FZ6 gets me laid

This thread is the best! I had something similar happen to me! Just that I gave her my number riding next to her car at my college!
Long story short don't go all the way with these kind of women, there really hard to get rid of!:cheer: I think she still calls and then hangs up!
Keep in mind this is all after getting dumped. One hour I'm like "wow lets go do some curves like mad" the next i'm like "gee, what the hell did i do wrong"? It's funny because the one I treated like a slut still likes me. The one I acted like myself to ditched me.
any girl that likes bikes can't be all bad...

And that's exactly why I married the one I have now. My wife loves bikes, sport bikes, that is. In fact, it was her idea for us to buy one. We looked at a lot of bikes before deciding on the FZ6. I think she likes to go for a ride more than I like to ride it. A lot of times she makes me take the long way home and she's ready for a ride ;)almost any time. LUCKY ME!:thumbup:
Keep in mind this is all after getting dumped. One hour I'm like \"wow lets go do some curves like mad\" the next i'm like \"gee, what the hell did i do wrong\"? It's funny because the one I treated like a slut still likes me. The one I acted like myself to ditched me.

Not my expression but there is a saying, "Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen."

In my experience, nice guys finish last. Girls will say they want a nice guy, but they always end up with a "bad boy" in the end.
I know what you mean dude. I've had hugs, calf eye looks, hints and outright requests for a ride from all sorts of chicks:thumbup: and I'm pretty sure it's not 'cause I'm such a good looking roosta:rof:. I couldn't use my photo for my avatar or I'd be banned:eek:. The fz6 must have been the result of testing concept drawings with rooms full of chicks to see which design got them going most:rockon:...lol. Good job they did:thumbup::rof::rof::bow::D
I know what you mean dude. I've had hugs, calf eye looks, hints and outright requests for a ride from all sorts of chicks:thumbup: and I'm pretty sure it's not 'cause I'm such a good looking roosta:rof:. I couldn't use my photo for my avatar or I'd be banned:eek:. The fz6 must have been the result of testing concept drawings with rooms full of chicks to see which design got them going most:rockon:...lol. Good job they did:thumbup::rof::rof::bow::D

Oh Ozzieboy, there are so many things i want to say right now! But what the hey, am guessing your just bluffing for those boyish looks...and scruffy goatee! they are what does it for ya! lol! But lets face it, chicks dig bad boys, and bad boys like bikes....well that's the general media moulded perception anyway...

Well dudes, went to a block party last night and rode the fz6 around. Kind of like I was stalking a herd of water buffalo. I got at least 5 women saying "nice bike!". Every time I stopped in for a closer look I found out that they were pretty much water buffalo with less hair.

Also, WOW on parking!!! People at to walk had least 1/4 mile or more and bike get to go straight to the entrance. Bahahahaha!

Then my phone rings last night and it's the girl who dumped me. I recognized the number and she hung up after 4 seconds of silence. I know she's thinking about my bike and it's eating her up inside...