminals on the other hand dont follow rules and will get guns or any weapon they want to use. should i just sit back and pray that when my right to carry a gun are taken away that criminals will say "well its not fair for me to be able to rob somebody anymore because they cant defend themselves". if you carry a gun to defend yourself, make it as large as possible so everyone can see it so they know not to mess with ya before they try anything. does that make sense? i want every criminal to know that if they mess with me, i have the right to mess back. and i will. somebody has to teach these scumbags a lesson and its not going to come from banning of firearms. when kids shoot eachother with their parents gun its not the kids fault, its not the guns fault, its the careless gunowners fault.
Hold on, how do we get rid of the guns and who should be allowed to have guns if we tried to get rid of the guns? The government still needs them, right? And no one can hunt anymore? Bah....sounds like too much government intervention for my taste. Not sure what the solution is...
Let me assure you, I'm not anti-gun as I have had them myself but I REALLY feel that carrying them around is the sticking point....I've hunted myself and think that there is a LOT of SKILL involved in handling them WELL....I can understand sport shooting, target shooting and Aussie's even can boast of Olympic shooters who have won GOLD regularly...In Australia, you have to use them at a gun club and keep them LOCKED UP SECURELY if not in use....CARRYING IS ILLEGAL and the penalties well understood
Hold on, how do we get rid of the guns and who should be allowed to have guns if we tried to get rid of the guns? The government still needs them, right? And no one can hunt anymore? Bah....sounds like too much government intervention for my taste. Not sure what the solution is...

well the solution could be more expensive guns and ammo. or more strict background checks? like chris rock said, make bullets $2000 a piece. people would be more selective when using them. how about schools teaching self defense ? then maybe kids who bring daddies gun to school to kill a bully would be able to just kick his ass instead. both of the guns i bought, i took home that day. no waiting period. make people wait 6 months or a year. maybe theyll change their minds. now if you want to rid the streets of illegal guns then we would have offer rewards for anyone who wants to turn 1 in. nothing else would work in that situation. i see your point about carrying in public but whats the point in having a gun unless its there when u need it. criminals stiil carry guns outside so until they dont, i will continue. nuff said....this topic is officially beat to a pulp....NIEDERMEYER OUT!!!
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I liked the $2000 dollar per bullet concept but it could INFLAME those looking to add to their Rep....Thats why an AMNESTY is a GOOD start, no questions are asked and a fee is payed for turning your "Piece" in.....As previously said, after that carrying becomes an offence with repeat offenders being checked until they become just another BITCH incarcerated under the threee strikes law....It WILL take time, but the LONGEST journey starts with the first step...I'm starting to get FAR too philosophical it would seem...As for you Neidermeyer, its easy to walk(Hop) away when you know you don't have any a leg to stand on....
I liked the $2000 dollar per bullet concept but it could INFLAME those looking to add to their Rep....Thats why an AMNESTY is a GOOD start, no questions are asked and a fee is payed for turning your "Piece" in.....As previously said, after that carrying becomes an offence with repeat offenders being checked until they become just another BITCH incarcerated under the threee strikes law....It WILL take time, but the LONGEST journey starts with the first step...I'm starting to get FAR too philosophical it would seem...As for you Neidermeyer, its easy to walk(Hop) away when you know you don't have any a leg to stand on....

u confuse me. here in the u.s. most fz6 owners would kill for a factory naked version, but we dont think less of you because you can puchase one and we cant. take away hand guns and people will just find another way to harm eachother.
Mate, I've had knife attacks, broken bottle attacks, bats, clubs and a LOVELY assortment of various implements THRUST at me and its not a problem coz they have to get close enough to use them...see where this is going.....Wake up to yourself

um...last i checked rocks, bottles and knives can be thrown.
Yes there will always be illegal guns but the idea is to get as many off the street as possible, and start making it damn hard to get your hands on one. The amount of illegal guns that were handed in was great and due to the government buying guns back alot of people were more than happy giving them up and making a profit.