What's YOUR "Honey-Do" list?

We live in a rented apartment at the moment so there are really only two things on my list.

1. Find a new job - I was made redundant last week. :(
2. Buy a house with a garden (so the baby can play) and garage (for my bikes).
My wife does her best to participate in the projects but she has two herniated discs and one eroded disc in her lower back. So I don't let her do much at all. So long as she keeps Brother Sam coming to me, we're good! ;)

It really stinks to have neighbors that are so petty, doesn't it? She's actually OK when she's not drinking but that's rare these days. I feel bad for the hubby because she pushes him to get all these things done then calls him a useless boob in front of neighbors while she's toasted. She actually said to my wife one day "I wish my man was even 5% of the Husband your Eric is!" with the poor guy standing RIGHT THERE! Michele wanted to slap her!

OH! I forgot about two other projects:

I need to expand the new garage by adding a 10'x24' addition on the side facing the woods to move all the lawn, garden and deck furniture into which will also be the winter home for the motorcycles. (Tight squeeze in the garage for the winter as it stands)

Build out the other half of the basement to create a hallway to the guest room, a new laundry room and enclose the utilities in their own unfinished space.

I'm beginning to rethink "Home Ownership" especially after the last tax bill. Property taxes? More like RENT! We're up to $422 a month to cover the tax bill alone. You can NEVER own your property because of this... IT IS RENT! If you do not pay your rent, they take your property so... is it REALLY your property? No! If the government can take it away then it isn't ever yours.
That is too bad about your wife, I hope she gets relief from those nasty discs. Glad her brother is helpful. My husband had a fusion done a couple years ago in his neck.. no fun there.

Your poor neighbor (the husband) no matter what he does it will never be good enough, she is bitter about something.. I thank God that I have such an incredible marriage and is nice to see other caring marriages. Some don't always work out, but being nasty is just never necessary.

Our taxes run us about $200 a month, but it is built into the monthly mortgage payment.. which is huge. but we deal. Our rent was a third of the mortgage. But now we can annoy the neighbors by improving our property hehe. Now is it true that NH does not have State income tax? or am I confusing that with something else?

Here are a couple work in progress photos. . . hope you like them.

The GF's boys are reaching maximum destruction years... (13 and 10) so there are only minor projects in the house. Also, with a recent "incident" on her bike the Honey Do list is Re-install frame sliders and All New Levers for her Bike.
The GF's boys are reaching maximum destruction years... (13 and 10) so there are only minor projects in the house. Also, with a recent "incident" on her bike the Honey Do list is Re-install frame sliders and All New Levers for her Bike.

Cool, in a couple years they will be able to help with the honey-do list.. My boys help us all the time.. they sigh, but they do it. Our oldest boy is getting our old bedroom, so our youngest is most helpful in getting things done. And if you throw him a bone once in a while, he is always happy to work since there maybe some green involved, or a new video game, or just a nice dinner out.:thumbup:.
I'm trying to emphasize the concept of "delayed gratification". If you put in effort it will pay off down the road. IE... learn to do this stuff for yourself for when you grow and have your own place. Also, I try to do things in fours. One thing for each person but we all contribute, I think it builds family cohesion. What do you think?
Absolutely agree with the delayed gratification, that is why they don't always get something tangible in return for help. But a reward on occasion always keeps them willing. Doing things together as a family, forms unique bonds. They will also find good work ethics. Also, when they can see progress they can feel a sense of pride in that they participated.

I have one child who is brilliant, but an underachiever, thank you public schools(ADD(not sure it truly exists) but was rewarded for every simple thing so there was no internal gratification).. when he works for us he busts his butt. My other boy also brilliant, everything comes easy, so he is on the honor roll. But when it comes to manual labor.. he sighs and reluctantly helps...but at the end he is happy.

Keep up the good work.. they will soon see the benefits of working as a family team, and will gain the skills necessary to become independent.

That is too bad about your wife, I hope she gets relief from those nasty discs. Glad her brother is helpful. My husband had a fusion done a couple years ago in his neck.. no fun there.

Your poor neighbor (the husband) no matter what he does it will never be good enough, she is bitter about something.. I thank God that I have such an incredible marriage and is nice to see other caring marriages. Some don't always work out, but being nasty is just never necessary.

Our taxes run us about $200 a month, but it is built into the monthly mortgage payment.. which is huge. but we deal. Our rent was a third of the mortgage. But now we can annoy the neighbors by improving our property hehe. Now is it true that NH does not have State income tax? or am I confusing that with something else?

Here are a couple work in progress photos. . . hope you like them.


:thumbup: Thanks for the pics! Nice project!

