Osama bin laden dead!!!

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THE TRUTH IS THAT I CAN NOT believe that there are people today who believe that Osama demolished with airplanes !!!!!!!!!
He said His body was thrown SEA CHACHACHACHACHACHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORE SAFE would be to tell us YOUR PRESIDENT I left it in space and I hit SPACE ROCK!
THE AMERICAN AND THEIR FRIENDS would have believed!:Flip::BLAA::Flip::BLAA:
THE TRUTH IS THAT I CAN NOT believe that there are people today who believe that Osama demolished with airplanes !!!!!!!!!
He said His body was thrown SEA CHACHACHACHACHACHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORE SAFE would be to tell us YOUR PRESIDENT I left it in space and I hit SPACE ROCK!
THE AMERICAN AND THEIR FRIENDS would have believed!:Flip::BLAA::Flip::BLAA:

You're something else dude.
The fact that he is dead now means that he had almost ten years to prepare for something even bigger. His death could be the signal for all the sleeper cells to begin executing a new attack that has been in the works for a decade.

Think about it, what do you think he was doing for the past ten years, or even five years if they said the building was five years old.

I predict something terrible might happen in the near future, we are all going to get caught off guard as we are all celebrating.

As far as handling his body in the Islamic way and burying him within 24 hours or 48 hours, he deserved to be handled like garbage. What a total disrespect to all the men, women and children who has lost their lives because of him. How and the hell can he go to Hell when we treated him and given him the respect like he thought he deserved as far as his burial?
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The fact that he is dead now means that he had almost ten years to prepare for something even bigger. His death could be the signal for all the sleeper cells to begin executing a new attack that has been in the works for a decade.

Think about it, what do you think he was doing for the past ten years, or even five years if they said the building was five years old.

I predict something terrible might happen in the near future, we are all going to get caught off guard as we are all celebrating.

As far as handling his body in the Islamic way and burying him within 24 hours or 48 hours, he deserved to be handled like garbage. What a total disrespect to all the men, women and children who has lost their lives because of him.

Desecrate human remains? Really dude?

That is appalling.

More people die in floods than died in 9/11. It was like 10 years ago. I for one am tired of hearing about it to be honest. Seriously....get over it already.

On another note, after hearing of the trouble Japan was having with its nuclear reactor many people reacted in this way:


I will not comment on the above sentiments other than to say they get blended into "American Patriotism" all too readily...

Hatred is hatred is hatred.

Dealing with evil is necessary. Taking satisfaction in doing so is sadistic. Common people fall prey to sadistic sentiments such as desecrating the remains of the dead far too easily.
My wife texted me last night while I was working and said Obama was killed. I was like, yeah! Then I reread the msg and it was Osama. I was like, oh. Still good news.
I suspect that bin Laden's death will make him a martyr and escalate tensions in the Middle East. Just look at the increase in violence in Afghanistan and Iraw after the pastor in Florida announced he would burn a copy of the Quran. I hope all soldiers, regardless of nationality who are supporting the War on Terrorism keep their heads down until this 'blows over' somewhat...

I don't believe Osama bin Laden's death is the end of anything...
I reckon I got a better winner mate.

Hiding seek champion 1974 - 2011 [Undisputed] Lord Lucan


While that's not a bad effort, he didn't have as many people looking for him.

Either way during the 70's, 80's, 90's, and 2000 he is the clear winner.

2001-2011 World Hide-and-Seek Champion title still has to go to Osama "WTF-where-did-he-go" Bin Laden.
THE TRUTH IS THAT I CAN NOT believe that there are people today who believe that Osama demolished with airplanes !!!!!!!!!
He said His body was thrown SEA CHACHACHACHACHACHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORE SAFE would be to tell us YOUR PRESIDENT I left it in space and I hit SPACE ROCK!
THE AMERICAN AND THEIR FRIENDS would have believed!:Flip::BLAA::Flip::BLAA:


Puff, puff, pass.

Puff, puff, pass, man.
I like that Obama did in 3 years what Bush couldn't do in 8!! Time to leave and let the country implode!!

IIRC wasn't the Obama'nators campaign geared towards stopping the war by bringing our troops home (USA)? ya - think back about what he said he would do!

Point is he didn't support it and said allot of things to be elected and DID other things once in office. . . I'll stop. He didn't/won't have my vote!
My wife texted me last night while I was working and said Obama was killed. I was like, yeah! Then I reread the msg and it was Osama. I was like, oh. Still good news.

Hmm...I wonder if my acquaintance who happens to be a Secret Service agent (in Washington, BTW, and due to go on rotation on the Presidential Protection Detail soon) would be interested in a law enforcement officer in Chicago who's cheering (and may as well be supporting) the death of the President as good news?

I wonder...how many cops in Chicago own a FZ6? It can't be THAT many, right? I doubt it would be hard at all for the Secret Service to find out your name, address, what department you work for, badge number, shoe size, what size jump suit you'd wear, etc.

Yeah, I may just have to make that phone call tomorrow.
Yeah, I may just have to make that phone call tomorrow.

Really??? The comment may have been in poor taste but you really hate a forum member so badly as to make a threat like that? Or do you really have such a love for the Elitist Pricks in Washington and I mean Republicans and Democrats both . There is no difference between the two. Don't take it so seriously, I promise you that the political elites don't take you seriously.

In The Morning :thumbup:
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I don't believe a whole lot the government or media tells me but if he is dead good we can move onto something more productive. I don't see him being dead changing anything either it's not a cut off the head of the snake the body dies too deal. If it's not BS know one but the seal team deserves credit I didn't see his speech but I dont care how many orders obama made unless he was there with a rifle in his hand he should shut up.

as far as the japan tsunami, pearl harbor argument I think they already got there payback. I seem to remember we carpet bombed there factories and dropping an A bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
i have read over this post about 5 or 6 times. if i made the wrong call in posting it i'm sorry. i've done my best to write in humility. i hope it comes across that way.

first, lone... trying to fill your troll quota of the month or something? dang fella. i feel like i'm pretty good ignoring things when they lead no where, but you've sucked me in. :D

second, i'm not trying to stir the pot. you brought up many things in a public forum and then gave the offer to respond in private. i guess i could do that but i have no desire for a discussion. maybe i lack faith, but generally internet discussions about faith are WORTHLESS. so i'm not looking for any responses. but i did feel the need to respond to a few things. if this post is taken down that's fine. and as a matter of fact, if this needs to be taken down just tell me and i'll delete my own post.

third, thanks for letting me know what you think of me.
It is a long and ugly road with one side entrenched against the basic principles of the pursuit of truth.
forth (sort of a continuation of third), biblical faith is a faith based on reason. i did not grow up in church but later looked at evidence that has led me to where i am. are there things i can't answer? absolutely. and anyone (regardless of belief - including an atheistic belief) who is honest has to admit the same thing. all of us look at the evidence presented before us and make the best decision possible. are there some morons in every faith? yep. please don't lump all mankind together with them.

fifth, to say the world would be better off without religion is very short sighted. i could argue that atheism is bad because of all the death and suffering it has brought. stalin was responsible for the killings of 20 million plus in the name of the state. how about mao?

sixth, i am a christian. that's not a shocker to anyone on here. i believe in the Bible as God's Word. and about osama there are a few things that come to mind.

Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles
Proverbs 24:17

Say to them, 'As I live!' declares the Lord GOD, 'I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live...
Ezekiel 33:11

But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
Matthew 5:44-46

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
II Peter 3:9

that's all i have to say on the subjects presented.

Politics, race, religion - need to stop it now.

We no longer have the political thread.

Thank you to the OP for starting this thread, but now it's closed.
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