1 thing you can't live without in your garage

The barn where the bikes are is heated and air conditioned, the ceiling is white Marlite, the lower portion of the walls are 5/8 green board (dry wall) and the uppers are white peg board. The entire barn is insulated with R13 and the floor will be black carpet with 3/8 pad. The sound system is a JVC car audio head unit with 4 Sony power amps, 2 10" Fosgate drivers, 8 Onkyo mids and bullets. The finish work should be done this summer.

So, what is the one thing I couldn't do without? The key to get in..........
Just wondering if you guys have something in your garage that you couldn't live without. Parts washer, tire stand, air compressor, etc...
Spare case of beer, secret stash of 20 year-old malt.
I definatelty couldn't go without my FZ6. Oh yeah, all of my odd socks............
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I wish i had air conditioning, i was out there the last two days replacing a piston on my riding mower and couldnt see from all the sweat in my eyes. Im sure it doesnt help that it has been around 96 degrees and humid.
comfy chair
beer fridge
xbox (with gta iv to which I am currently addicted)
calender with rude photo's

i.e. a home from home for when i get ME time:thumbup:

The garage spot that we have at the condo is just for parking, no electricity down there, so it is basically useless for working in other than just with hand tools.

Can't wait to move and get a real house!!!
A nice little green plant, because it'll give me company on the job.

A plant in the garage Elm??? No way Jose.... That thing could draw bugs and such and we all know them bugs gots to take a dump someplace, which as it turns out is my paint as opposed to going in the plant...he,he,he....