New member welcome thread..

Whats up guys, New to the site and just wanted to hi! My name is Angelo and I'm from CT. Just pick up a new FZ6R and a Tomberlin Madass and figured I share some pics with you guys. Looking forward on learning some things/mods from you guys

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Just wanted to say hi as I'm a newb here. I'm actually looking into buying an FZ6 now. I have a few of emails out to dealers for price quotes.
Any info on recent purchase prices in Massachusetts would be appreciated.
I'm looking to trade my 08 WR250R as I find myself riding mostly street and commuting to work lately.
Time to go search the forums. :thumbup:
So I've been reading this forum for months, very entertaining, guess I should start talking. I'm Matt, from Richmond VA, 21 yrs. As far as my riding history, started on a Tomos moped to save gas, loved it, sold my jeep for a 250cc rebel next, loved it for a year, and then I just upgraded to the 06 FZ6 in Blue about 4-5 months ago and I'm still beside myself with excitement everytime I get to go out on a ride. I got it used off of Ebay for $4500 with 11,000 miles, and I learned my lesson the hard way when it got here and the tires were so bad I couldn't even ride it till I could save up for new ones =( I'll try to get some pics up, maybe after I've done some more work to it.
I play drums in the band They Found Her in Pieces, and you should check us out!

They Found Her in Pieces(WRITING A FULL LENGTH) on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Videos
Hello - I just joined in the last couple weeks. I'm been riding for going on 30 years, but had not ridden much until 2001. My FZ6 is a 2005 with about 12k on the clock. I commute 80 miles a day when I can, and have taken the bike on a couple tours, one to the BRP for about 1000 miles. I also have an '87 kaw Voyager and a Honda NH 750. Touring is my favorite thing, and all three bikes are set up to tour. I love the FZ6's power, stability, speed, and handling. I keep fiddling with the windscreen (tall Yam screen with Laminar Lip) and handle bars (setback risers). At this point the bike is pretty comfortable for me, but would like to find a different seat some day. Iron Butt is probably still far away, but I would not be afraid to ride all day on the FZ6.

Ride Safe!
Hey I'm Rob live in Palmdale, CA 1hr north of LA 1/2hr south of Edwards AFB, ride a blue 07, 1st bike, I'm married with 5 kids and I work as an Air Traffic Controller for LA Center.
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Hi, greetings to all, my name is Allistair and I'm from New Zealand, the land of the long white cloud.

It's great being listed as a junior member. I'm coming 67 this year so what does it take to be a senior ? 166 ?

I've been riding bikes all my life though mainly dirt bikes. It's only been in the last 10 years that I've been into road bikes.

I have just recently purchased a 2nd hand 06' FZ6S to replace my trusty XJ600.

New Zealand is a perfect country for bikes, as the roads are generally good with plenty of curves and corners. If you go slow enough to take it all in, the scenery is the best you'll find anywhere in the world. (I'm biased).

Come over and have a look !

Forums and such like are all new to me so its a learning curve.

It sure is interesting reading all the posts (I think thats what you call them. Posts in New Zealand are what farmers use for making fences !!!!

Cheers everyone and keep the black stuff on the road. Allistair
Hi All,

Finally, after all these years I get to be the "FNG"!! I'm 55, and have been riding since I was 16. I've ridden over 150,000 miles over those years and once even got convinced to do an "Iron Butt" and get the certificate. I have always loved to ride, short distances or long. Taken bikes from Minnesota to California a number of times, Colorado more times (it's closer and Telluride is heaven on earth IMHO). Also went east to the smokies, but need to get to Maine yet.

Owned a bunch of bikes over the years, some bad, some great! The great ones include a '88 Suzuki 1100 Katana, '76 Norton 850 Comando(with electric start that actually worked!), '74 750 Honda, '02 Kawasaki Nomad, and a "05 Suzuki DL650 V-Strom to name a few.

Sold the V-Strom when I lost my job last spring. I figured I'd just buy another one when I could afford too. But, after getting a new job and moving 50 miles north of Green Bay Wisconsin, I found there wasn't anyone around this area that would part with one. Okay, I'm too "frugal" (read cheap) to buy a new one. So I started looking for something used.

