The Riding Game!

LOL...mustn't be ballooning season here. Probably still doing it up in the Barossa, but too many straight roads for me to go up there:spank:....evil, nasty, tire wrecking straight roads:eek:.

NEXT CHALLENGE: Your bike and a hot air balloon . . .
We have them all the time here in San Diego but the weather's been iffy so they haven't been up since Saturday.....Maybe it'll clear up t'day and they'll launch. I'm only a few miles away from take off...:rolleyes:
NEXT CHALLENGE: Your bike and a hot air balloon . . .

Well , I guess that we may be needing another challenge, unless somebody has yet to upload their photos from the weekend . . . so, 1 more day for this then it should be changed . . .

(don't wait for me to change it . . . help yourselves :thumbup: )
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I vote ...


(Next challenge: Your bike next to a hot air balloon........)

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NEXT CHALLENGE: Your bike and a hot air balloon . . .

Well , I guess that we may be needing another challenge, unless somebody has yet to upload their photos from the weekend . . . so, 1 more day for this then it should be changed . . .

(don't wait for me to change it . . . help yourselves :thumbup: )

If the rain goes away before the weekend I can get this on Saturday morning :thumbup:
Not a real hot air balloon, but was out for a ride yesterday, came to a stop sign and was like "hey, it's a hot air balloon, on the sign" And since it's been awhile and we want a new challenge...

New Challenge: Your bike next to a lime green vehicle
Its not very clear though is it?
Could we have a better shot prior to moving on?

Its not very clear though is it?
Could we have a better shot prior to moving on?


don't make me come over there!!!

although it would be a new place to take the fazer... ;)

New Challenge: Your bike next to a lime green vehicle
Not sure if this is the green you had in mind, but if Fzam & everyone else approves, I will post the next challenge. :confused:
If not I will keep looking :)
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Next challenge: Your bike with any military machine (car, tank, plane.. it's all good) in the background.
Glad the challenge has changed :eek:

Halloween not really celebrated in Oz. And if people do celebrate, they don't decorate houses for a whole month..... You might get the odd kid ask trick or treat - they don't even know what to do if it's trick :)

Wish we did - I like it.

Next challenge: Your bike with any military machine (car, tank, plane.. it's all good) in the background.
Hey uh, are we going to change the challenge? This looks like fun, but it's been 48 hours, and it's illegal to stop on the road in front of the military base around here... :)

What? Are you afraid of a little gun fire?? Wuss. :BLAA:


You are right, it's been too long....NEW CHALLENGE PLEASE!!