What would you do...just came into some money


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Apr 15, 2010
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Big Nasty Apple
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I am determined to ride this season and for the foreseeable future no matter what the doctor tells me. Here's the thing. I was involved in a minor accident with a drunk driver who is kinda loaded. He didn't want to go through insurance as he was bombed. I've got it all on video. He knows next to nothing how much motorcycles cost. I was riding a friends Honda 959 at the time. Got doctors records and he is willing to put this behind him. I just found out today that he is willing to write me a check for $20k to repair my bike. I'd end up giving my friend with the 959 my FZ6 so we're good there.

I know you all hate "which bike to buy threads", but I've been out of the loop so long, I don't know what's in nowadays.

Couple of things: Don't even mention the FZ8. FZ1 is possible. BMW R1200R used. Honda CB1000RR (that's the naked one) or should I really step up and go for the new Fireblade. It looks sick. And I'd have enough left over to pay for the insurance and chiropractor for a few years. I like the Z1000 and Ninja 1000 without all that chep plastic fairings, which I assume I can remove. And the ultimate, wet dream inducing motorcycle, the new, wait for it, Speed Triple R. One bad mother****er.

And with the money left over, I am thinking about holding a few raffles after making a modest donation to our favorite FZ6 community.

Advice please. Kindly comment only if you've had seat time with the bike in question.
My first thought is, you're going to let this guy get off without prosecution? How many times is he going to drive drunk and get away with it until he kills someone? Sounds like he bought you off. If I'm wrong then correct me.

There's a guy I know that rides a Honda CB1000, very nice looking bike and comparable to the FZ1 and Z1000. I know a guy that has a Z1000 and loves it. Aesthetics wise they're very close to each other, nakeds, unlike the FZ1 which has a half fairing.

I too like the Street and Speed Triples. Know a guy that has a Speed in olive drab and it's really, really nice looking. Rare color, he tells me.

Never ridden any of them.

Again, though, if this guy that hit you is getting away with a DWI I'd be really upset.
I wouldn't mind an Aprilia, but I'd rather that ******* see the inside of a courtroom instead.
I love my FZ1. You can pick up a gently used one for about $4 to 5 K, the rest of the funds to tastefully mod it. R1 front end, Penske shock, SS brakelines, Slip-on, and reflash the ECU. You can do all of those mods for about, $2,200. The end result is one of the very best standard bikes out there.

Aside from the bike I think that you are getting the short end of the stick, and as other's have said, this guy is still on the road, off with a self imposed slap in the wrist. $20,000 is nothing. Also you may have issues that come up over time. If you do, now YOU are stuck with the bill, and he is off scott free. In my view he is offering you a carrot to see if you bit. How long ago was this and did you get any witnesses? If not you may want to take his offer as it becomes a "he said, she said" situation. Regardless good luck with whichever path you choose.
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Pffft $20k?

For the pain, suffering and repair/replacement of your bike, you should DEFINITELY get more.

This guy knows that, and is playing you.

The cost to him will be far greater if you take the legal option.

I mean - do as you will, but that drunken d!ck needs to pay - if not legally, then hit him in the hip pocket.

I got hit by a car trying to overtake my bike, and got $120 000, so the cost to him could be many times what he has offered.

And remember, any injury you sustained could impact on your future ability to earn etc. (even if it feels ok now, wait a few years.....)

There is much you need to take into account, but if he wants to avoid due process, I would make him at least double his offer, before I would even think about it.

Sorry man.....

I feel like Dave on this.... This person needs professional help. I understand people make mistakes. I'm not free of making them and will certainly make more but I want to work hard on the parts I think need worked on.

I understand your plight and taking advantage of this but if this guy is trying to stay under the radar because of passed events linked to DUI, he will hurt or take out another being if not himself.

I'm happy that you have the opportunity to choose a nice bike but it's the cost that's got me hurting. The cost may be far greater than a dollar amount.....:(
The cost may be far greater than a dollar amount.....:(

Exactly, forget the dollar amounts for a minute - and even forget about your pain and suffering - think of the parents of the little girl/boy he might run over - and then think about the fact that you COULD have had a chance to help him reform, but chose the easy money route.

If you involve the law, you'll still get your money, but the potential benefit to the community, in my opinion, far outweighs the convenience of just taking a cheque.....

KTM 990 Supermoto!!!!

Fun on twisties, long range amenities, off-road ability (just not crazy muddy stuff obviously).


The 990 SM T unites a sporty, high-precision chassis with a state-of-the-art V2 engine, a frame-anchored fairing, great comfort and a sensitively regulating ABS system. The DOHC twin offers a choice between full-on power for vigorous throttle-twisting or refined power for making progress with ease. This arrangement has given rise to a unique combination of racer, tourer and city bike rolled into one. In short: a long-distance Supermoto that combines sports talent with endurance, comfort and suitability for everyday use.
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You've grossly undersold yourself and I'm with the others... you shouldn't have let this guy off the hook. He needed to be arrested, tried, convicted and dragged through the WHOLE system to get some sort of humiliating wake-up call. The next time it could be the very same guy, even drunker, who erases you from this existence.

