Do you ride in the rain..

Do you ride in the rain..

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Feb 9, 2007
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Do you ride in the rain.. Or are you a fair weather rider like me...
I have rode about a hour in the rain on this bike already, only about 35-40 miles though since I slow the heck down. Not in a driving down pour yet. Yesterday it started raining and then little hail balls with heavy wind. I thought that sucked. The Ninjette I have rode quite a bit in the rain, but its always heading in the direction of home, I dont get all dressed up and go out in it.
My new bike is has got mud all over the swing arm and rear tire hugger already. LOL I do clean and lube the chain though. I will get her cleaned up this weekend.

ACK its raining right now... and me with the day off Figures LOL... I gotta get some rain gear.. I Live in the Canadian west coast... (In a rainforest lol)..

I bet its beautiful though. I have those fieldshear wind and waterproof pants. They rock. Dry as a bone, they just arent any fun when its hot and sunny.
I ride in the sun, clouds and sometimes light rain. I don't have great tires for rain so I avoid any rain that is too heavy. As for snow? I'm not giving Darwin any more subjects! :lol
I will and have ridden in the rain if I'm out and I encounter it. But usually I feel it's too much trouble hauling the rain gear out if it's going to be an all day rain event.
I ride around 500 miles a week and figure a bad day riding is better than a good day driving the truck.i try to avoid riding when there might be snow but have got caught a couple of times with the white stuff. to say the least it gets your full attention. the one thing i like about the weather in california even living in the mountains is that i can ride year around. Life just don't get much better than that.

call me the mailman but I've ridden in pouring rain,hail, high winds (gusts up to 75mph) snow (not on the street but beside the road 26 degrees) and extreme heat (127+ degrees I live in the desert what can I say) I agree with vikeme " a bad day riding is better then a good day in a cage"
call me the mailman but I've ridden in pouring rain,hail, high winds (gusts up to 75mph) snow (not on the street but beside the road 26 degrees) and extreme heat (127+ degrees I live in the desert what can I say) I agree with vikeme " a bad day riding is better then a good day in a cage"
I totally agree with you mate. The weather just adds to the whole two wheel experience. Better than being in the cage. The plus side is it gives you confidence in your abilities.
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i would never do somthing as crazy as ride in the rain or snow!:D


no that is not me on the black fz6!.... ok busted! check out the video i just posted in the video section of me riding in the rain and you will see that i am good with that as well!
I ride around 500 miles a week and figure a bad day riding is better than a good day driving the truck.I try to avoid riding when there might be snow but have got caught a couple of times with the white stuff. to say the least it gets your full attention...

Totally agree with you there, but I do try not to ride in the white stuff.
with todays tires there is no problem with riding your bike in all weather. Being in Ireland I ride in rain mostly and dry weather when I'm lucky! :)

The other day was my first time riding in snow as we dont get snow very often here but I do draw the line when there is frost on the depending on how severe the weather is i will ride or not! :)

Heavy winds are fine..I can handle that...but not ice!
I will ride in the cold, i will ride in the rain, but cold rain i usually take the car, and no snow...although i have been caught in a flurry or two
I'm either getting weak are just the new job takes more out of me but I've only been a fair weather rider lately. I don't mind the rain but the cold has finally started to get to me. 30 miles was short enough that I would do it but the extra 20 miles is a little too much when its in the 30's when I leave for work.
I am quite happy, if required, to ride in whatever but usually I do not have to. Bike tyres today are so much better in the wet.:thumbup: