Do you ride in the rain..

Do you ride in the rain..

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Rain sucks

I ride plenty in the rain but I don't like it; avoid snow as much as possible, but sometimes sheet happens. . . . . Who doesn't prefer good weather???
I ride plenty in the rain but I don't like it; avoid snow as much as possible, but sometimes sheet happens. . . . . Who doesn't prefer good weather???

if we are talking preferences here i will take 365 days of 74 degree and sunny days please.... and the winning powerball ticket.
The only time I don't ride is when the wind is over 20 mph or there is ice on the ground. I come home from work at 6 am, so if there's ice I usually find it. I have firstgear rain gear at it works perfectly...
Do you ride in the rain.. Or are you a fair weather rider like me...

Everytime i had a bike lesson leading up to my test it pi$$ed for a while i am going to enjoy as much dry riding as i can get or grab in this great british weather.;)
Normally we avoid riding in the rain, but if we are going on a trip we don't let the rain stop us. In this picture we rode in light rain the whole 300 miles. It stopped when we arrived at our destination. We had one trip where it rained the whole trip (4 days).
I ride in the rain all the time...hail, snow, rain, sun...whatever the weather throws up at generally will put me off but if i'm sticking only to the larger roads...such as motorways then i'll ride as not much ice is found there with all the speeding cars! :) I'm an all year round biker I am! :)
Ill ride in rain. I have road through a lot of it. Ill ride through eveything but ice. The coldest i have rode is 29 and the hotest is 113. Wind in the 50 a couple of weeks ago. That was scary. I have a mustang gt that drinks gas like crazy so i hate driving it.
Ironic that I chose not to ride during any rainy days, considering that my last day at MSF course was met with severe thunderstorm. We all stay under the canopy until it passed followed by riding and testing for our licenses under very slick asphalt due to all the rain. All the instructors told us to trust our tires and that we won't fall so long as we don't do anything stupid.
We all eventually passed with flying colors. I still would rather avoid riding in the rain mainly because I hate peeling off wet cold clothes.
Everytime i had a bike lesson leading up to my test it pi$ for a while i am going to enjoy as much dry riding as i can get or grab in this great british weather.;)

great british weather my foot. it was raining when i went for my test. its usually foggy when i get into central london these days.

I commute to work mon to friday so come rain or sun I will be on the fazer. I wld probably get the tube if it is snowing until i fit the crash bungs then i cld try to give it a shot on the bike.
My FroggTogg rain suit showed up in the mail last night. I debated riding to work today in the rain, but was too tired to deal with it. My Dad has gone through several pair (he's a harley rider) and says they'd keep you dry in a monsoon, plus they are windproof. He's worn it even when it wasn't raining just to keep the wind from chilling him.
I voted fair weather, but in the summer if a shower comes on, I have been know to ride. Especially if there is a chance of rain, and the morning looks good, I will ride. In the afternoon, if it is raining, no worries.
I think that rain just comes with the territory. If you get caught by a downpour then you got caught. I got caught two hours away from home and rode the entire way in a downpour. I consider it part of the deal, and if I can get a shower from Mother Earth why not. I would prefer not to ride in the rain, but when you need to ride you do what you need to.
I get the same enjoyment out of riding in the rain that I did when splashing in mudpuddles when I was a little kid! :) I just can never seem to find anyone who wants to go for a ride with me!
I get the same enjoyment out of riding in the rain that I did when splashing in mudpuddles when I was a little kid! :) I just can never seem to find anyone who wants to go for a ride with me!

Well put!!!!! :thumbup:

I'm with you there. I absolutely love riding in the rain.
When I first started riding, about 3 of 5 days would have a 30% or higher chance of rain. After 3 months of playing it safe, I decided that I liked riding too much to be stuck in a cage on those days, and invested in a rainproof jacket, boots, and gloves. Now the only thing that stops me is high winds, ice, and snow.
i guess i would be a bit more fair weather as i wont ride to work if it is raining or will be raining all day.. i dont like to show up to work wet but if it is nice in the morning and only suposed to be shower later i will ride as i have all night to make it home and a washer/dryer once i get there.. and it gets much under 50 and i will usually take the car (but i like my car so it isn't disiponting) no snow and have only ridden in 40 or colder a hand full of times although i have ridden on a 50 day with snow on the ground just not the road.