Waving at Motorcycle Cops

Wave or Not?

  • Wave, Biker first / Cop second

    Votes: 77 88.5%
  • No Wave - F#@% the Police!

    Votes: 10 11.5%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2009
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Today I waved at a motorcycle cop at an intersection while on my bike. He nodded back (hand on clutch, nod acceptable) with an amused grin that said, "Nobody waves at me, thanks" (at least that is how I read it.) To me he is a biker first, cop second.

Do any of you wave / nod at bike cops?
I always give them a wave and most of the time they wave back:thumbup:


Same here! I especially get a kick when they are pointing their radar gun right at me when I pass by and wave.:eek:

A nod is fine for me as well, nothing wrong keeping both hands on the handlebars. Sometimes, they are very lazy and hit the siren for a second as an acknowledgement.
I wave, but they usually don't wave back around here. A lot of them around here ride Bimmers though, so that explains it.
Hope the wave is enough of a friendly display for them to not give me a ticket for speeding....
so yeah, I'll give em a wave!
What did he pull you over for?

"Suspicious behavior." After drilling me about where I was going, where I came from, etc. He let me go without a warning or anything. He said being "overly friendly" to officers makes it look like you're trying to cover something up.

I still wave to firefighters, even though they don't have motorcycles.
"Suspicious behavior." After drilling me about where I was going, where I came from, etc. He let me go without a warning or anything. He said being "overly friendly" to officers makes it look like you're trying to cover something up.

I still wave to firefighters, even though they don't have motorcycles.

Interesting. Back when I was a 21 year old drinker (41 now, rarely drink and even then it is rare that I drink enough to get a buzz.) a buddy of mine taught me how to drive drunk. Yea. Shameful but at the time, it seemed logical to be trained. And truth be told the lessons were good.

There were many rules. One of those rules was to never wave at cops. Seems pretty obvious when you are sober but driving home with a good buzz, the idea to wave and be friendly was strong. Had I not been told to follow the rules at all times, I would have waved.. :)
Cops are cops and they are cops first, way before a lot of them ever thought of riding a bike. I've got a couple of friends that are m\c cops. They are a different breed from the rest of us and that can be good and it can be not so good depending on the situation. I'm glad they do what they do. I wouldn't want the job.

I wave, yes, because they are on a bike which makes them a brother I guess. More often than not, they don't wave back. Seems like it's mostly the older ones that will wave back - just an observation.

The next time I see them, I'll ask the guys I know about the wave and get their feelings on why or why not they choose to wave or not wave.