There's not any amount of cash worth me or another innocent person dying at the hands of this careless wart on the arse of society.

You'd have done yourself a favor to have simply told us all "You've settled an accident claim and want a new bike. Suggestions? My budget is X."
$20,000? Are you kidding me, he's getting a bargain!

The legal fees alone for a DUI will be close to $10,000 and that doesn't include replacing your bike and compensation. Then his insurance will skyrocket because he will have his driving record tagged with a DUI. If he's loaded, you should get like $50k.

As others have said, if it happend once, it will most likely happen again. Do not accept his offer for 20k.

Ironically, I have dreamed of this scenario happening to me, but my imagination was getting hit by Steve Wynn's Casino Limo, a Rolls Royce Phantom and collecting a million dollars under the table.
I almost got hit by Stephen King but the bug-eyed writer saw me at the last possible second and hit the breakdown lane. He was merging on to the highway in his Mercedes SL. I thought "DAMN! I could have OWNED his next book!" ;)
I love my FZ1. You can pick up a gently used one for about $4 to 5 K, the rest of the funds to tastefully mod it. R1 front end, Penske shock, SS brakelines, Slip-on, and reflash the ECU. You can do all of those mods for about, $2,200. The end result is one of the very best standard bikes out there.

Aside from the bike I think that you are getting the short end of the stick, and as other's have said, this guy is still on the road, off with a self imposed slap in the wrist. $20,000 is nothing. Also you may have issues that come up over time. If you do, now YOU are stuck with the bill, and he is off scott free. In my view he is offering you a carrot to see if you bit. How long ago was this and did you get any witnesses? If not you may want to take his offer as it becomes a "he said, she said" situation. Regardless good luck with whichever path you choose.

Believe me, my GF went back and forth on what we should do, morally, and whatnot. Reality is, the lawyer I hired ran his abstract. He was never picked up for DWI. I have been. I know the hell it is living through it. You feel like the red headed stepchild at the end of the bar. It cost me over $17,000 when it was all said and done. Needless to say, I don't drink more than one beer when I know I am driving.

I'd rather not ruin this guys life. He actually works for JP Morgan, my old firm. I am not out to crucify anyone. Reality is, if I pressed charges, he loses his license for 6 months who's to say he doesn't kill someone the first day out. I get the feeling he isn't a chronic DWI.

Whether you agree with my decision or not, I am going to take the cash. Now I need to know where to spend it.

I have the FZ6 listed for sale. If my friend, whose 959 I kinda wrecked doesn't want it, I'll drop the FZ6 for a Kmart blue light special. Thinking $2,000. I am going to go into NJ tomorrow to test drive the S3R and the BMW R1200R. There's a great dealer in Central Nj who carries all the best brands. I love it there. And one of the salesman had his hip replaced The new S3R has some fantastic reviews. Ohlins up front and out back. Pirelli stick tire and some forged aluminum rims.
If your friend doesn't take the FZ6, what's he getting out of this? Just curious...

Get the S3R... Beats the heck out of a BMW IMHO. I've not ridden the S3R but I rode the BMW and hated it... of course coming off an FZ1 onto the Beemer? Well....... ;)
I also forgot to mention. When I was younger, and much stupider, I got behind the wheel of my brand new 92 corvette. Less than six months old. Met a girl in a dive bar called Stringfellows, decided to go back to my place. Filled the Vette up with gas, and next thing I knew my companion was warming me up nicely. As this is a family forum, I'll sanitize it. She finishes me off, and I'm cruising along. Guess the alcohol combined with the sudden energy drain left me so sleepy, I wrapped the Vette around a light poll. I gave the girl a $100 and told her to get lost. Called the cops. Needless to say, I barely failed the breathalyzer. Even the cop said it was so close he may have to do it again. Long story short, they left me off with a warning and I've never, NEVER, EVER, driven drunk since. Never did get that girls name though.

That's why I believe in second changes. A DWI can ruin your life in more ways than one. And remember ladies and gents, he without sin may cast the first stone.
OK, I was all set to come in here and defend your decision, figuring you meant just keeping insurance out of it, not the law. You mean to say the cops didn't get involved in this at all?

If the cops weren't involved, then he wouldn't have any charges to worry about whether he paid out of pocket or used his insurance, no?

My issue with leaving insurance out of it is A) the aforementioned potential long term medical bills, and B) $20k is definitely too cheap. Shoot, I got about $5k out of my old XJ700 when I got rearended on it, between the bike, my gear, and pain and suffering. And that was a nearly worthless bike, a relatively mild shoulder injury, and didn't even include actual medical expenses they had to repay... and the driver wasn't drunk, just stupid and inattentive. If I'm taking cash from someone in exchange for keeping their insurance out of it, it's going to be a generous offer, and cover what I think my medical bills could conceivably be... that's the price you pay to not pay the price twice a year for the next 3-5 years.