:p Brother Sam is really Sam Adams... she just keeps me fueled with them during the project! :D My boys, at the mere mention of work, disappear until they hear the project is over. They are both out of the house though thus not inclined to help out poor old Dad. The way they look at it is Dad can still kick their collective butts so I have to be strong enough to do all the work! ;)

I think the neighbor is just a bitter person in general and she's dominant and has this poor weak man to bully day in and out. I think she actually enjoys the whole thing. Sad! Even at our worst moments, my wife and I would NEVER put each other down!

Yes, NH has no State income tax and most goods are tax free to purchase. We pay tax on meals(restaurants) and prepared foods(Grocery store Bakery/Deli stuff) but that's nearly it. No tax to go buy a motorcycle, car, boat, house, TV, Stereo, PS3, etc..... :D So they make up for it in property taxes.

Nice work going on there Boo!!! Congrats!
I'm currently finishing up my basement (framing, electrical, drywalling, etc). I'm pretty pumped that my wife gave me the go ahead to make a home theater room, so I'm doing that as well.
:thumbup: Thanks for the pics! Nice project!

:p Brother Sam is really Sam Adams... she just keeps me fueled with them during the project! :D My boys, at the mere mention of work, disappear until they hear the project is over. They are both out of the house though thus not inclined to help out poor old Dad. The way they look at it is Dad can still kick their collective butts so I have to be strong enough to do all the work! ;)

I think the neighbor is just a bitter person in general and she's dominant and has this poor weak man to bully day in and out. I think she actually enjoys the whole thing. Sad! Even at our worst moments, my wife and I would NEVER put each other down!

Yes, NH has no State income tax and most goods are tax free to purchase. We pay tax on meals(restaurants) and prepared foods(Grocery store Bakery/Deli stuff) but that's nearly it. No tax to go buy a motorcycle, car, boat, house, TV, Stereo, PS3, etc..... :D So they make up for it in property taxes.

Nice work going on there Boo!!! Congrats!

No wonder I keep thinking of moving to NH hehe Cape Cod is pricey!

Keep up the good work. Say hi to Sam for me ;)
I'm currently finishing up my basement (framing, electrical, drywalling, etc). I'm pretty pumped that my wife gave me the go ahead to make a home theater room, so I'm doing that as well.

Nice! That will be great, no light to hit the tv unless you have a walk out basement. Post some pics when it is done. Will be nice to see :)

Nice! That will be great, no light to hit the tv unless you have a walk out basement. Post some pics when it is done. Will be nice to see :)


I will definitely post up some pictures when I have some progress besides the framing/wiring.

Rob's only got two things on his honey-do list at the moment:

1) sell the condo

2) install my fender eliminator kit

My honey-do list is

1) finish grad school

2) sell the condo (yes, we both are doing this)

3) sell my car

4) find myself a real job for next year that won't interfere with my internship

What's the deal, how is mine longer?!?!
Ok! Progress!

Mailbox - Done!
Hoist in garage - Done!
Sprinkler System - Wet run with four zones, done! Just need to trench and bury all of it. Totally sunburned today though putting it all together. It was 92 degrees here today in NH with a real-feel of 98! Flippin' HOT!!! Burial should be complete in the next few nights (after sundown!!!)

Whew! BTW, the hoist is AWESOME! I'll be able to hoist the bikes to work on them without issue.

I have also mounted the Haulmaster Wheel chocks to 1" plywood with small ramp style wedges. I'm going to end up using this in the rear of the Tacoma until I get a trailer to mount them into. It's a tight fit for two bikes, but it works with the canyon dancers just fine!

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Well, after 2 months of working on my basement I've framed the entire thing, installed all the electrical, insulated it, put up drywall and finished the first coat of mud/tape.....The basement will be all done by the end of the month (that's my plan).

Here's a link to the work done so far:
nlheikki - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I am single and live by myself. Yet, my house is 122 years old. I don't have a "to do list" as much as it is a " awwwww son of a b!!ch list" because every time something else goes wrong I say....... well you know :spank:
I wish I had some honey :drool: :rof:
Living room remodel - Building Oak DVD/Book cases -Permanent fixtures
Outdoor patio/kitchen - Putting half down on a stamped concrete job. :D
Mailbox replacement - DONE
Sprinkler system install - DONE
Garage organization - Hoist, bench and some Gladiator wall in place!

Those are my updates. The rest of them are still outstanding. :(
I think it is time for an update: I've got most of the garage organized. I finished the bathroom on the first floor and this is the project that ate the last week up! We're working the next couple nights on the baseboard, chair rail and crown molding plus I have to cap off the corner where a wall was removed. This used to be the end of the hall, a closet and a bedroom with a closet within:

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That looks fantastic Eric! I will have to get Josh to shoot some final pics as we finally moved into our new master suite a couple of weeks ago.. just before his spinal surgery. It was a great success!
