Strange comparison

that guy is as qualified to judge an FZ6, as a blind Chinese woman is refereeing the the football world cup final.

if he ever gets one, he is definitely going to whine about wrist pain, an uncomfortable seat, no spirit, no growl,weak low-mid range,too much hassle to get to the high rpm's, and no use for his nickel polisher.
I know what you mean, I rode a sportster a couple of months ago and gave it back early.
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Worst riding experience of my life was on a Sportster......could not possibly be compared to an FZ6.....Sportsters dont stop, dont handle, have no guts....are way more uncomfortable than an FZ6..... the Sportster is just another boat anchor with wheels IMHO....

totally agree wolfy, I borrowed one from a dealer and it was just a total dog. I ended up giving it back early.
Mind you the missus wanted me to keep it cos she didnt know you could get a vibrator that big. :D
totally agree wolfy, I borrowed one from a dealer and it was just a total dog. I ended up giving it back early.
Mind you the missus wanted me to keep it cos she didnt know you could get a vibrator that big. :D

Be nice to hear about more about that. Like the riding position etc.
Well; the seat was uncomfortable, but that's really an individual thing. The position was relaxed but took a bit of getting used to with fairly wide bars which are useful for manouvering the heavy lump.
It had a nice feet forward feel, although I spent the ride being scared of scraping the pegs.
The instruments were somewhat rudimentary and the individual turn switches took getting used to. I never waited for them to self cancel.
When I wanted to accelerate I kept finding my self changing down because the pull form the engine felt as though it was in top, but really it just had no guts.
If you want a relaxed bike at that sort of money go for a bonneville.
On a plus note; it did make a nice noise.
Interesting....he said this:

They said, "The FZ6 is a good bike, but it's a beginner bike. In six months you're just going to want the R6. Since you already have a lot of experience riding motorcycles, my advice is to just buy the R6."

I don't think this is good advice, it sounds like a good way to get hurt? 6 months of riding the FZ and then go buy an R6? LOL...this guy is off his rocker!:eek:
I always laugh when someone describes a bike as a beginners bike, it's like they are trying to set them self above someone else. What does Beginners bike mean, if I am happy with the power and want to ride it until I'm sixty years old I'm I not allowed? :confused:

I never hear 4 cylinder cars described as a beginner car, i thought you like what you like and you ride/drive what you want or need.
No offense to any Harley bike lovers here, but no way in hell you can compare any bike that harley makes to Yamaha, none the less to FZ6. I really dislake them. Not reliable, no good handling, too much vibration all around the bike. Harley's....psh...what’s that...a bike...LOL.
Interesting....he said this:

They said, "The FZ6 is a good bike, but it's a beginner bike. In six months you're just going to want the R6. Since you already have a lot of experience riding motorcycles, my advice is to just buy the R6."

I don't think this is good advice, it sounds like a good way to get hurt? 6 months of riding the FZ and then go buy an R6? LOL...this guy is off his rocker!:eek:

It was probably the salesman who said this.....trying to upsell. When I was looking at the FZ (and the SV650) they tried to sell me a R6, FZ1, and R1.....even though I specifically said I want to look at the FZ. I can maybe see the FZ1 (i do have some motorcycle expireince) but why would I be looking for a standard and want a sportbike? Salesmen....:spank:
OT: If I tell Statefarm that the FZ6 is a beginner's bike, will they lower my rate? :D Will my wife feel better that I'm riding a "not so fast" bike? Will folks feel like crap when they can't even beat "a beginner's bike"?

I have this tanker truck here that i ride and am thinking of getting a Civic because it handles better and costs less to buy and run....

But wait, i may as well just buy a Lamborghini since the Civic is slower and not adequate for real world needs....

What a dink...
Interesting....he said this:

They said, "The FZ6 is a good bike, but it's a beginner bike. In six months you're just going to want the R6. Since you already have a lot of experience riding motorcycles, my advice is to just buy the R6."

I don't think this is good advice, it sounds like a good way to get hurt? 6 months of riding the FZ and then go buy an R6? LOL...this guy is off his rocker!:eek:

People really need to get over even remotely associating an R6 and FZ6. They are two completely different bikes for completely different purposes. My best friend just bought a brand new R6, it is one sexy yet mean looking bike but has the most uncomfortable and ridiculous riding position I have ever experienced.

Everyone's right about it probably being a salesman. I was talking to one at the Yami dealership about an FZ6 and said that I was also seriously looking at the Triumph Street Triple R because of the better performance, suspension, looks etc. He said "well for that price I could probably get you into an R6, which is an even better bike" I just laughed. What a fool. Could he not gather by the bikes I mentioned that I was clearly not interested in a supersport. These guys, as well as other seem to think the FZ6 is a cheap man's alternative to the R6 which couldn't be farther from the truth. If I wanted an effing R6 i would go out and buy one....end of story!
I've owned my 2008 FZ6 for 11 months now, and still have no desire to get an R6. The FZ6 was perfect for me 11 months ago, and I can honestly see myself keeping it several years into the future.

I think calling an FZ6 a "beginner" bike is a huge mistake! Anything that can run 70-80 mph in second gear while winding up to 14,000 rpms is NOT a beginner ride. :rolleyes: