10,000 RPM's: The Final Frontier


Senior FZ6 Advisor
Aug 1, 2008
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!0,000 RPM’s-The Final Frontier

Mr. Fizz is an accommodating type. Sure, he’s a rascal if he wants to be, but he lives to please. It’s a rare rider that walks away feeling either cheated or over-matched. He’ll howl at the moon or purr like a kitten. It’s your choice and depending on what kind of rider he pairs with, his other side may stay dormant indefinitely. There are the “kids” as I call them, the 18, 19, or twenty-somethings, who wring out every gear. Maybe they know what they’re doing. Maybe they don’t. Older riders with plenty of experience know 10,00 rpms like the back of their hands. And there are the older folks who ride him much like a scooter. Then there are those like myself who know what Mr. Fizz can do and must test this now and again. What happens at 8000 RPM’s? 10,000? 12,000? What does twice the horsepower of a Silver Wing feel like?

Up till recently I did not want to know the answer to those questions. It’s not that I wasn’t curious. I did try a number of times. I don’t know if I can explain it to you. I’d run the gear and watch the RPM’s climb but there were two phenomena that made me back off. First was his roar. That noise is loud and menacing. It is in sharp contradistinction to his normally scooter like hum. You are at once calling attention to yourself from anyone within 50 yards. I cannot tell you it is unpleasant. It shrieks strength and dominance, even if its rider has neither of these characteristics. I liken it to a turbine engine, which has no business attached to such a small machine.

The second is what some have termed a turbojet. Others say it feels like the second two cylinders just kicked in. What happens is that the Fizz suddenly escalates his acceleration. There appears to be a precise moment when acceleration goes from fast to ridiculously fast. For you Spaceballs fans it feels like “ludicrous speed.” It’s not as if you are in danger of falling off, unless this is your first motorized bike ever and you just twist the throttle all the way back. I was cured of this when I raced the choppers. The Silver Wing nearly left without me. No, once you experience the power of 600 cc’s this is one mistake you won’t make again. What I am afraid of is that this acceleration is, in and of itself, dangerous. Spending less and less time touching the tarmac the rubber points of contact seem to float you off the ground. This is at once exhilarating and scary. But there is something else, something much scarier than this.

I remember the old muscle cars. My friends had them. A Corvette engine in this or that. A big block V-8 with a turbocharger. I remember them shifting and I remember being thrown back into my seat so that for an instant, a long instant, I could not lean forward. Talking stopped immediately, and everyone looked forward. The engine was on stage, front and center, and nobody interrupted its performance. Multiply this feeling times 3 or four and you begin to understand. You are not in a cage. The wind despises you for trying to slice through it so quick and the bike’s HP to weight ratio mocks your prior experiences. Your mouth goes dry, you suddenly have tunnel vision. You see nothing to either side of you, only forward, and all you think about is letting go of the throttle; not what you had for breakfast, though perhaps you should for that is in danger of leaving you, one way or the other; not which road you’d like to try next, nor how many miles to the gallon you're getting today. You do not even FEEL the rest of your body; only what is needed, your right hand, your eyes, eventually your left foot.

If you can ”stay the course” as the Fizz takes control of your universe I assure you that this will be the ride of your life. When you finally shift, the turbo feeling strikes again, as a bigger gear takes over, already in its power zone, and runs the chain around that much faster. The Fizz has a very narrow friction zone, more so than many bikes. While I am able to learn that zone changing from car to car in a matter of minutes, it has taken me the better part of these past 7 months to master it on the Fizz. I can now, as a friend recommended, start on a steep hill rolling off the right handlebar brake to the throttle without using the foot brake. This is the best test to see if you really know your vehicles friction zone. That is when I began my 0-60 runs. Maybe it was 0-80. I don’t know what my times are. I don’t really care. They say the Fizz can do it in 3 seconds, 3.4 on the outside. A liter bike can do it in two and a half or so. I know my first half-second is still not where I want to be. I was faster on my Silver Wing there. But that’s where the race ends and it ends abruptly. My friend Rollie had predicted: “When you get your sea legs on that thing you’ll leave me like a bad penny.”

I cannot imagine what it is like to run at these RPM’s through turns. Any twitch of your throttle hand instantly thrusts you forward or back. The hundred tiny adjustments we all make for varying turns at varying speed make this challenge beyond my reach. I don’t think I’ll try it on a road or a track. It’s too late in my life for that. I don’t want to intentionally elevate my risk of killing myself. And I’ve become quite fond of Mr. Fizz as well.
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write much? lol...you did a really good job of describing high rpms in a poetic way. hopefully someday I will be able to feel what you have felt. It seems like a great feeling
That was a fun read, thanks for sharing that.

I don't ride at 10k much either, mostly just zip up there for occasional fun. Why not? The noise is part of it for me too if I'm in a residential area, but more of a problem is that I quickly run out of legal speed headroom to accelerate into! 10k rpm in just second gear is 66 mph, already over the legal limit most anywhere near me. 10k in third is 82.

I'll leave 10k in any other gears to the younger crowd. :D
*hangs head in shame*

first and second gear see the redline, and occasionally pass it, quite a bit

I love the feeling when the bike hits its second power band! And this band puts the first to shame. Your absolutely correct, the first time i got up there i thought the bike was going to shoot out from under me. Now I know whats coming and a big ole grin comes on.
I am looking forward to experiencing this sensation, I only have 250 mile on her so far so it will be another 500 or so before I am ready to run it up to 10+. I have been keeping her at 8 or less right now and she still has plenty of power. It so cool that a have basically another bike hiding beneath waiting for me to be ready. 70 degrees tomorrow so hoping to add another 150+ to her, maybe go to Fast Eddies in Alton Ill. or head south to St. Gen Missouri and take the ferry to Ill. I think we will have the FZ6 a GSXR a TL1000S and a harley something or other maybe even two something or others in our group. There is so much freedom on motorcycles I don't think non riders understand, it like a poor mans airplane the freedom to go almost anywhere. Funny how the roads you hate to drive on with the family mobile is the one you look for when you hop on the freedom machine.:thumbup:

Thanks for the writeup Norm!
write much? lol...you did a really good job of describing high rpms in a poetic way. hopefully someday I will be able to feel what you have felt. It seems like a great feeling

Not to hijack my own thread but my best friend lives in Yonkers (Virginia Place, off Nepperhan Road). (I grew up in NY).
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Nice writeup. I'm too much of a shickenchit to visit those lofty rpms much. Maybe once or twice in the last couple thousand miles. I bought it because it was comfortable, had a real instrument cluster, and a good sized gas tank. The fact that it can also do duty as a ICBM is this dark mysterious place that is tempting but who knows if I'll ever get there.
I'm on the tail end of my break in period. I have 150 miles to go. Up to this point I think the highest I've taken it is 9k RPM. Even if it wasn't for the break in period, I still don't know how much longer I could stay on the throttle passed the 9k mark.

My last toy was a low 13 second AWD Turbo Laser. It had some low rpm hesitation issues that caused it to go from no boost to full boost in an instant. Even that thing didn't come close to scaring me like the FZ6 power does. I can't imagine doing it on a liter bike that actually has some torque. I don't imagine my FZ6 will be seeing redline anytime in the near future.
I enjoyed your post, Norm :) I have gotten to where I love to hear the sing of the higher R's. Empty entrance ramps to the interstate with light traffic just call to me. Then I find myself having to check up to mesh with traffic, and shifting 3 or 4 times to get to 6th. :D

I just put the baffles back in my TB's, as there is a bit of a blitz on noisy bike exhausts round my parts....takes a bit of the fun out of "playing tunes" up top in the rev range!!!

Very well written. One of the reasons why I was drawn to the FZ6 in the beginning was because of the high reving I-4. I like revs. Lots of it. The FZ6 makes so much power that it only requires 2 shifts to break the speed limit, which is great and everything, but when accelerating hard, I usually only get to see the red line maybe twice. I wish they made a FZ4 with the smaller version of the R6's motor. I would red line that thing all day :)
Stock exhaust and an aversion to suburban roads means i get to spend loads of time getting to know Mr. Hyde:cheer:...lol.

At ten grand through a corner instead of eight in a higher gear you use less brake upon entry as the engine does it for you and you're in that "I'm going to rip your arms outta their sockets":rockon::rockon: portion of the fuel map.

No tunnel vision though. No real fear anymore. Just pure exhilaration. When the front wheel lifts I lean forward to get it as close to the ground as possible....max acceleration:rockon:.

When you come out of a corner, you upshift a couple gears to drop the revs and Dr. Jekyll rides safely past the disappointed cop with the radar:innocent:....lol....still looking hopefully behind you for the Mr. Hyde he knows he heard:don'tknow:.

I love riding my bike...lol.:D

Nice post.

Nice post Norm, I wasn't sure if it was another one of your draems:thumbup:
I don't really look at the tack/speedo too much when I'm looking for Mr Hyde, but the first time I saw the horizon dropping without trying to, it was in the 10k-11k area, what a stupid looking grin must have been on my face.;)
Sweet write up Norm, if anybody is lurking out there because they might by an FZ, this should convince them to make the move!

I'm with paulinus in how I get an occasional dose of the good stuff. The freeway entrance ramp that I take on the way to work is long, isolated and slightly uphill. I wind to the red line (more like hit the rev limiter) in first & second about once a week. People at work probably think momma was nice to me that morning but they'll never know the real reason for the smile :Flash:
I've got a nice pair of headphones I tore up and put in my helmet. They hardly get used if I'm out riding for fun though... I prefer my own personal 4 cylinder symphony.
Nice writeup Norm:thumbup:

The bike scared the hell out of me the first time I took it up to the rev limiter. But now, I do it many times each day. What Ozzieboy said, in other words.

I touch 200+ probably twice a day, and that's in fourth gear... I'm guessing I will end up in jail in the near future:eek: I just love my bike:rockon:
Nice writeup Norm:thumbup:

The bike scared the hell out of me the first time I took it up to the rev limiter. But now, I do it many times each day. What Ozzieboy said, in other words.

I touch 200+ probably twice a day, and that's in fourth gear... I'm guessing I will end up in jail in the near future:eek: I just love my bike:rockon:

Sounds like both you & Ozzieboy need to get to the track to feed that addiction to going hard! It's a bugger, and has taken me a long time to do it...but it's a lot more fun, not worrying about Mr Plod!

Be careful boys...:rockon:
Great read I am almost broke in did 200 miles today and looks like sun tomorrow looking forward to the RPM’s. Just reading that made me smile.