Brand New Rider from Maryland!


The Unpretentious Novice
Apr 7, 2014
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Hello, all. I just bought my 2012 Yamaha FZ6R two days ago. Not only is it my first FZ6R, it is my first bike.. ever. :3

I'm a brand new rider from Maryland. In fact, I don't even have my endorsement yet, but I will be getting that next month after taking the BRC. I can feel the excitement brewing.

Just wanted to say hi and see if there are any other bikers near my area for some small chat and advice for a beginner.

Hope to hear from some of you soon! Cheers!
Welcome. Great first bike you have.

I highly recommend the BRC. It covers some very important information and they'll give you great tips.

Don't forget to gear up!

I bought the bike first because I have a couple friends from work who are willing to spend some time with me on the bike to show me the basics before heading into the BRC. Of course, it's raining today and currently 39 degrees.. :( But it'll be mid 60's tomorrow and partly sunny. It is Maryland after all, what was I expecting? Haha.

And yes, gear is very important for me. Been trying on sizes at the dealers around here and then checking online for a better price. Bare minimum, I'm thinking, is Helmet, gloves and jacket? I'm thinking boots, as well. Any sites you guys like in particular?

Thanks for the welcome and I will post a pic as soon as my laziness subsides. This rain makes me want to nap already. Oof.
Welcome welcome!

I bought my last piece of gear from Revzilla. Good stuff and great customer support and a lot of video reviews of the stuff they sell.
Welcome to the amazing life of motorcycle riding! Glad to have you aboard.

+1 on Revzilla for gear. They're also super-dooper at price matching. If you can find the same item somewhere else for less, give 'em a call and they'll match it without issue. Their review videos are second to none.

Also check out the FZ6R forum. Not that you aren't welcome here, of course, but you'll find more specific information over there:

FZ6R Forum Community
Thanks for the advice. I've been looking at Revzilla so it's nice to hear from others I'm on the right track.

I actually tried to sign up to, but for some reason, after accepting the terms, the screen goes blank. I've tried on a couple of different computers and I get the same issue. Bugger.
Thanks for the advice. I've been looking at Revzilla so it's nice to hear from others I'm on the right track.

I actually tried to sign up to, but for some reason, after accepting the terms, the screen goes blank. I've tried on a couple of different computers and I get the same issue. Bugger.

Ahhh, gotcha. I just tried to register there as well, same deal for me. They just ported their site over to the new domain (long story that I don't know a whole lot about, Yamaha cracked down on forums using their trademarked names FZ6, FZ6R, etc.) So obviously they're still having some issues from the transfer. Kudos to our Admin and team for making it pretty painless for us on this forum.
There are various number of MSF courses, and the levels that they offer depends on the particular training sites. But everyone offers the BRC. Doesn't mean everyone has taken it. But it is recommended even for experienced riders, so it makes it easier for me to coach out on the range. Just kidding...but even experienced riders have an opportunity to correct bad habits that they have developed over the years or on their own that they were not even aware of, or learn new thing or two in the classroom which may save their life!
I took a MSF course years ago, I'm not sure what the difference is. Just answering a question.

Calm down, everyone!! :D

MG was just being sarcastic when he asked what BRC was (as he's been a MSF rider coach for something like 94 years now.. in addition to being a coach on track and a racer, etc, etc :thumbup: )

And I'm sure when mnuttall87 said "I'm guessing", he wasn't really guessing.. he knows it's the Basic Rider Course and didn't know MG was asking jokingly.

Now to get back to original poster: you mentioned your friends would show you some things before the BRC. As a MSF coach, I highly recommend this step be avoided. Wait for your BRC (especially if it's coming up soon).

We get students who've been taught by kind friends. It makes our jobs much harder.. coaching students out of bad habits, instead of starting from scratch.

I don't know your friends.. maybe they're amazing riders and do everything right, but even amazing riders don't always make for good coaches / instructors.

Your friends will not be able to provide the level of safety you will get in BRC.. not to mention extensive classroom portion covered before you ever get on the bike.

As for gear, hold off on that too.. you will learn loads about choosing gear in your BRC. Remember that helmet and eye protection will likely be provided for you (be sure to ask). Full-finger gloves, pants, long sleeve shirt, over the ankle footwear... none of that is required to be motorcycle specific for BRC (20mph is about as fast as you'll go).
Welcome to the team, you're better than me. I still have been wanting to check out a BRC (yep I hopped on my Nin 250 3 years ago without one...I'm bad) and I'm going to make a serious effort this summer between semesters
I took the brc to begin with and have taken the experienced course every 2 years. I learn something new each time and it refreshes me on important information each time I take it. It's also good for practicing maneuvers you may be rusty at.
Cheers for the welcomes.

Yes, BRC is Basic Rider's Course.

We take it here at the MVA and after passing the final test, we automatically get our motorcycle endorsement. Completing said course will also give you a discount on your insurance and will definitely save you time from going back to the MVA to take the test since usually you have to set up an appointment.

Was trying to get my bike out on the road today, but it was foggy and drizzling til around 12 and then the wind was blowing so crazily. Tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the day! :3