New member welcome thread..

Hello. My name is Alan, and I'm a FZ6aholic! I live in Alabama, USA, I am a crane operator, i'm 52, love long walks on the beach, sun se.... Oh sorry! Got carried away there.:D I do love my 2005 Silver and Black FZ6! ( yes the silver ones are faster:p) I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you! Thanks for having me.

LOL....great intro! welcome to the family
hello all, my name is paul and i live in san jose, california. i recently bought my second bike, an 07 fz6 in a color which i think is plenty fast.

having gotten back into riding after a many year hiatus, i found i was putting so many miles on my only bike that i reasoned i deserved another one. to this point, i am happy and usually cant stay far from the garage long enough as i like to just know, look. or course i would rather be riding, but the rain is here, its best to play it safe.

what i like about this forum is how international it is compare do the forum i belong to here in the bay area (bay area riders forum, or barf) peoples from all countries together to celebrate not just the love of riding, but the love of riding one bike! your enthusiasm and the information you share is enough to keep me coming back, so thank you all in advance for the years of riding to come.
Hi, my name is Matt. I'm from east central Ohio. I'm 31 years old and have been married for almost 11 years. We have two kids ( boy-6, girl-3). I work in a coal mine 60 hrs a week ( What a life, or lack of one). I just traded my '07 250 ninja on an '08 blue FZ6. I can't wait to ride, but the weather here is pretty bad now.
Hi, my name is Matt. I'm from east central Ohio. I'm 31 years old and have been married for almost 11 years. We have two kids ( boy-6, girl-3). I work in a coal mine 60 hrs a week ( What a life, or lack of one). I just traded my '07 250 ninja on an '08 blue FZ6. I can't wait to ride, but the weather here is pretty bad now.

That's a step up in the right direction. Welcome to the forum, another good choice. :thumbup:
Hi, my name is Matt. I'm from east central Ohio. I'm 31 years old and have been married for almost 11 years. We have two kids ( boy-6, girl-3). I work in a coal mine 60 hrs a week ( What a life, or lack of one). I just traded my '07 250 ninja on an '08 blue FZ6. I can't wait to ride, but the weather here is pretty bad now.

I spent a week last August touring the coal mining areas of eastern Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee on bikes. We visited countless museums and it was an awesome experience. No doubt mining safety has come a long way but to me it is still far from "safe." I am happy to hear you can find time for both your family and the new toy. Now lets hope for some improved weather so we can ride.....

Good luck and welcome,
That's a step up in the right direction. Welcome to the forum, another good choice. :thumbup:

Just in case anyone is wondering, I paid $6500 for the bike, they gave me $2000 for the ninja (2987 mls). They had their "dock fee" and some other stuff, so out the door it was like $7005. I guess that's ok. I new last year when I bought the ninja I probably would'nt have it long. I just wanted to get in cheap to see if I was going to like riding , or even have the time to ride. Most of mine is done on the 90 mile round trip to work. But needless to say, I'm hooked. Come on spring!
I spent a week last August touring the coal mining areas of eastern Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee on bikes. We visited countless museums and it was an awesome experience. No doubt mining safety has come a long way but to me it is still far from "safe." I am happy to hear you can find time for both your family and the new toy. Now lets hope for some improved weather so we can ride.....

Good luck and welcome,

Their is no doubt you gotta be "on your toes," but my company preaches safety constantlly. Our slogan is "Their is not a pound of coal worth mining to get someone hurt." We all watch out for each other down their ( 600-1200 Feet). I fiigured you were wondering. Matt
Hi, my name is Matt. I'm from east central Ohio. I'm 31 years old and have been married for almost 11 years. We have two kids ( boy-6, girl-3). I work in a coal mine 60 hrs a week ( What a life, or lack of one). I just traded my '07 250 ninja on an '08 blue FZ6. I can't wait to ride, but the weather here is pretty bad now.

Hey Matt, welcome to the family.

Stay safe.
I'm Amy, from Carthage, NC - mine is a 2006, mostly red (working on getting the red tank, if anyone wants to trade for my blue one!). I absolutely love this bike, the way it handles, the way the power comes on, the suspension - it's just beautiful!!! I also have a '94 Honda Magna, and ride as much as possible! So glad to have found this forum!
I'm Amy, from Carthage, NC - mine is a 2006, mostly red (working on getting the red tank, if anyone wants to trade for my blue one!). I absolutely love this bike, the way it handles, the way the power comes on, the suspension - it's just beautiful!!! I also have a '94 Honda Magna, and ride as much as possible! So glad to have found this forum!

Welcome to the family. You will like it here. :thumbup:
Hello people, bought a new 07 FZ6 last May as a day bike. I have an 04 FJR that I use for my longer rides, Iron Butt etc. Looking forward to using the helpful info from this forum. Doug
Hi @ll,

I'm writing from France, my name is Michel (no, not a girl, the girl is Michelle :p) , but you can just call me Mike ;) , and i'm 35 old.

I've found your forum by looking around some mods for Fz6, and here's a nice place.

I've bought my FZ6 S2 Abs about 5/6 months ago, it's when i passed my driving license for bikes, so this is my first one.

If you don't understand me sometimes, that's not a problem, just ask, sometimes i don't understand myself :p)

Yo, Mark here.

I've got an '81 Yamaha XJ750 Seca and in a fit of desperation last year almost traded her in for an FZ6. Persistence paid off and I brought my baby back from the dead, but that meant I never got the FZ6 :) :( I was thinking of picking one up this spring, but the economy has me nervous and holding on to my cash.

I did things bass ackwards and bought my 750 with no experience (I'd ridden my friend's V-Max in a parking lot and decided I needed a bike), got my license, THEN took the MSF course. I now do all I can to keep new riders from repeating my mistakes.

That was back in '95. I had a few years off (and that neglect resulted in the near-dead Seca) but really got back into riding big last year. I planned to commute through this winter, but it was even more harsh than most and I also had a new pup I had to shuttle to work with me. But the pup is housebroken now and the snow is gone, so a commuting we will go! Just blew off the cobwebs this morning and will hit it again tomorrow for a fun run somewhere.

Aside from that, I'm a married 30-something daddy to a beautiful 18 month old girl, I'm a computer geek for fun and profit, I'm a private pilot who barely gets to fly enough, I'm into music (guitars, keyboards), and have too many pets (2 labs, a cat, 2 birds, and 2 rabbits).

Maybe if I cut back on some of the other expensive hobbies I could afford that FZ as a second bike . . . .

Anyway, I stumbled across this forum while daydreaming about the FZ6 and figured I'd join up 'just in case.' ;) Seems like a really decent group of folks here. Cheers.
Wow! I guess I forgot to introduce myself?

I'm Eric and I have a Cycle problem. I've just sold my '05 FZ6 and ordered a new '08 FZ6... even after ALL the other choices. That tells you I'm a bit OCD when it comes to this Yamaha model!

Married and been with this woman for approaching 22 years, living in NH (10 yrs now) Maine native though, 3 grown kids, one left at home... Been on bikes/3 wheelers/4 wheelers for 32 years now.

Bikes, NASCAR, NFL, College Hockey, Red Sox, woodworking, kayaking and PC gaming are my top pasttimes.

U.S. Army Veteran... served 4 yrs from 82-86. Currently a Server/Storage Engineer having fun with blades, VMWare and SANs.

Thankful that these forums exist because of the wealth of information from all of you that are eager to share your knowledge. Kudos to all that post these great Howto threads! Thanks!!!