First time taking my bike to work


Junior Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Cocoa, FL - USA
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What a nice feeling, today I finally rode my bike to go to work.

Awesome weather, I left my house a little later than usual (to avoid some traffic). It is only like 10-15 minutes ride, but the feeling is completely different than going to work driving a car!!!!!

This is more like for the Hall of Shame, but I'll share it here:
I had in my head the experience of a friend of mine who bought a bike (like three years ago). He used to ride smaller bikes when he was much younger and got a Shadow (he did not tell anybody because a couple of months earlier, one of his relatives lost his life in a motorcycle accident - in Puerto Rico).
So, the first day he took the bike to go to work, guess what, he miscalculated merging on a street with a car coming in the opposite direction and went over the gravel, felt down and broke his leg!!!!!!
It was interesting people talking that he broke his leg on a motorcycle accident and everydoby else was on denial since he "did not have a motorcycle"!!!
After recuperating from that, he took the MSF basic course!!!!! and is riding back again.

Either way, from now on, I'll be riding my bike to go to work much often.
Congratulations!!!! :cheer::cheer: Having just got my bike last June, and riding to work last summer for the first time, I know it is a great feeling!! Be careful out there, and DEFINITELY take the long way home! :D
I wish I would ride mine to work more often. But I only live a mile and a half from work and when I bring it it just sits outside in the blazing sun all day. And on top of that there's about 10 stop signs and signals in that mile and a half.:( It almost makes me miss my old commute across the SF Bay that was 21 miles.....
It is indeed a great day to work when you get to ride in. My commute is 62 miles each way, and when I get to ride my bike in - I get serious miles and serious saddle time.

The problem is all the other jerks going to work at that time.

Its great though, 124 miles or so a day to work really gets some experience. Most of it is highway, though and I still have to work on my turn speeds on some of these ramps.

Definitely the ride in is always better than the ride home. It seems like everyone unleashes their inner a-hole on the way home and just has to be home in time for little Johnny's game/recital/whatever.

oh Yeah.... it is indeed a really nice feeling.

You go to work happier!!!! Of course, I already know the long way back home!!!!! There is actually a little road with some turns (many of them 90 degrees) on the perimeter of a regional airport where I've been going frequently. It will make me avoid a "nasty" traffic light which, many times even in your car, you can see how everybody else gets a green light time after time and you are stock with the red one!!!!!!

Actually, today I did a bit of a longer trip since on my lunch break I went to the dealership to pick up my license plate (it took almost a month to get there!!!!)
You can't beat a nice ride into work, it really sets you up for the day :thumbup:

Soon you'll only be riding the long way home :rockon:
Agree with everything above. I have a 26 Km commute to work, and last Friday was the first time this year I drove the car... (Needed beer on the way home and it's a bit awkward carrying 2 cartons on a

Awesome way to start the day, except, I'll get wet this morning... Just started raining.

Enjoy those "Long Trips Home".

i am a different person when i ride to work. i get in and am amped up without the need for coffee. and the ride home is always something to look forward to, even when its raining and cold (gotta love NE). i am in a much better mood when i dont cage it.
You really shouldn't ride to work.

Your work productivity goes way down due to you becoming a clock watcher, seeing how much longer it will be to hop on your bike again.
Funny thing about riding to work...that ride home at the end of the day is often the "long way home". Another thing I've noticed, I don't get nearly as wound up and stressed in stop and go rush hour traffic, i just chill and people watch as the cagers filter around me, they're all jealous.
You really shouldn't ride to work.

Your work productivity goes way down due to you becoming a clock watcher, seeing how much longer it will be to hop on your bike again.

Ah ah ah ah very valid point.

Either way, tomorrow I'll ride my bike again to go to work!!!!!

Actually, today I was able to run some errands.
The weather was just perfect and it was an awesome day.

On a not so good note, I stepped on dog's s**t as I was with my friend walking her dogs around the woods, I have to finish cleaning that up!!!!!!