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Which Tyre????

Which tyre is the best for grip and cornering?

  • Michelin Pilot Road 3

    Votes: 48 34.5%
  • Michelin Pilot Road 2

    Votes: 17 12.2%
  • Z6 Interact

    Votes: 4 2.9%
  • Z8 Interact

    Votes: 11 7.9%
  • Pirelli Angel

    Votes: 18 12.9%
  • BT - 023

    Votes: 28 20.1%
  • AVON Ultra storm II

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Other please state

    Votes: 15 10.8%

  • Total voters
My Fz6 had Hypersport S20 and my new Fz1 has PR2's. I would have to say I don't like the PR2's, they are soft, a little squirely and the lean in is not as precise feeling as the S20. The S20 you'd get a definitive lean in and I found it confidence inspiring. The PR2's I'll just look at as a reason to keep my throttle hand under control for a few thousand miles so I don't dump the new bike so fast.
I just ordered a set of Bridgestone S20's. Mainly because they cost 289.99 for the set. I did about 5 hours of internet surfing before I settled there. It was from Motosport. I chose them because Bridgestone is the Worlds Largest (More sales?) tire (tyre for the furreners) manufactuer. i figure they didn't get there by killing off their customers. I wanted Z8's but the best price I could find was about 340$ for a set. That 50$ is frame sliders, OIL, and an air filter.
I've been riding for 47 years without every going on a race track. When you say 'track', I think dogs.
So I really need stability at mild lean angles, stopping ability and tread life.
Adele has 20,080 miles on her now. I expect to pass 30,000 this year. So I am more then willing to give up some traction that I don't use for the longevity that I do need.
Who wants to change tires every other month? While some can afford that, I'm not one of them.
I'll let you know how they work out.
Just dont buy SHINKO tires they have no grip at all. They were on the bike when i got it and it makes me nervous just going around turns
last night after no real rain for 2 months I did a freeway run after the radio show and there was (in places ) an inch of water sitting over the road
I was expecting some aqua planing or some slippage but the Z8's just stuck like sh*t to a blanket I only dropped my freeway speed to 95 ks hour
they are just amazing

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner and it works every time !
I have gotten an amazing 17k out of my Road Pilot 3's. When I do the penny test it is right at his head. Rode two winters in Seattle on these puppies and never lost grip once in the wet. I will be putting another set on next month.
I switched to Michelin and have never looked back! Michelin's simply have the best tread life to grip ratio of any tire I have ever tried and the same applies to their car tires.

I currently have Pilot Power 2CT's on my FZ6 and at 4,000 miles the front tire looks new and the rear only has a slight flat spot you can only notice if you run your hand around the tire. The edges have only moderate cornering wear and I hit the mountains pretty hard in the summer and have never had a confidence problem from tire slip like I had with my previous Bridgestone or Pirellis as they wore out.
I'm pretty happy with my Pirelli angels, but they are my first tires I've had on the bike. It had the dunlops on the bike when I bought it, but they were pretty worn and only on it from the guys house to the mc shop to get new rubber
I am a big Pirelli fan, used '08 FZ with stock Dunlops sucked the big one.
I had ordered the PR2's at the time, (3's weren't out yet) dumb ass shop owner mounted the Angels on my bike, and I love them, great tires, dual compound (it was a wash BTW), but i feel I came out a head. :rockon:
I just took off a power pure which i loved, it was really confidence inspiring, but it had an unrepairable hole so now on the PR3's which so far i'm not quite as comfortable with, but they are barely scrubbed in. In saying that i had about 6000km on the rear of the power pures and the guy at the shop said it was about 70% worn, i'm pretty sure i don't ride that hard...
Just dont buy SHINKO tires they have no grip at all. They were on the bike when i got it and it makes me nervous just going around turns

Really? I have the 009's (just over 9k on them), grip is great rain or shine! Only time I've slipped was when crossing over a painted crosswalk. These tires are underated in my opinion.

Just got the Shinko 005 Advance's installed today(07Sept2013), hope to scrub them in tomorrow.
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I loved my Q2's. but i got 7-8k miles out of them. great grip and they were not bad in light rain.
Just got the pilot road 3s and i love them, :rockon: awesome in the rain and grip. i trust and push the pr3's pretty good. My dad has them on his fjr also and we were cornering at 90+ out in the middle of nowhere and they were sticking great. No more chicken strips after that trip.:Flip:
put 14,000 miles on the fz6 since i got it in august:rolleyes: and both sets of tires. the pr3's have around 3,000 miles and still look new!
I've got Michelin Pilot Road on front and back. When I purchased my bike (second hand) I noticed it had an original stock tyre on the front (Continental BT -021) and a new Pilot Road on the back. I don't know if it was me but the front always felt unstable. I know having two tyres different are not ideal but it just felt awful cornering etc. Now I've replaced the front and it's soooooo much better and it doesn't feel I'm going to come off.
I'm pretty happy with my Pirelli angels, but they are my first tires I've had on the bike. It had the dunlops on the bike when I bought it, but they were pretty worn and only on it from the guys house to the mc shop to get new rubber

Stickiest tyre I've used to date, just don't expect 10k miles if you ride anything like I do lol
I just put the Road Pilot 3's on my FZ6. I had the Road Pilot 2's on my Katana and they were great. The 3's seem about the same, just look a little more aggressive. I haven't had to ride in the rain yet, so I can't really say much there. I hear they are supposed to be a little better in the rain, but only time will tell....shoot by the look outside I may get that chance on the way home......
Wanted to chime in on Shinko's.
Just replaced my front Shinko 009 Raven with a PR2. Got a little over 10K miles out of it, but probably should have changed it sooner. Vibes were increasing to the point that if I took my hands off the bars they would shudder violently. Closer inspection showed very uneven wear on opposite side of each tread. Now the ride is as smooth as can be. (Rear at 6K and about halfway worn.) My hands and arms are thanking me.

Finally have a matched set of PR2's. Love, love, love these tires!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
I had on my FZ6: original bridgestones BT020 (came with bike when I bought it used), Michelin Pilot road 2 and Metzeler M5 Sportec.

Bridgestones were pretty good but they were old (4 yrs) so I replaced them just for sake.

Michelin Pilot Road 2 was kind of ok. It took me a while to get used to it, but I never liked them that much. I've beat crap out of them (over 10k miles).

Then I've switched to Metzeler and I'm sold :) Just after I've put new tire everything felt good once again. I've ridden it in the rain, shine; slow and spirited pace; even track. I feel very confident and know what to expect from those tires.

At the end it comes to one thing - ride what you are comfortable with. Most people are happy with Michelin PR2. I didn't like them. Some people says stock Bridgestones BT020 are crap. For me they were pretty nice.

PS. I'm not looking into millage on my tires. I need a grip and good feel in corners. If it means I have to change tires every 3-5k miles I have to live with that.
Um I'm going to try these out on my bike. Being late in the season not sure how much info I will gather but I'll take picks after I'm with the Dragon in two weeks.

Sent from my HTC One using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
Having worked ina tire shop through university during the winters, it's obvious that everyone is blown away by how amazing their tires are and how much of a drastic effect it has on the bike. The truth is though, the thing with tires is that you only buy them when your old tires are worn out, right? Therefore, a brand new tire, whether its great or crap, is going to be better! (most of the time)

The only way to be able to vote on which tire is best is by putting them on for 1000k, then switching, and so on..

Nothing wrong with voting here, but it's sort of biased. Check out some real tire review websites to see some tests on tires:)
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