Yay America!!

I love it. It's funny as hell. But it had better not be true. That CHL holder exceeded his authority. The moment he took the other person's property, he became the criminal.
Had guns been illegal would you care to explain how a 14 year old boy and his mother should of resisted this?

Oh wait, there is no way. He threatened to kill them repeatedly.

Sorry but the idea that everyone will play nice is STUPID WRONGHEADED POLYANNA BULLCRAP!!!!!!

The next time some GFW starts bleating about how a gun in the home is more likely to hurt a child, point them to this story, which, I have to admit, sent shivers up my spine as I read it:
Cmdr. Jesse Garcia confirmed during a news conference that police received a call from one of the residents of 4221 Ocean Drive at 12:55 p.m. and responded to a report of a man tying them up and holding them at knifepoint.
The man, only identified as a black man in his 30s or 40s, led the mother and son to the upstairs master bedroom, where he bound their hands with men’s ties and ransacked the house for valuables.
“He packed up her SUV in the garage with those items. He threatened to kill them repeatedly,” Houston said.
After the robber caught the woman trying to untie herself once, she was able to free herself and her son and find her husband’s pistol in a security box under the bed. She tried to shut double doors to the bedroom as the man tried to push them open and her son held the gun.
“She was using all her strength to push them,” Houston said, adding that the boy aimed at the man through a space in the door and fired one shot.
“He shot once and hit him in the head, killing him instantly,” Houston said. “He took a life-saving measure to save his mother and himself.”

Exit one goblin, and enter one brave 14-year-old boy.
[pause to let thunderous cheers and hoorahs die down]
Couple of things to note:
1.) The kid knew how to use the gun. Bravo to Mom for teaching him/allowing him to be taught.
2.) One shot, one kill. Gives me the warm and fuzzies, that does.
And of course, because this happened [clap clap clap clap] in Corpus Christi TX, Our Hero will just get a pat on the back and an attaboy from the police.
I love it. It's funny as hell. But it had better not be true. That CHL holder exceeded his authority. The moment he took the other person's property, he became the criminal.

You know Fred I was thinking the same thing. He would of been ok taking it and giving it to a homeless guy shoes and cash, but using the cellphone and the card was wrong. Its still funny as hell though.
Here is a great one.

Complete with comments in the news from two Austrailians on the scene.

Apparently some scumbag was walking around beating up people at random in the Seattle area. Then he started beating up one particular man, whereupon the beatee pulled a gun and shot Mr. Badass dead. Here’s the whole story, but it went down pretty much as per the summary.

But here’s the best part of the story.
The shooter was arrested, but detectives determined they did not have probable cause to book him into the King County Jail and released him.
Yup; even though this all happened in Seattle (aka. California North), Our Hero is not going to be charged, because he shouldn’t be.

Frightened furriner alert:
The shooting stunned Jim and Edith Welsh, tourists from Australia who’d just left the Nordstrom store across the street when police arrived. Peering across the police tape draped across Pine Street, Welsh hugged his wife. “I think we’re going back to our hotel right now,” he said.
What for? The party’s over, you big wussy.
One of our long-term critters -- part-time dope dealer, occasional thug and full-time poster child for retroactive abortions -- has now become an object lesson.

Apparently, Mr. Critter developed a decidedly one-sided romantic fixation upon the teacher of one of his legion of off-spring. The object of his affections, not appreciating what a singular honour becoming Critter's Baby's Mama # 134 would be, nor desiring such, turned him down.

Mr. Critter seems to have missed the subtle hint contained in the phrase, "Stay the hell away from me!", because early on the morning in question Mr. Critter decided to pay a visit to the home of said Object Of His Affections.

Finding no one home after repeatedly hammering on the door and screaming, Mr. Critter departed the premises, only to return shortly.

As he began to resume his obnoxious activities, the neighbor of the schoolteacher, a middle-aged gentleman whose wife occasionally babysits the infant daughter of the schoolteacher, walked next door to inform Mr. Critter that the schoolteacher was out of town on vacation and to kindly desist from raising Cain on her front porch.

Mr. Critter promptly whipped a large silver-coloured revolver from his waistband, struck the man across the face with the barrel, knocking the neighbor back and down to one knee. Mr. Critter then proceeded to advance on the neighbor, pointing the gun at him him and loudly screaming: "You want a piece of me, mother****er?! Huh?! You want a piece of me?! I'll **** you up, you ho-ass mother****er! You want a piece of me?!"

Down on one knee and unable to retreat, the CHL-equipped neighbor skinned his Glock 23 and neatly whomped two .40-calibre slugs through Mr. Critter's brisket. (The detective taking the statement said, "I guess that'd be a 'Yes...'")

Mr. Critter had the good manners to drop the unloaded Daisy BB pistol with which he had armed himself and expired.

The officers handed the neighbor a receipt for his Glock and told him to come down to the station and pick it up when the Grand Jury was done.

I love Texas.

Ladies and gentlemen, while the first rule of gunfights is to have a gun, there are two corollaries to that rule:
a) It should be loaded; and

b) BB guns don't count.
here is one from Austraila. Of course she was charged with murder. When defending yourself, or loved ones from attack by those that would do you harm is called murder someone has twisted the defintion of murder just all out of wack.

Longtime Readers will no doubt remember that some time ago, a security guard was robbed of the money she was carrying to the bank—said scumbag robber beating her savagely about the head with knuckledusters.
Whereupon she did what any self-respecting person would do under the circumstances: she shot him in the face and made him come over all dead.
[pause to let thunderous cheers die down]
Of course, because all this happened in Australia, she was charged with murder.
[pause to let chorus of boos die down]
But the good news is that she’s been found innocent of all charges.
[pause to let thunderous cheers die down]
Apparently, the jury deliberated for four hours. Maybe they odered lunch, and the pizza didn’t get there for a while, because I would have deliberated for all of four minutes (including a 3�-minute nap) before acquitting her.
And now it’s Happy Dance Time.
I guess this is on topic. I just got this email from GunsAmerica.com

Hi Everyone,

England banned all legal ownership of handguns many years ago with very little resistance from its people. It was thought to be a good measure to bring down gun crime. The result has been double digit increases in gun crime every year since the ban. Since then the country has taken away many more freedoms, to hunt, to defend oneself from harm, and finally its citizens are speaking up.

This is partly true, the gun owners including my father did protest within the letter of the law and wrote letters to their government Representatives. The government representatives were not able to present their case. The law was passed on the back of public feeling after the Dunblain massacre.

There has been a doubling of gun crime since the law was passed. This gun crime was of course caused by criminals who do not posses a FAC (fire arms certificate). The explosion of gun crime is also linked to drug related activity and the abuse of a gun law loop hole.
At this time it was still possible to purchase .22 air pistols that fired the pellet from a gas charged cartridge (Bro****). With some creative machining it was possible to bore out these weapons enabling them to take a full bore cartridge. The criminal market was flooded with these guns. Of course the Bro**** pistols were banned but the damage was done. I believe that about 80 - 90% of our gun killings in the last few years have been due to these illegal fire arms.

Yes the UK has banned hunting, we have always been allowed to defend ourselves from harm. The term we use is " Reasonable force".

AURORA (CO) - Police say a homeowner shot an intruder Tuesday morning after he attempted to enter his home.
Aurora Police Detective Bob Friel said the intruder pushed an air conditioner out of the window and was trying to enter the home in the 1700 block of North Fulton Street when the homeowner fired a 12-gauge shotgun.
The intruder died en route to a hospital after the homeowner called 911, Friel said.
Neither the intruder nor the homeowner’s name was immediately released by police. However, records indicate the homeowner is a man named Lawrence Kintz, who is listed as a staff member on the Rangeview High School website.
Friel said it will be up to Arapahoe County prosecutors to decide whether the shooting falls under Colorado’s “make my day” law, which allows residents to use deadly force when they have reason to believe an intruder might harm any occupant of the home.
“This was obviously a brazen crime to try to make entry during the day,” Friel said. “Possibly the intruder thought that the occupants of the home were gone, maybe at work, perhaps.”

