Happy to be alive today! F-ing DEER!


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Apr 25, 2010
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Weston, CT
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I've never been an outspoken ATGATT guy,but I sure am glad that I adopted a full gear policy when I traded my cruiser in for a sport bike!

I was doing 60 or 70 down a wide open road yesterday when I saw a big deer on the left, we made eye contact and then he lept! I never even got my hand to the brake! BAM! I don't really know what happened next but I opened my eyes and the yellow lines were just going past my eyes while my helmet did it's job. I was in the fetal position just sliding on my side. I was wearing the new power and glory armored hoody from speed and strength and for a sweatshirt it held up very well. The armor saved my shoulders from road rash but I got a little on my forearms and lower back where the jacket road up on my back.

I asked why the EMTs were so grateful that I was wearing full gear why they kept thanking me. One of them said if I had no helmet they would have been cleaning up a corpse, and that always ruins there day.

My shoulder and neck are very soar from impact but the x-rays showed nothing broken! WOOHOO!

I will post pics of the bike later when I pick it up.

Now what to do with the insurance money? New bike or gardening shears? This is my second close call in four years and I kinda want to spread them out a little more:)
deer suck.
i see at least 1 a day on my commute.
they're on the back roads, in neighborhoods, i know a guy who was hit on I-270 --a major highway.
plus, lyme disease..... dammit i hate deer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

glad you're ok.
it could have been a lot worse.
Gear ftw. Had a guy on an SV650 right outside my apartment T bone a car today. Didnt see how it happened, though it didnt look like it was too high of a speed hit. Left a dent in the driver side door of the car where the tire hit, biker was lying right beside the bike. Appeared to have been wearing a helmet a jacket with a tshirt and shorts. He left in the back of an ambulance on a stretcher. Glad to hear you are doing good and wore the gear :)
Glad to see you're somewhat OK. I smoked a Turkey last year with my FZ6 and it sucked. I can't imagine how bad it would suck to hit a Deer.

Get well soon!
The reason that the elbow and forearm got rash was that the jacket sleeve got rolled up or simply it did not hold up?

What is the name of the Canvas pants you were wearing?

I hope you get well soon.

It saved your life today! Glad you're not seriously hurt.

Bloody deer! We have the same problem with kangaroos - and they're never insured :eek:
Glad you're ok! all the deer accidents with the people I ride with are always the deer running into the bike... that road rash doesn't look fun at all, hence why i wear ATGATT as well, just imagine what would have happened if u had been dressed like the kid i saw today (shorts muscle shirt flip flops).... Again glad you made it out relatively unscathed.
Glad you're okay. While I have a different definition of full gear, I'm happy yours worked. I can't believe you didn't suffer worse rash sliding at that speed... especially given your apparel. I hope it doesn't feel as bad as it looks. Now that you've experienced a slide, I think your definition of full gear may change as well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

How did the deer fare?
I'm glad it wasn't worse.

On my ride last night I almost ran into one - I rounded a corner and there she was. It would not have been pretty.
Wow, glad you made it out with only minor injuries! I'll bet that was scary as hell. :eek:

Welcome to the "Deer Suck" club! I finally got around to fixing the fairing damage on my FZ today, courtesy of one of the little bastards. :rolleyes: I've been seeing more and more of them too, and add to that the brush on the roadsides is getting too tall, making it nearly impossible to spot them in time, and we've now got a recipe for suck. :shakehead: I ride really mellow in the mornings now, lol. Can we hunt them out of existence already?! :sinister:

Good case for gear too! This is why everyone should gear up, as it's stuff like this, that you can't do anything about that can mess you up or worse.
Glad you survived the deer hit, often it is a fatal accident no matter how good your safety equipment is. Here in the Texas Hill Country we have deer all over the place, it is the one thing I constantly worry about, especially in the early morning and evening. I try not to ride in those hours but it gets so hot here in the summer that you have to get out early to enjoy the cooler weather before the humidity and heat get too oppressive.
Even though your canvas pants probably performed better than ordinary jeans, I wouldn't qualify it as ATGATT.

Based from your pictures, if you were actually wearing riding pants with armour, I don't think you would have even suffered any leg injuries. Knee pads and shin guards would have taken the impact. Definately something to consider for those who still ride without riding pants.

Does your state have a helmet law? That helmet definatley saved your life. Thanks for posting. What about the deer?
madness! glad youre alright.

more proof textile pants dont hold up. oh and a hoodie, even if it's a rider hoodie....doesn't constitute ATGATT.
I'm glad you made it out relatively ok and I hope the stupid rat with horns is dead and rots in hell. I hate deer ...

So what bike are you getting next? :)
Glad you're okay! Keep those wounds clean. It'll take a while for that to heal and might be sensitive for a while.

As others have said, bump up your gear and get your new jacket zipped to your new armored pants. From what that helmet looks like you have to know what the EMT's would be looking at if you didn't have it on.

Can't imagine any state that enforces child safety seat laws not enforcing helmet laws. Helmets work great!

Get well soon! :D