What do you look like?

Not got many pictures of me, I'm normally other side of the glass.
The missus did get this one of me:

Found this one, having just totally killed my bike:

Performing at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. Anything closer and I don't look so good! :eek: :p
the violin rocks!!! I've kinda played guitar on and off for around 15 years but I still suck at it.
I'm primarily a keyboard player now, but folks go so crazy hearing "Orange Blossom" or "Devil Went Down to Georgia" that I haven't been able to get away from it entirely.
Playing the Olympics was one of those "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunities, glad I got to do it! :rockon:
thats cool as hell!!!! the devil went down to georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal... that tunekicks much donkey!!!
It's called a fat jack dolly by K and L supply: K&L SUPPLY

It is rated for 600 pounds. It is pretty easy to use, just slide it under the center stand and pop it up. You have to keep one foot on the center stand when you are going forward or the stand will come down. You still have to stear the front a bit, but I can get into a pretty tight spot, on the side of my car in a two car garage. It was about $100 and I got it from my local motorcycle shop. (I kept asking around for a center stand dolly at a few shops and they looked at me like I was crazy, until I went to the right shop. They looked ordered it right up for me.

Thanks for the scope complement. It comes apart so that I can fit it in my car and drive to a dark site. There's nothing like seeing thousands or millions of years in the past. There's a lot of neat stuff up there.

That's a neat violin. I used to play, but I wasn't very good. I'm taking guitar lessons now. About the most I can say is that I'm on page 35 in the beginners book. I think that translates to: I'm not very good!
Bloody files are too big as attachments !!!

Anyhow ... I've had to put em in my gallery first .... surely there's an easier way !!

Here goes .......



I'm not the shortest of the three !!
Oh well, you asked for this. Sorry about all the nightmares these may cause.

Hey that top picture was shot on my birthday. LOL

Well Bren of course you win the what do you look like thread.:wav: