POLL: How much have you paid in SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months?

SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months? Only Speeding tickets please. INCLUDE pending tickets.

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Absolutely nothing. Both Prebstar and I (and let me tell you, he rides his bike a little "harder" than I do.......) have had nothing. I can go back at least 10 years for me and maybe 5 years for Mike.

It's all about knowing where you can give the bike a good, spirited run and where you have to conform to the traffic conditions.

Luck has NOTHING to do with it :D
speed-camera photo radar tickets you dont get points on your license. you only get points if someone actually pulls you over. otherwise you are convicted as the owner of the vehicle...not the driver/rider.
That's not the case in Australia. Hand held or fixed - no difference. $ fines and demerit points.
34 years riding bikes and have had zero tickets of any kind on the bike. Three speeding tickets in cars since 1967.

You should have had a ZERO ticket cost category in your poll.
I have never been heavy on the throttle, on the other hand, John almost got a ticket in Wyoming for doing 80 in a 65.....thankfully the officer just gave him a warning
You know, I was just about to push the keyboard to record my answer when I remembered the last time I voted on the poll of "has your bike ever been down?". Immediately after answering "never" on that poll my bike got knocked over by a friend of mine. Being superstitious like I am, I know what'll happen if I answer your poll. Nothing personal Lone, but especially since I'm riding with Wavex and CaliRider this afternoon. I don't want this to happen to me = :spank:

LOL...that was my thread and I agree, this poll is just setting yourself for a jinx.

Oh by the way, the state of Nevada is tied for 2nd in the US for most speeding tickets issued for 2009.

Keep that in mind Lone & Krid when you head into Nevada.
I think I'm almost cheeting at answering this poll because I haven't been able to do any driving over half of the past 12 months due to a deployment. You can get tickets here I'm told, but I haven't touched a wheel in to long. :(

All that being said I think I have only gotten three speeding tickets in a car over the years that I have been driving. I have never gotten a speeding ticket on my bike (knock on wood). I have passed up a cop once on a high way, I was going North, he was going South, I don't think there was a turn around for at least a mile in the direction he was heading. I took the next exit. :spank:
LOL...that was my thread and I agree, this poll is just setting yourself for a jinx.

Oh by the way, the state of Nevada is tied for 2nd in the US for most speeding tickets issued for 2009.

Keep that in mind Lone & Krid when you head into Nevada.

Who got first and other second?
Never ticketed on the bike....and only two tickets in my car, last one was about 4 years ago.

I can't afford a ticket, so I just don't get them.
First time I got pulled over on the bike was actually yesterday a.m., early as hell in a residential for doing 45 in a 35. People generally do 50 down it, and I was alone but I still did 45 for some damn reason, no idea why... I was 2 hours early for work (baby got me up and I figured f_ck it why not just go in). So I killed the motor and took off my helmet and was very friendly / polite etc, and got a warning. A second cop pulled up while he was running the plates. Youngish guy. He grinned at the bike, walked over, and said "what kind of bike is that?" And then we talked about bikes for 3 minutes until the original LEO was done. -shrug-
$137.50 in May but it wasn't on the bike... it was in the car in VA. First ticket for ANY motorized vehicle in 10 years too. DAMN!
$0 for me too. Never been ticketed on the bike, and can't remember the last one in a car.... Too long ago. (Either that or my old age is killing my memory...lol).

Going back 20 years though, I moved from a small country town to the city, and lost all 12 points in the first 12 months, had to go to court to ask the judge to reduce my first offence to 2 points as I needed my car to get to work. He agreed, and I survived the next 2 years and got all my points back. (Offences disappear after 3 years and you get the points back).

The wife though, last one (March 2009) was $325 for doing 83 in a 60 zone, the fine came to me as the registered owner, so got that changed after a quick visit to a JP (Justice of the Peace).

None in the last 12 months, or I'd be taking the bus...lol. In total....I've had about 30-ish speeding fines since 1994.:eek:
I have had 2 tickets in the last 3 months on my bike. One was $144.00 in woodland WA for doing 68in a 55... The bad one was in The Dalles OR. That one cost me 1148.00 dollars and a 30 day suspension (starts in 16 days :( )
I was out in the country (or so I thought) and opened it up to 141. Slowed back down and the cop came over the hill and clocked me at 109... apparently they are really tough on the 100mph and over guys now...
Anyways, speeding is not my friend and my wallet is a lot thinner now :(
Wow, I really thought I'd be a rarity. Nice to see that people are riding safely. I have a 12 year safe driving record, it's worth it for fat safe driver discount on my insurance alone. I could insure a Ferrari for pennies at this point. I'd like to imagine that a cops ees this when they run my plate, maybe that helps I don't know.
I have paid $0.00 for the bike in speeding fines, and have never been pulled over on it. (Ferociously knocking on wood). Besides, how can the police ticket you if they can't catch you :D In my cage, I have had 3 tickets, totaling ~$630.00. Took two of those tickets to court, and had them reduced/changed. Now my cage's all come with cruise control, and I haven't had a ticket in ~5 yrs.