

Junior Member
May 26, 2010
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Every magazine I have picked up over the last 2 months has had a feature on the FZ8, as lovely as it looks am I missing something?

It looks pretty much identical to our beloved FZ6 (exhaust is a more conventional side mounted) Bodywork, Wheels, styling , clocks etc etc all very FZ6 ish. All the road tests I have read seem to put it a few mph slower than the 600 but slightly up on bhp. Yes I know it uses the bottom end from the 1000 but so what, nothing wrong with the bottom end on the 600 is there?
Why take one of the most popular road bikes out there (certainly for Europe not too sure about the US) make the engine the "fashionable" 800cc and charge almost £3000 extra for the pleasure and to get something that doesnt, in my opinion, offer that much more real world use over the 600. Oh I almost forgot maybe the Ohlins looky likey USD forks make it a must have.

I guess now some of you may bombard me with stats for this and stats for that but at the end of the day it looks like an FZ6 with USD forks and a little slower.
But as I said maybe I am missing something :don'tknow:
It's called marketing. How many articles have you seen in the m/c press about the FZ6 over the last couple of years? Close to zero because it has been out since 2004. It's old hat. By introducing a 'new and improved model', the FZ8, Yamaha gets lots of free press and a new set of potential owners, and a higher price point (more profit per unit). This is how marketing is done all the time. There is nothing wrong with the FZ6, but it has basically run it's course from a marketing standpoint.
Why take one of the most popular road bikes out there (certainly for Europe not too sure about the US)

Unfortunately this is not true of the US. 90% of the sport bike riding public here would much rather ride an R6, GSXR, or ZX. Sad really:(
Every magazine I have picked up over the last 2 months has had a feature on the FZ8, as lovely as it looks am I missing something?

It looks pretty much identical to our beloved FZ6 (exhaust is a more conventional side mounted) Bodywork, Wheels, styling , clocks etc etc all very FZ6 ish. All the road tests I have read seem to put it a few mph slower than the 600 but slightly up on bhp. Yes I know it uses the bottom end from the 1000 but so what, nothing wrong with the bottom end on the 600 is there?
Why take one of the most popular road bikes out there (certainly for Europe not too sure about the US) make the engine the "fashionable" 800cc and charge almost £3000 extra for the pleasure and to get something that doesnt, in my opinion, offer that much more real world use over the 600. Oh I almost forgot maybe the Ohlins looky likey USD forks make it a must have.

I guess now some of you may bombard me with stats for this and stats for that but at the end of the day it looks like an FZ6 with USD forks and a little slower.
But as I said maybe I am missing something :don'tknow:

The FZ6's main problem (like a lot of 600s) is that its power is high up in the rev range, which is really not practical for the streets... On the streets you need usable power, i.e. power accessible in low rpms where you spend most of your time, and the FZ8 provides just that, usable power down low (50% more torque than the FZ6).

That's imo the main reason for the FZ8, and just to do something new and give competition to the extremely successful (in Europe) Z750/Z1000...
I was beyond certain that I would buy the FZ8 when it came out (naked version of course) until I saw the hp/torque and weight numbers.

its just not enough of an upgrade for me to take the loss on my bike. Either another 10-12 hp or torque (only one of the two to make the fz1 still far superior) would make me run to the dealership
Within 15 minutes of seeing the Fazer for the very first time I signed for one. Didn't know the numbers, had never ridden one, just saw it and thought "yes". No regrets after 6 years.

I felt the same way the first time I saw the FZ8 so yes, it will be my next bike. I don't care about the numbers, I know it will do the job.
I agree with the marketing angle...the largest single market (USA) has
spoken clearly that they prefer the plastic encased R model, no need
for another 600, R6 covers true sport riders, FZ6R covers the budget
concious commuters/weekend warriors, so we get a slightly larger half
faired replacement more competitive with some others in the mid size
sport/touring class: VFR, F800, I don't like it but I do understand the thinking
Or instead of a new FZ8 one could buy a used FZ1. I saw a bone stock 2009 FZ1, with 800 miles for $6,800 on CL. That is a bargain.
I can see this being a moderate success in Europe. In the US? Not so much. There is a reason we never saw the FZ6N over here, despite its popularity elsewhere in the world. Naked (sport) bikes (unless they say Ducati) just don't move enough numbers here in the US to make them worthwhile.

With the FZ8, as nice as it may be, Yamaha just didn't differentiate it enough from it's big brother to keep them from thinking "Why go with 800cc when I can get an all around better bike in the FZ1?"

Most people coming from the 600cc class bike want to jump to a liter or larger bike. I think in the US it would get overlooked in favor those bikes.

If I were in the market for a new bike today (and the FZ8 were here), I'd jump right into an FZ1.

