First day of Spring! (pics)


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Jun 13, 2009
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So Cal
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80F here today, I took the FZ for a spin, see pictures:

- FZ taking a break (still looks good!)
- FZ waiting for me to eat my steak (behind BBQ)
- Jay Leno (without FZ) not very happy with me taking a picture of him :)
80F here today, I took the FZ for a spin, see pictures:

- FZ taking a break (still looks good!)
- FZ waiting for me to eat my steak (behind BBQ)
- Jay Leno (without FZ) not very happy with me taking a picture of him :)

What is that saying about only in America do people spend most of their lives trying to be famous and now they walk around trying NOT to be recognised or photographed? If you dont want your picture taken, dont be famous! It goes with the job. (RANT) Great pics, by the way. Im VERY jelous. 12 below here right now.
80F here today, I took the FZ for a spin, see pictures:

- FZ taking a break (still looks good!)
- FZ waiting for me to eat my steak (behind BBQ)
- Jay Leno (without FZ) not very happy with me taking a picture of him :)

Was Jay really the jerk Jimmy Kimmel makes him out to be,lol ??!!
Was Jay really the jerk Jimmy Kimmel makes him out to be,lol ??!!

no, is actually a nice guy, always talking with people around, you'll never feel he is a celebrity.
He may get a bit irritated at times by all the people taking pictures of him, etc, but usually he's a very nice guy.
Thanx for sharing the pics. I cannot seem to get the Jay Leno pic to open up to the large pic though...

Glad someone is out having fun! About 30 here with a cold wind chill.
cool that leno likes to mix it up with the regular guys. I think he rides all the **** he has and doesnt have it sitting behind glass like a bunch of trophies. check out his website sometime Jay Leno's Garage
he has an awesome collection
80F here today, I took the FZ for a spin, see pictures:

- FZ taking a break (still looks good!)
- FZ waiting for me to eat my steak (behind BBQ)

LMFAO!! My FZ wimpers at the back door to let him in and gets jealous when I look at other bikes. Such a needy bike he is. He's hard to read most of the time though. I just get that blank stare. I think he learned that from my wife.:BLAA:
If Jay mixes with the regular guys on the street, to me at least, means he is not a prude.
I`ll bet if you had ask his permission for a picture he would have said ok and smiled.
Good ride.
Russia 1st day spring =)
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Today's been the first proper nice day we've had here for months. I've actually just been walking around outside work in short sleeves basking in the sun, lovely...BUT...

Oh no, I just saw a load of midges, must've come out due to the temperature rise. Looks like it won't be road salt I'm washing off the bike next weekend but dead flies. Furry visor time!!!
Today's been the first proper nice day we've had here for months. I've actually just been walking around outside work in short sleeves basking in the sun, lovely...BUT...

Oh no, I just saw a load of midges, must've come out due to the temperature rise. Looks like it won't be road salt I'm washing off the bike next weekend but dead flies. Furry visor time!!!

um..... Midges?


Are midges insects or something?