Mod fever

The only thing left to hijack on this thread is a quick change of conversation in the direction of to think of it I have one in the
The only thing left to hijack on this thread is a quick change of conversation in the direction of to think of it I have one in the

Was eyeing off the last Beam & Cola you left in my fridge earlier....Lol!

There we have complete our hijack!

OK. My first mod (unless you count Oggie Knobs and if you can call this a is coming up. I picked up one of those cheap high frequency whistles for my beast today. Supposed to be audible by animals for up to 2km and is more likely to startle them into heading for the hills than my bike......Anyone with T'B.s may not need

I've had a couple close calls with Kangaroos of late ,so I thought these might help.

Swabbed radiator protector with alcohol and stuck it be time for a
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OK. My first mod (unless you count Oggie Knobs and if you can call this a is coming up. I picked up one of those cheap high frequency whistles for my beast today. Supposed to be audible by animals for up to 2km and is more likely to startle them into heading for the hills than my bike......Anyone with T'B.s may not need

I've had a couple close calls with Kangaroos of late ,so I thought these might help.

Swabbed radiator protector with alcohol and stuck it be time for a

Top mod for you of late :thumbup: jury is still out as to wether they work or not so i'd still be hiding behind the roar of Wolf's TB's for a while :D
Ahh, so thats what they are.. My sis came around the other day and had something like that on her car... couldn't work out what it was.


They could be the most useless piece of gimmicky garbage in the world....I mean who would know if they even make a sound if you can't hear
As i am a Wolf, if you see me riding off iinto the scrub on Sunday, holding my ears.......:spank:

Mike, it's time you cleaned those pipes....:spank:
As i am a Wolf, if you see me riding off iinto the scrub on Sunday, holding my ears.......:spank:

Mike, it's time you cleaned those pipes....:spank:

The whole bike needs a tubs after riding home in the rain today:(. I'll loaf on my back tonight and see what I can
The whole bike needs a tubs after riding home in the rain today:(. I'll loaf on my back tonight and see what I can

I am about to set off into that rain.....Friggin car has no indicators, and i cant open my petrol cap...Trailer lead shorted it all out Yesterday, when towing the Duc!

Bike will look trashed on Sunday, as the way i am feeling, i will not be in any mood to wash it tomorrow!

The whole bike needs a tubs after riding home in the rain today:(. I'll loaf on my back tonight and see what I can

Have a rum and think about it , which will make you thirsty so you hafta have another rum and think about it some more , thirsty ? no problem quench your thirst with another rum :D , god this bike washing business is thirsty work :thumbup:
Have a rum and think about it , which will make you thirsty so you hafta have another rum and think about it some more , thirsty ? no problem quench your thirst with another rum :D , god this bike washing business is thirsty work :thumbup:

PMSL....after enough rums I'll be in just the right position to polish my
I am about to set off into that rain.....Friggin car has no indicators, and i cant open my petrol cap...Trailer lead shorted it all out Yesterday, when towing the Duc!

Bike will look trashed on Sunday, as the way i am feeling, i will not be in any mood to wash it tomorrow!


Probably just a fuse.

After I clean my bike I'll get rained on for sure...Always do, so yours won't be the only dirty bike
I seem to have caught the modding bug. I rolled into Yammy world this morning and this is how my ride looked when I came home.(P.S. I couldn't afford the good mods so it's not quite what I was hoping for:eek:.)

Funny post script to this thread......Matt, our MT01 riding buddy, got this bike as a loan bike the other week, while the mighty MT was in having a service....

First of all, how funny would this bike be with Matt hanging over it...all 6ft 5' of him, all 140 - 150kg's of him!!!! Lol!

Secondly, and this is the funny part....Matt got pulled by the cops, when he was eriding the bike down to the shop in his lunch hour.....reason....UNREGISTERED....for over a month!!!!!!!!

Naughty bike shop!!!! Matt was less thamn impressed, as it wasted his whole lunch hour, and he nearly got a ticket!!!!!

Next day he was in the shop, muttering things to the effect of "Who do i need to twist into a Pretzel!!!!!" :eek:

If you know Matt, as a few of you do, guys in Bike shop would of been dissapearing up their own tail pipes at this point.....LOL! Wish i was there for that one!!!!!!

Priceless !

Wish I knew him when Honda World were giving me grief a few years back.

Yes, Matt is rather handy to have about if you want to scare the heebee geebee's out of someone...he is big...very big, loud....very loud.....and sorta psychotic looking when he gets revving....has given me many a giggle, a few grimaces, and a couple of "Oh heck, here we go" moments over the Years...the boys at the shop are scared whitless of him!!!!!!!

Funny thing is, Matt would not hurt a fly 99.9% of the's that .01% that keeps people guessing though!!!!

PMSL....unreal. It just had to be discovered while Matt was riding

Over a month of no rego:eek:? Holy cow.

I think it's karma that it was matt!such a monumental stuff up deserved a monumental rebuke! Am betting it won't happen again anytime soon !