He said the home had been broken into previously.

And that last sentence, my friends, is the key to the whole thing.
I don’t know how many of you have been victims of a robbery—most, I expect—but for the lucky ones who are unfamiliar with the situation, there is an overwhelming feeling that you’ve been violated: that someone has come into your home and violated your privacy, your possessions, and your self.
As far as I’m concerned, if the homeowner is prosecuted, the DA needs to get a swift kick in the nuts, because Our Hero was clearly justified in whacking this goblin. For all we know, this goblin was the same one who broke into the house earlier.
And here’s where I get serious.
What we know about burglary is that in most cases, it’s a “gateway” crime. As a criminal gets better and better at it, after a while he starts to look on his potential takings as his possessions ante facto—and in other words, if you try to stop him from taking what (in his mind) is rightfully his, he’ll respond with violence.
This is why, incidentally, burglars become more and more brazen, and their crimes become progressively more serious. Rape or molestation is the next step, and the progression is almost universal. Very few burglars stick to just stealing property, in other words.
There’s no word that this particular choirboy was a career criminal, of course, but I think we can safely say that whatever his rank in the criminal hierarchy, it’s his final one, thanks to Our Hero and his trusty 12-gauge.
And now you can all cheer and applaud.
I'm with Wrightme on this one. I'm a gun owner, CCP holder, trained and responsible. I carry a gun every day. I've had to use one in the defense of my self and my family when a heroin addict tried to invade our home one early morning last year. It probably saved our lives, so be careful when you make such strong statements about removing my right to protect myself and my family for your own piece of mind. The thing is, it's my right to carry it. It is not open for debate. The US Supreme Court has ruled that excessive gun control laws are unconstitutional, the DC gun laws have been over turned. It is certainly not up to foreigners to decide whether or not Americans can protect themselves in our own country. You may disagree, and that's fine, just DONT get SO excited ABOUT it and START capitalizing WORDS like a CRAZY person. :thumbup:
You know Fred I was thinking the same thing. He would of been ok taking it and giving it to a homeless guy shoes and cash, but using the cellphone and the card was wrong. Its still funny as hell though.

Not even then.

You CANNOT rob somebody, even if they tried to rob you first.

Pointing a gun at somebody, by Texas law at least, is classified as a lethal threat. The only time that you are justified in doing so is in response to another lethal threat or lethal force.

There's very specific rules on what you can and cannot do to somebody who attacks you.

You cannot rob them. You cannot detain them. You can tell them to back off and leave you be. You can shoot them if they refuse. You do not have to warn them before you shoot them, and in fact, the classes discourage it. As they say, "Don't draw your weapon until you're prepared to use it, and once you're prepared to use it, don't hesitate." Hesitation just gives the criminal a chance to escalate the situation.
Here is another horrible horrible story from AUSTRAILA.

Had this young lady had the right to self defense, and been in possesion of a loaded handgun, and practiced its use this would of just been a story of a dead goblin. Instead due to your restrictive gun laws here is the result.

Yes I believe each one of you is personally responsible for this young ladies lack of a ability to defend herself. Is that mean or rude? Maybe.

At least here when it happens it is due the the choice not to defend yourself not the lack of ability to do so by the government.

Gunpowder rapist Mark James Dennis jailed for 18 years | National News | News.com.au

18 years of food, shelter, tv, heat, cooling, clothing, and repeated attempts to get parole or pardon.

The idea that if all the guns are gone violence will stop is just flat plain stupid. It is so stupid it disgusts me.
Oh, here's one thing for Silverback to consider.

Well, two things for Silverback to consider.

1. Guns don't kill people. People who can't chill out with the Caps Lock key kill people.

2. In your country, the police are authorized to carry firearms and prevent crime. They are trained in proper techniques and rules in order to ensure that they can handle the responsibility. In my country, the citizens are authorized to own firearms. Those who choose to can elect to be trained, by government approved instructors, in a government improved course, in the proper techniques and rules in order to ensure that they can handle the responsibility.

To recap:
Police officer: Government sanctioned crime fighter.
U.S. Citizen with a CCW license: Government sanctioned crime fighter.

You choose to leave your safety up to the police.
I choose to become the police.
I know Fred but damn its funny. He should of just shot him dead and not said a word. That would of been a much better outcome. But its still dang funny. I dont see a jury charging him with the shoes and cell phone the wallet he should be charged with theft. It should of been reported to the sherriff and allow them to determine if a ambulance or coroner is needed instead.
Jumping in late, not staying long because it is a futile arguement between very polarized parties.

I am an American more so than most (Native American ancestors). I own guns ans I enjoy shooting them. It takes a great deal of skill to place accurate and consistant shots at distance. I enjoy the mechanical aspects of various types of guns. I also hold a CHL but do not carry on a regular basis.

I support legal gun ownership and believe you only disarm law abiding citzens and give criminals the upper hand with gun laws. My state has tried the "amnesty" bullsh!t and it did not work. They even offered $$$ for guns that were surrendered. Guess what happened. People were robbed as they left with their cash.

We don't need the wild west days again just as law abiding citizens should not be the only ones who are unarmed. I have pulled a gun to defend myself and thank god I didn't have to pull the trigger. Some @sswipe tried to carjack me while at a traffic light in downtown Indianapolis. A .357 magnum shoved under his chin changed his mind. He decided to go for a run instead.

The fact is, in the USA, every locality that has imposed strict gun laws has only seen crime increase.
. My state has tried the "amnesty" bullsh!t and it did not work. They even offered $$$ for guns that were surrendered. Guess what happened. People were robbed as they left with their cash.

The fact is, in the USA, every locality that has imposed strict gun laws has only seen crime increase.

The recent audit on the effectiveness of our (UK) "Knife Amnesty" has also shown that unfortunately it has had no impact on knife crime.


[edit]This is becoming a pointless thread, unless all of the facts are examined. Comparing Australia with the USA or anywhere else is like comparing apples and pears, they are similar but not the same. Each country operates on different belief and social systems. If this thread has demonstrated anything it is that.
A part of me does agree, that if you live in such a fractured society where you risk being attacked in your own home. Then you need to defend yourself. If feel sad that any society has reached the point where the only option is crime and potential death at the end of a gun.
I am grateful that I live in a society where I don't need to make the conscious decision to take another life.
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But Dang it Nelly you do. You do live in a society where you may have to take anothers life to defend yours or your wife or your children.
You very very much do.

If I remember right it was your house that was broken into and robbed while you were all asleep. Had that person decided to harm your wife, or your children you are not legally able the means to defend yourself.

I promise I can find report after report in your country where women are raped and murdered, pensioners are beaten, robbed and even killed without the right to defend themselves.

Promise man.

There are areas of your country where the police do not respond for 15 minutes to days later. They can only mop up, take down the names and go oh well.

Its the same here.
We have a requirement to defend ourselves and our property. Each one is allowed to choose the path of it can never happen to me, or to take their own safety seriously.

I can not imagine living somewhere that self defense is illegal and criminals know it.
So Steve, I take it you are over the flu? ;)

Nope I am still dripping snot out of my nose, dizzy, fever, hell of a cough, sneezing, and muscle ache, I just take this very seriously. Just absolutley can not wrap my brain around the concept that I should not be allowed to defend my property, life, and those that I love. It just goes against everything I believe in.
Unfortunately the guns are already there. I understand that in order to get rid of them someone has to be first, but these will inevitably be the honest folk. This serves to keep the people who are most likely to use them in a threatening manner armed while disarming the honest folk.

If no one was armed then no one would need to be armed.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people, but guns also don't choose their owners very discerningly either.

I get it. From both sides I get the arguments. I really do.

I don't have a solution to offer.

IF we could make the existing guns go away I'd be full on for no guns, but I think that is unrealistic to expect in a society with so many guns, and so many people willing to use them to take what is not theirs.

Here it was probably not as big a problem so it's worth the risk that it'll get worse before it gets better 'cause it's not going to get that bad.

In the States it would be horrifying I'm guessing.
