The Rant Thread

When i was 17 i bought a bike for $75!!!! with 6 months rego, and good tyres!


Damn I hate you :p

That being said my first bike only cost like 2200, and I think I managed third party property insurance and on roads for about 500 a year.
Its just impossible to get a really good value bike on the cheap these days. Unless its not learner legal :p
Damn I hate you :p

That being said my first bike only cost like 2200, and I think I managed third party property insurance and on roads for about 500 a year.
Its just impossible to get a really good value bike on the cheap these days. Unless its not learner legal :p

****, you still got a bargain. My 1st bike was closer to 12 :spank:

Then again it was FZ :D
So I was finally able to get the repairs done to my bike from the person reversing into me, and thanks to their selfish and witless attempts to not pay up, I've had to pay a $1000 excess, which, to quote my insurer I "should get back".

So frigging annoyed....
Apparently they'll get back to me tues (although I'll probably have to chase them up again) to let me know whether any progress has been made.

I just re-insured the black bike....cost me over $700 for a year.....$20000 replacement value, and i am only supposed to ride the thing 2 times a month....WTF!

My issue....too modified! :eek: only people that would look at it, was Shannons!

Cant wait to see what the insurance people will say when i finish Trixie, as i intend to build the motor to end all TRX motors....

When I was 19 I got a job that was 40km from home. I was skint and had no transport. A neighbour had a Honda 200 Benly in the shed and gave it to me because he needed the room.
It hadn't run for years.
I lubed the chain, changed the plugs and oil.
I road it for 18 months with only a minor fault to one of the coils. It had a top speed of 100kph and was one of the best pound for pound bikes I ever had.
It was nicked from my garden I was so gutted.


£35.00 a year to insure.
Damn thats a good price for insurance!!!!
Also a good 'price' for the motorcycle :p
I very occasionally see my first bike around town which always makes me proud since I did it up quite a bit when I got it.

That sucks Wolfman!! Insurance can be such a pain, I have to notify my insurer this week for all the mods, not sure what they will say!

I honestly can't see what the problem would be with a modded bike. At the end of the day its insured for a certain dollar value, your driving record lets them know your not a bad rider. Why the discrimination because some people mod their vehicle while others buy something worth heaps more to start with... so nonsensical.
Plus the how much you ride stuff is even worse!
Wow the rant thread is rather quiet at the moment!!!

Road home from work tonight only to realise my tail light is not working at all!!!!! Not sure if its from all the rain maybe doing something to the wiring, or its totally gone.

Anyone fixed theirs up before? Is it hard to do? Can you just change a globe?
Wow the rant thread is rather quiet at the moment!!!

Road home from work tonight only to realise my tail light is not working at all!!!!! Not sure if its from all the rain maybe doing something to the wiring, or its totally gone.

Anyone fixed theirs up before? Is it hard to do? Can you just change a globe?

It's been a while since i changed one, but it is pretty simple, just ake off the seat, take off the heat plate on the top of the undertray, teist out tail liht fitting, pull globe out, put new globe in.

Awesome thanks!
Hopefully I can get a globe at one of the local dealers, makes me really nervous driving without a rear light/brake light, people are dangerous enough without me being less visible!
$5 and 10 minutes later its all done and working!!
Ty for the instructions, made it really quick and simple. I probably would have tried to take the tail off or something :S
That rubbish known as Australian Top Gear returned to our screens last night :spank::spank::spank:

Yep, ill still probably watch it. Other than the very funny Modern Family there is nothing else on tuesday nights :spank:
Yeah got home from seeing "the rise of planet of the apes" to see Andy whatsisname running a ute around a dodgy track. Even the race time delivery is the same as the Brit show Bring back the Poms version I say!!!

Anyway, last night there was a preview to this movie:
The Isle of Man TT Movie: TT3D
and thats looks pretty good.
They have an American version of "Top Gear" now and I still cant tell how in any way, shape, or form it references the original show. Its just one of the guys from Myth Busters and other people doing really stupid things with cars. One show was about the best 4x4 you could buy for $5000?! WTH?! :spank:
Quick rant.....Australia post is the biggest joke ever, have lost 3 of my packages in last 6 months!!!! Made me look like a fuggggin tool all 3 times! Just set up a decent mail service with Toll....after spending 8 of the last 12 months whinging too ombudsman about the grief aussie post has caused me....

end of rant!

sorry humpy, sorry kris.....

fuggin mofo's bludging on the job, whilst mine and others hard earned cash has been abused!

Thank fcuk for that Jamie(not your misfortune with aus post)I thought you'd ridden of the edge of the earth,you havnt posted for a while.I suppose you been busy with your latest project;)