
How often do you use your horn?

  • Consistently

    Votes: 23 11.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 57 28.6%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 93 46.7%
  • Never

    Votes: 26 13.1%

  • Total voters
I used to think horn use was rude, but after seeing its use in other countries (including trucks that declare "Honk!" on the back) I now use it fairly regularly. I have deliberately not replaced it with a Nautilus because I want to use the "beep!" as a friendly reminder, not scare the heck out of someone and make them look for a freight train bearing down on them, when I want them to look for a small vehicle saying "hi!"

Well thats cool and all but noone is going to hear that stock bicycle horn on a highway at 75mph. Some guy was slowly coming into my lane the other day on the highway, 2 quick blasts of the stebel made him aware i was there and he drifted back into his lane and gave me the proverbial "my bad" wave.

Just that incident alone was worth the money and hours i put into it.
I'd love a bigger horn on my N, but can't see a discreet place to mount it :(

I was considering a Stebel Nautilus, but have the same problem. They look ugly on a naked.

The horn and the compressor on the Stebel will separate ,you can hide the comp easy and just have the horn part showing :thumbup:
The horn and the compressor on the Stebel will separate ,you can hide the comp easy and just have the horn part showing :thumbup:

its really not noticeable to me and other people where i put it as you can see in this picture. I split it up and mounted ther compressor to the existing horn bracket which worked out great. nice thing is its facing in the direction i want it to blow as well.

I use the horn whilst filtering through traffic if I spot a car that looks like it might be changing lanes and hasn't spotted me. It always makes me laugh when they honk back. Funny how people interpret the horn as aggression rather than its intended purpose of making yourself known to other drivers.
I just found a new use for my horn yesterday. We get our delivery truck at 5am at work and the last time they got there early they took a nap waiting on me and my boss to show up. My boss woke the drivers up by knocking on the door and the older guy got pissed so now I just blast the stebel when I pull up. There windows are always down so they're up.
I have a Stebel and it has saved my butt here in Vegas A LOT!

The trick about the horn, you must have the ability to use it before the hazard that you have identified develops to a point in which a corrective measure must be taken.

As others have mentioned, you can't rely on your horn all the time, but with a Stebel, you can rely on it a heck more than the stock.

I have noticed that my needs to use the horn has decreased signifcantly since the installation of my Headlight Modulator.
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I got a thirty pound fine some years back for using a horn in a built up area.
I was being followed by a Police car,when I spotted a mate at a bus stop.Aware of the fact that If I took my my hand off the bars to wave,I'd probably get done for not being in control,I blipped the horn.Next thing,on came the Blues and Two's and the Copper came out with this BS.

Pleaded guilty in court with the mitigating circumstances and it cut no ice at all :rolleyes:
I have a Stebel and it has saved my butt here in Vegas A LOT!

The trick about the horn, you must have the ability to use it before the hazard that you have identified develops to a point in which a corrective measure must be taken.

As others have mentioned, you can't rely on your horn all the time, but with a Stebel, you can rely on it a heck more than the stock.

I have noticed that my needs to use the horn has decreased signifcantly since the installation of my Headlight Modulator.

It's also a way to let people know that "KENNY HAS ARRIVED"! ;)
I use it, but I prefer to call pricks in traffic a name that rhymes with Rex Hunt......

That's one of my favorite words. :D

On all horns, there should be a safety, just like on guns. (Okay, I'm ready)

I agree with the horn part. The gun part... not so much. :D

I use my horn on occasion, but mostly when I pass someone and give it a little "beep-beep" to say "thanks!!" I don't commute too much on the bike so I don't find myself needing to hit it very often. However, there have been a handful of times that I needed it to alert some bluehair that was carelessly backing out of her drive.
It always makes me laugh when they honk back. Funny how people interpret the horn as aggression rather than its intended purpose of making yourself known to other drivers.

Yep, that's how people are here too. A horn is used for 3 things here :

1. Let the family/friends know your're outside with the car idling, so that they can scramble out before your honking pisses off everyone in the neighbor hood.

2. Some form of teenage communication medium that I have yet to decipher.

3. To show aggression. If you honk at somebody asleep at a light for example, they get all pissed of at at YOU. Like it's my fault you're asleep?!

I think all these brain dead drivers around here don't like it, because it scares them. They get jolted out of their partial-sleep state, and they don't like it. LOL

I usually don't use my horn all that much at all. Usually I'm too busy maneuvering around the obstacle to honk. I'd prefer to take action myself than honk and hope they wake up in time. lol I use it more for waking up people at lights.
I have found that the only times I use my horn is to wake up the people that are not looking as the two lanes become one...and of course I am the jerk for honking :confused: and not them for trying to kill me. haha
I have never seen Korea's riding/driving etiquette, here on NYC, taxis drive like 7 year old, blind and stoned little hippie kids. Every time you see an accident ahead, you can bet money you don't have that a taxi is involved.
I find myself using the horn often.
take a look on AUDMZR's bike, I guess he got tired of being ignored on the road.
I never use my horn. I am also one of those rare people who would rather have the stock horn than the large sounding louder one. I know when I hear a deeper louder horn I look for a larger vehicle, not a smaller one.