trailer for the fz6


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2009
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Hey there guys and gals ,a couple of months ago the wife and I started to make plans to visit the maritimes for 4 weeks this summer .This trip would be done by car because riding the fz two up on a long trip would not be recommended.So I started working on some plans to build a trailer to bring the fizzer and our two bicyles.Went on google and got plenty of ideas .Finally decide on a tilting trailer ,easy loading .I wanted it to be light so I could pull it with a mazda5.Bought a condor chock and with two binders at the rear the bike,it is more stable then I thought that it would be. Two months later finally got it done .Here are a few pics,tell me what you think.
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That is a fine piece of craftsmanship!!, More details, part kit, fabricated from scratch? A full set of plans would be nice....j/k A video demonstration would be nice...

Well done sir. :thumbup:
Nice job! Until I read your post, I thought that this was just pictures of a trailer that you bought. It looks very professional.

Thanks ,I am glad you like it,I am a cabinet maker ,so that helps me out alot.I wanted a trailer that looked professional and not homemade.I did a few other projects in metal before but none as complicated as this trailer. When I make furniture ,I get ideas on the net ,then I take what I like from several different styles,then I put all this info in my plans .I had to make a scaled down wooden model to make sure that the tilting mechanism works well.I know what type of wood to use for making solid furniture but metal is another story for me.I had to do alot of research into what materials to use to make this trailer. I will try and make a video of the fz being loaded on to the trailer.
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Top skillz :thumbup:
certainly made it look professional.
You should consider a sideline in making these for profit
Looks sweet. Also, looks relatively easy to get the bike on there.

I'm getting a trailer hitch installed today and I'll be on the hunt for trailers soon.

Nice job! Looks great and seems very useful.
Have you planned to leave the wiring like this? ;-)
I would love to visit your area someday,bring my bicycle and fz and do some touring.The wiring is not finished yet,I was very happy with the finished product and I wanted to get a few pics up ASAP.The wiring will be covered with a black casing,take care
Looks really good.

The one I made up I needed to carry two bikes. The loading ramp slides in under the main frame to the side. The ramp locks down and I also have chains (covered in rubber) welded to one side of the channel to allow locking the front wheel to the frame..
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