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  • Thanks for the rep Daniel...I have to spread some around before I can give it back lol
    Thankyou,Humperdinkle I'm waitin on the wife to get home from school,and it's off to my local bar to shoot pool and sing some karaoke (that is after I've had my daily dose of Dr.Jack Daneils magic singing elixer!)LOL
    I have'nt seen a F-111 pic since my dad retired from the Air Force. his favorite! he worked on many of them.

    thanks for the rep
    Hey man, thanks for the Rep!! Much appreciated! The EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) AirVenture is a sight to see. My city goes from 60,000 people to over a million the week the air show goes on. Planes are everywhere!
    Dr.Daneils has helped me become the collection of scars and war stories I am today.i'm glad you got my sense of humor Humperdinkle. ROCK ON!!!
    Thanks for the rep. I look forward to the 10000k review. I fully intend on getting the Shinko Advance 005 in the next couple of weeks thanks to your review of the tires. Thanks again
    Thanks mate for the rep, glad that I could bring some laughter. Sometimes, people post things that I just can't help myself but to respond in some comical fashion.
    Unfortunately, our chat nights are your next day at noon chats. Unless you can call for rain every Wednesday...
    It was a great chat! I completely enjoyed meeting you! Keep in contact, even if you can't get to chat night!
    Top secret? Mate I'll see if I can find you some more. One of the funniest movies ever made In My Opinion.:D
    Thanks for the rep mate :thumbup:
    Had a couple of high stress days lately ,think I need a big drinky :D
    Thanks for your welcome. I was born in Birmingham. Lived in Quinton. Came to Oz in 1957 aged 17. Took 30 years before became naturalised. I'm a fair dim cum Aussie now. Even follow them in the cricket against the Poms, but it took 30 years.
    All the best, Mal
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