Good idea, bad position within their own line.
Sadly, a large majority of the United States motorcycle riders would rather have a bike covered in plastic or chrome.

Naked or semi-faired bikes have never captured the market like sportbikes and cruisers have. For that reason alone, I doubt the FZ8 will ever be marketed in the USA.

If, by some chance the FZ8 does make it into the US, it will likely be relegated to the back of the line. Why you ask... it's because most USA riders are a fickle bunch that are more interested in image than practicality and comfort.

This is why Squids are attracted to Gixxers, Busa's, CBR's and the "R" bikes of various manufacture. This is also why folks buy chromed out cruisers that won't get out of their own way.

Both types of people buy motorcycles based on what they believe will make them feel "cool" or make them feel better about themselves. Of course, there are people who genuinely like sportbikes or cruisers, I can't fault them because at least their decision is based on sound reasoning.
I'm a +1 on the marketing principle. Like Wavex says, the FZ6 is just a bit old hat now. The motorcycle market is probably feeling a little stagnant with the financial crisis - they just aren't making that many sales.

If you are an experienced rider, looking for a middle weight do it all bike and you visit a Yamaha dealership you see:

XJ6 - 'beginners bike' (and for me dull as dishwater).
R6 - fast sporty track bike (for the racer in you!).
FZ8 - Hmm, seems to fit the bill...
FZ1 - big litre bike with tons of power (but not what I'm looking for).

Which do you choose? FZ8. What's the price? A lot more than an FZ6 which is probably what you would choose if it was still in the line up.

Personally, I was all excited about the FZ8 when it first appeared, but now I think about it the more I think it's going to make people look at other manufacturers where you can get great bikes for less money than an FZ8 (I'm thinking a Street Triple of course :thumbup: ) unless you're a die-hard Yamaha fan.

I agree with the other comments on this probably not selling in the States as well.
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Well, suspension front/rear will need to be addressed b/c--

Pre-load only for the rear?

No Adjustability for compression/rebound/preload in the front forks.... Don't know the diameter (yet) for the USD forks (r6/FZ1 -- what can I say I own a Gen I), but can see alot more hunting for the marriage of other bikes to have this ability of adjustability to maximize the overall ride quality....
I'd recommend you stop looking at numbers and go ride the bike to make up your mind.

+1 million. Figures mean squat.

Quite possibly my favourite road engine is that in the Ducati 1000SS. It puts out 82hp but absolutely whops the FZ6's butt, and most other engines for street, real world riding. It's sublime.

The price of the FZ8 is not ideal, but if it has more torque down low (which surely we all agree wouldn't hurt the FZ6) and better (if not a bit blingy) suspension, that can only be an improvement. I agree it sounds a bit porky as well but that's probably a result of them using the FZ1 as a starting point. But hey, leaves room for weight reduction mods :D
TwoWheels Australia magazine also has a review & it wasnt glowing to be honest.... They say it is very expensive & wont compete against other bikes in that class :(.. IMO its not all that pretty either :eek:
Have they released the Aussie price for it yet though? But yeah price sounds like it will be a killer. And indicates the FZ1 is going to be more expensive when revised as well.

As some have eluded to here, the FZ1 is looking good as always, and will only become better value for money until superceded. Can't wait to see the runout deals they do then!
As an FZ6 owner, I'm happy it's been phased out. I think that will help with resale value when I sell it. They're great bikes and I think a lot of new/intermediate riders will continue to be interested in them. Having one of the "better" '07+ bikes is just icing on the cake. If Yamaha brought out a new FZ6 instead of the FZ8, all our bikes would become a little less desirable.

I don't get the FZ8. At all. I don't see the appeal, especially in the states. The US consumer is not going to stand in a showroom looking at two nearly identical bikes and say, "I want the one with the little engine!" The FZ6 was differentiated enough from the FZ1 to have it's own appeal. I suspect the FZ8 will have a lot of trouble with that. Faced with that decision, I'd walk out the door and find a lightly used '06+ FZ1.

Even if you take the FZ1 out of the equation, I don't see the FZ8 being enough of an improvement over the FZ6 to warrant an upgrade. Sure, it's got some more power, but it also has more heft. Despite what the reviews say, I've never found low-end power to be any problem in normal traffic conditions. Just because it's anemic compared to the top end doesn't mean it's a problem.

Yamaha was on the right track by coming out with the FZ8. They got a lot of it right, but instead of an engine that splits the difference between the FZ6 and the FZ1, they should have dropped an 800cc twin in there. Even if it still looked so similar to the FZ1, that would get a whole different bunch of people interested. I would much prefer an FZ8 w/ a twin to the FZ1. Just think of it... wide powerband, upright riding position, wind protection, nice looks, and all at a reasonable price point. Better luck next time Yamaha! By the time you get it figured out, I might be ready to get rid of my FZ6.