Vermont FZ6 Meet Pics from The Stalker

Some picks of the pics




Thanks again John! I am so glad you copied these all to my flash drive Sat. Awesome!
John, thanks for the pics! Didn't notice you put all the pics in my card until I started puttin them in the bucket. :confused: For a minute I thought we switched memory cards.

Yeah--we definitely gotta do a "foliage" run this year!
:rockon: Nice pics John. Looks like you folks had a great time!

Nice pics!

lol @ the dude on the CBR... is he on this forum too?

He said he would join but no, he is a friend of BigJoeG. Damned good rider! But he should have worn something with knee pucks. He dragged both knees and wore almost through the left and did wear a hole in the right knee and left a raspberry on his skin. :eek: :thumbup: His name is David too. :D