A dealer had this '07 with 400 miles and extended warranty for about $2000.00 less OTD than the suggested retail of a new one. After looking at it and riding it I just knew I had to have it. I've had my 07 FZ6 for about 2 weeks now and know that it will be one of the "great" ones if not the greatest one. Time will tell on that. I've been smiles ever since I brought it home.

I'm always looking for someone to ride with, and have no problem riding 75 miles to meet someone for a cup of coffee, so if your around the Green Bay side of the Michigan/Wisconsin Border, pm me and we can set up a meet/greet/ride!

:thumbup:Thanks to all the members advice on the forum, your comments have led me to buy a Puig "Touring" windscreen for my first mod. I'm sure there will be more. Gotta go give it a test ride now!

Thanks for the welcome


I'm new to this site as well as to riding. I completed a BRC about a month ago and bought my FZ6 a week ago. I'm very excited (not to mention nervous) about riding it. I'm hoping by the end of the summer I'll be comfortable enough to move from parking lots to the streets. Any advice from everything to riding, customizing, and maintenance would be greatly appreciated.

I live in the DC metro area and work for the government. Learning to ride is my new hobby.

I'm new to this site as well as to riding. I completed a BRC about a month ago and bought my FZ6 a week ago. I'm very excited (not to mention nervous) about riding it. I'm hoping by the end of the summer I'll be comfortable enough to move from parking lots to the streets. Any advice from everything to riding, customizing, and maintenance would be greatly appreciated.

I live in the DC metro area and work for the government. Learning to ride is my new hobby.

Congratz and good luck riding in the DC Area. I'm in the DC area also and I-95 is HELL!!!!!
Thanks, I'm sure I'll need luck. 95, 295, 395, name it, they're all hell (even in a car!). That's the problem with this area, no open roads where you can just ride without bumper to bumper traffic or feeling like you're driving in Nascar.
Well I'm a nut for anthing with a motor in it! I change motorized "Toys" more often than I'd like to admitt. Any ways I work for Volkwagen in Buffalo, NY. I have a 2007 FZ6 in the faster blue color. I'v just added a scorpion exhaust, fieldsheer saddlebags, up and back bar risers, and a puig touring screen.
Just wanted to introduce myself. Name's Lem, from San Diego CA, about 20 years ago used to ride dirt bikes regularly, been out of riding till about 2 months ago, wife finally gave permission and I took a beginner(non MSF) motorcycle class on some tiny 125's totally caught the bug, after that took my MSF class earlier this month on a 250 during the class chatted up with my instructor who recommended I get a 500-600CC bike, after searching near and far for a SV650 or a FZ6 I ended up with a this.

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After a few rides on my baby it's like everything's taking time away from riding time(damn work). Now time to start modding(more sliders and some tank protection) :thumbup:
'ello every buddy. I'm new here (obviously).

Living in Brisbane, Oz with wife and 4 kids and have just picked up my new (2008) FZ6S.

Looking forward to the discussions and meet ups.


Ryan Tatum here, I have an 08 Cobalt blue ride that I've had since my return from Iraq in Aug 08. Right now I'm down here on the Mississippi Coast but I'll be moving to the DC area next month (Duty Calls). I'm still trying to get my wife to ride with me (it's not looking good), my son is 12 and my daughter is 5, both want to ride but mom wants no part of that either.

Loving life every single mile on my FZ6. :Sport:
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Thanks for the welcome.

I'm 42 and just started riding a few months ago.

A trip to Thailand got me hooked and then a buddy with lots of bikes lets me try his out.

Can anyone recommend a good place in the Denver area to buy and service an FZ6?

Thanks also because the support here convinced me that the FZ6 was the right one for me.
First off, thanks for a very welcoming and informative site. I have already gotten several ideas for mods to make to my FZ.

My name is Garrick and I live in East Tennessee, home of some of the best roads in the US. I have had my blue '09 FZ6 for exactly one week now and have loved every mile so far. I first wanted a FZ when it came out in 2004, but I decided to get a bike I could pay cash for to get back into the sport. Now with 3 years back in the saddle, I decided to take the plunge and get the bike I wanted.

Thanks again!
Hey all. Just bought my FZ6...great bike. Been riding since I was 8...pretty much anything with a throttle...I've been on at one time or another. Getting old, so now I'm into Daul-Sport and weekend cruises on my FZ6.:mikebike: