RIP Marco Simoncelli

Awful stuff, so tragic, feel really sorry for both Edwards and Rossi too, they must be feeling pretty awful...
What a horrible tragedy. So sad for his family and friends and especially Vale and Colin.

I can't imagine how Vale must feel after running over someone as close to him. My heart aches for the whole paddock for the loss.

Drove me to create a decal in memorium.

Rest in peace, Sic.

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RIP mate what a terrible thing to happen condolences to family friends /girlfriend
i am still amazed as to what actually happened for his front wheel to drop like that and throw him across the track into traffic a split second either way.
RIP to a great rider he sure had some balls.

was watching the news while we were having lunch, i left the table and went crying in my room, i just couldn t beleive it. and im at loss trying to get to grips on how the helmet flew off his head

now teach the heavens how to ride number 58!
Sad, sad day for motorsport. Super Sic had "the right stuff" to be a future MotoGP Champion.
I heard about the accident when I got to work this morning, stunned how such a simple low-side had such tragic results.

R.I.P Marco, my thoughts go out to his family, team and friends.
Saw the accident, and had that horrible sinking feeling. Saw the helmet rolling, and was horrified. R.I.P. Marco Simoncelli. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. My thoughts also go out to Colin Edwards, and Valentino Rossi. Nothing you could do guys.
I was watching the race when this happened.. The moment I saw sic's helmet rolling on the track, I was hoping for the best and fearing of the worst.

R.I.P sic, an upcoming star.. His name will be remembered.
RIP. Such a horrible, tragic thing to happen. You will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to the family, team, and his fellow racers...
R.I.P. Marco.

I cringed when I saw Marco go down and gasped at the aerial shot of him strewn on the track. I was saddened to see that last shot and lost sleep over that. I imagine it must be worse for Valentino as he will get flashbacks. RIP
Desperately sad, My thought go out to his family and friends, but also to Edwards & Rossi.
We had recorded the race to watch while we ate breakfast. Neither my husband nor I could believe what we were seeing, especially when we saw his helmet going down the track. We both knew what it probably meant, but it was a while before either of us turned on the computer to see what the outcome was.

I'm so very sad, and my heart just breaks for his family and friends, and especially for Edwards and Rossi.
He was my hero (all motogp riders are). I'll miss him a lot - he was a splash of colour in an otherwise grey landscape.

I hope Edwards and Rossi can come to terms with what happened... Rossi looked very shaken in the footage immediately after the accident, he knew then what had happened - not that he could do anything about it, but it does look like it was his front wheel that ripped Marco's helmet off.
He was really going to have a shot at world champion one day. Loved watching and listening to him. He was such a badass but when he raced he left it all out on the track and held nothing back.

His efforts define "pure" motorsport IMO. A great loss.
[ame=]Marco Simoncelli highlights of 2011 | RIP 1987-2011 - YouTube[/ame]