New FZ6 owner

I noticed that if the bikes in gear the engine makes less noise than when it's in N but I'd don't think it's out of the ordinary.
Well I took the bike for a second opinion today to another Yamaha mechanic (other than the dealer I bought it from I mean). They seemed to think the bike was fine. He felt the tapping feeling through the chassis and did a stall test and pretty much said there's nothing to worry about. I'm still instinctively unsure, but I guess time will tell.. I can be kind of paranoid about my bikes.

Now back to an issue of a more certain nature. The fuel consumption of the bike is really bad in the city. In American terminology it's about 30 MPG (13 km/L). On the freeway and country roads it's about 47 MPG (20 km/L).

What could possibly account for such a massive variance? I ride pretty conservatively. On my SV650 I get much better mileage in the city.

What should I be checking? Air filter? Fuel injection? Spark plugs?

Nah look at my fuelly figures and you'll see your not alone, You cant ride conservatively all the time and get good figures- just doesnt happen asmuch as you will tell yourself that you can be a sedate rider
But go for a long run and you will be pleasantly surprised.
Its thirsty in traffic, cant say it any plainer. But if you need to move it will go
and on the open road it seems to be the opposite, just miserly on the juice but it will still roar into life.
I did all the same questioning of mechanics and dealers and asked the same questions here about a year ago
just enjoy it and accept you will pay for the city ride
Thanks agf, maybe you're right. It certainly does get good mileage on the open road - I've tested that. Just can't believe how much more fuel it uses in the traffic. Yes, I live in the middle of Sydney so there's lots of waiting at lights and first gear take offs. And sure, sometimes I like to squirt it a bit but on the whole I'm fairly gentle.
