To wave or not to wave, that is the unorigionally named poll...

Who do you wave at?

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Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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So today i talked to a kid who drives an r6 and he said he only ever waves to other sportbike riders... so i wanna see how many opinions are out their...

Check all that apply on this poll, will try and make as many options as i can think of :thumbup:
All of the above except mopeds and scooters. Some maxiscooters may be mistaken for touring bikes so I might accidentally wave to them as well :D
All of the above except mopeds and scooters. Some maxiscooters may be mistaken for touring bikes so I might accidentally wave to them as well :D

I know exactly what you mean, i saw a "bike" coming toward me that looked like:

Looks VERY similar to yamaha's sport bikes (mind you i could only see the front fairing and not the guys leg lol).... but then when i got parallel to the guy i saw this:

Replace the woman with an old guy.

"scooters" nowadays are going more for the sport/sport-tourer look...getting tricky to tell :rolleyes:
Doh! Problem is i literally have never seen a bike cop, save for on tv... Probably why i forgot.

Horse cops, sure. Motorcycle cops, Does not compute :(
Doh! Problem is i literally have never seen a bike cop, save for on tv... Probably why i forgot.

Horse cops, sure. Motorcycle cops, Does not compute :(
Yeah I gotta say if I see a cop bike ahead, I keep t least two car lengths behind, never wave face to face but would nod if one pulled up next to me. Horse cops I'm more worried about the horse than the cop, so give them a wide berth, and tend to idle past.
Mopeds and Scooters- I waved a few times but they seem to be a breed unto themselves. Big bearded Harley riders have the bad reputation, but I have to say, everyone of them I see knows their bike, knows what they can really get away with and don't make silly decisions, and most of them nod. Scooter riders on the other hand (well the ones I come across) weave in and out, cut off any and everyone, don't wave back, are happy to wear jeans and runners, a hoodie and sometimes gloves. Women are even worse (with one exception I come across on my way home some nights--- a 60's+ rider on an old yellow smoky Vespa who steadfastly rides obeying every rule. You can just tell she's had it since new and it has served her well),anyway, the number that are in little slip on shoes, stockings, the short black business skirt and jacket and a long scarf trailling in the wind.....

sorry all, a bit of a rant there

anyway I like the way "the community" acknowledge each other
I'm not voting unless you say "that cute with the chiseled features and dark eyes and hair" ;)

Ummm, Karen, Mike doesn't have any hair.... Oh.. you mean.. oops, sorry... :BLAA:

I "head-nod" to everyone, but only the sport-bike guys nod back... Oh, and 1 guy on a cruiser... But I see him every day and he's only just started doing it.

I wave to them all except the mopeds and scooters. And for the most part they all wave back. I have seen motorcycle police officers, and they are often the ones who initiate the wave here. :thumbup:
hmmm I expected the cute girl in the tank top get more waves LOL

I wave at all 2- or 3-wheel riders, granted i'm not working the clutch, in which case it's a nod. Many wave/nod back - Bimmer riders, even the most hardcore-looking harley riders. Not without exceptions, of course:

  • squids on gixxers and one particular R6 squid from my train station
  • scooter riders - some wave some don't, but mostly, judging by the intense look in the bugged out eyes, they are holding on to handlebars for their lives
  • bimmer riders with bmw logo density greater than one BMW logo per 5 square inches of surface - BMW helmet, BMW suit, BMW bags, BMW navi
  • Harley dudes on bikes that look like they just got out of dealerships

Hard to tell with GoldWingers - unless they climb off the saddle onto left footpeg, then hang out further to the left with a leg and an arm (I'm assuming they get the passenger to counter-weight all that acrobatics by hanging on the right a-la sidecar riders or yacht racers.) and/or pop a smoke signal, you can't see them from behind all that fairing.
I wave at all 2-wheeled and 3-wheeled things. Heck.. I've had bicyclists wave at me and I would absolutely return the favor.

I couldn't care less what the brand of the bike is. Nor do I care if I don't get a wave back.. most riders DO wave back, however.

Of course there are situations when I'm concentrating on possible trouble on the road and waving is the last thing on my mind then, but when I'm just cruising on a low risk stretch, I see no reason not to wave.

I do remember reading in "Stayin Safe" (fantastic book, btw) how Larry said he was waving to all in Europe and no one was returning his wave. He finally asked the tour guide what the deal was and the guide replied with something like: "We concentrate on riding here, not on saying hello" :thumbup:
I wave or nod to any motorized 2 wheeled or trike that is on public roads.

The ones that don't wave back to me are:

1. Gixxer douches in shorts and tank tops
2. Harley dudes who are wearing zero gear save for a brain bucket whose bike looks like it only sees the road 3 weekends per summer.
3. Scooter riders (for reasons mentioned by others in this thread). Plus they are probably embarrassed to wave at a sporty motorcycle when riding a 49cc motorized skateboard.
I wave at most two and three wheeled vehicles as well, scooters included. I say "most" because some Harley riders don't bother.

Oddly, a Harley rider waved at me when I was on my scooter! 125cc btw.
I wave at all but the lil scoots/mopeds and also kids on bicycles. I would definatly wave to a MC cop! If I ever see one riding, I have only seen 1 in my time so far and he was parked getting gas (I stopped and talked to him). I wave at kids on bicycles mostly cause I remember not too long ago being tickled pink when a MC rider would wave at me as I peddled my @$$ off trying to keep up. Maybe that wave is what pushes a kid to go home and start dreamin MC and get his/her own one day.

The girl in the tank top, she gets a slow down, visor up look with wave :D
I tend to wave or signal with my high beam light only at other sportbikes and sporttouring bikes...

Regarding On-Off Touring bikes, I only signal back, if they signal first ...

I never - ever signal cops ...

If I mistakenly wave some megascooter that is camouflaged as an sbk, I slowly turn my waving hand into a middle finger and look frowned the other way (as suggested by a thread somewhere in here) :thumbup:
I wave at pretty much every motorcycle (conditions permitting), and pretty much no scooters. I don't know why, exactly, but there it is. Scooters aren't in "the club" somehow. I would stop for any motorcyclist who is on the side of the road with an issue - and have, several times - just as I hope they would stop for me. The wave (for me) is a visible recognition of that relationship.

I also wave hello at kids on school busses. They ALWAYS wave back.
I wave at all bikes except scooters and mopeds. Also, I won't wave if I'm leaned over mid-curve. Other than that, I'll pretty much wave at any bike unless they've snubbed me in the past.

There are a few Harley guys in my area that won't wave to anyone unless they're on another Harley:Flip: