To Honk or Not to Honk, that is the poll

When someone pulls out in front of you, do you...

  • Honk while performing an emergency brake/swerve

    Votes: 61 74.4%
  • Go about your business without alerting the offending motorist

    Votes: 21 25.6%

  • Total voters
I am all in favor of the pre-emptive honk to alert a cager that I am there.

However in times when it requires quick action to avoid a problem I am more inclined to take evasive action first and if I feel like letting the cager know I think they are a moron, I reach for the horn afterwards. In most swerve situations I have resisted use of the horn
.....I also swerve side to side when I spot a car at intersection

Erci I noticed you doing this during the group ride last Saturday. At first I thought you were trying to scrub the tires but then I figured it was a safety manuever. This is something i think would help the driver notice the bike. The most important thing is you are saying to yourself.. hey i am approaching a situation that could be bad for me if that car moves.. what am I going to do? You use a plan!
This is definitely one of those questions with no right answer. I'm a bit of an ******* (when provoked). I'm not a horn blower and I do ride in the metro area alot. When I have an incident that was obviously a case of them not seeing me or just not really paying attention, I will pull up to them at the next traffic light (I don't recommend for everyone) and politely let them know what happened. Believe it or not, it has been pretty successful for me. I don't think there is anything wrong with decent human communication. We all make mistakes and should be able to own up to them if/when we do something wrong on our roadways. I find that I usually get an apology when I approach them with kindness and concern.

The fact is, you are going to have a lot of these things happen in urban cars and on motorcycles. The best thing is to be understanding and be a defensive driver/rider. Patience, knowledge, skill and awareness are your best friends! Be safe, wear the appropriate gear and keep your head on a swivel....that's the only thing that will avoid accidents...or atleast minimize the damage.
I'm not a, "modder" but another horn is one I may consider. At freeway speeds, the FZ6 horn is useless. I've been pushed out of lanes a few times by folks using cellphones, honked with NO effect.
wouldn't want the driver to fully merge in and than slam on the brakes.

I have to say that combination of pre-honking (patent pending phrase?) and moving side to side in my lane BEFORE intersections has done a fine job of letting others know I'm there.

I used the side to side technique just this week. A lady in a rather large SUV was creeping out and I did the side to side and it got her attention.

I've used this also if someone is following too close...they back off, probably thinking you're losing control of your bike or something.

The horn on my bike is very lack-luser. I should install a air horn. :D
This is definitely one of those questions with no right answer. I'm a bit of an ******* (when provoked). I'm not a horn blower and I do ride in the metro area alot. When I have an incident that was obviously a case of them not seeing me or just not really paying attention, I will pull up to them at the next traffic light (I don't recommend for everyone) and politely let them know what happened. Believe it or not, it has been pretty successful for me. I don't think there is anything wrong with decent human communication. We all make mistakes and should be able to own up to them if/when we do something wrong on our roadways. I find that I usually get an apology when I approach them with kindness and concern.

The fact is, you are going to have a lot of these things happen in urban cars and on motorcycles. The best thing is to be understanding and be a defensive driver/rider. Patience, knowledge, skill and awareness are your best friends! Be safe, wear the appropriate gear and keep your head on a swivel....that's the only thing that will avoid accidents...or atleast minimize the damage.

Very well said! I often have to remind myself that not everybody that pulls a bone-headed move is an idiot. Maybe the person just a had a long work day and is really tired, or maybe they just got some bad news and are having trouble focusing. True, there's the brain-dead fools, the anti-motorcycle nuts, the FU-I-own-the-road a-holes, but there's also just plain normal people that bone it once in a while. It happens! Heck, I've pulled a few really dumb maneuvers both on the bikes and in the cars when tired! I've even had cops cut me off while in my car. A little honk and they wake up and wave sorry. LOL
I used the side to side technique just this week. A lady in a rather large SUV was creeping out and I did the side to side and it got her attention.

I've used this also if someone is following too close...they back off, probably thinking you're losing control of your bike or something.

The horn on my bike is very lack-luser. I should install a air horn. :D

Thats going to be the first or 2nd mod i put on my bike once one drives itself into my garage :spank: Will take some tinkering but i definitely think a Stebel or something would be worth it.
I use the horn way more on the bike than in the car. not just one blast but a series of toots to really get attention, long blasts when I want to say"you idiot" and never for g'day or seeya
I shake my head alot too, when I cant be bothered tooting
Tonight, when I was leaving the college's driveway where I teach the MSF class, I honked at the motorpatrol officer while I rode right past him while he was shooting his radar just to say hey, how's it going and I also wanted to show how him how loud my horn was.

He was staged right next to the a stop sign. I managed to show extroadinary skills by coming to a complete stop without putting my foot down, look left then take a right hand turn. LOL....if I didn't come to a complete stop he could have busted me for a rolling stop.
Tonight, when I was leaving the college's driveway where I teach the MSF class, I honked at the motorpatrol officer while I rode right past him while he was shooting his radar just to say hey, how's it going and I also wanted to show how him how loud my horn was.

He was staged right next to the a stop sign. I managed to show extroadinary skills by coming to a complete stop without putting my foot down, look left then take a right hand turn. LOL....if I didn't come to a complete stop he could have busted me for a rolling stop.

LOL! I've also been practicing that. Not at your level yet though! :rockon:
If I think someone is going to do something stupid I'll cover the horn button so I can give it a blast as I react. If I don't see it I keep myself alive then blow the horn and flip them off.
I used the side to side technique just this week. A lady in a rather large SUV was creeping out and I did the side to side and it got her attention.

I've used this also if someone is following too close...they back off, probably thinking you're losing control of your bike or something.

The horn on my bike is very lack-luser. I should install a air horn. :D

Tried the "side-to-side" technique the other day with someone up my arse (very frequent on a rebel 250) and was amazed at how well it works... 9/10 the person will back off thinking your going to lose it, Very useful :thumbup:
If a the driver turns out to be a douchebag...
It it wasn't a matter of 1/8 of a second (where the following 3 operations are done all at once) then clutch => rear brake => front brake... then honk so he/she thinks he/she pulled out in front of a truck!

I think it's very rare that anyone has time (or alertness) to both clutch and honk at the same time... but then again sometimes I guess anyone can get the feeling that the person on your front right side might suddently take a hard left... in that situation I already ride with my left thump on the ready! :rockon:
My first instinct is brakes, and not putting a face print in some idiots fender. By the time the thought of using my horn occurs to me, it's usually too late to be of any effect.
Tonight, when I was leaving the college's driveway where I teach the MSF class, I honked at the motorpatrol officer while I rode right past him while he was shooting his radar just to say hey, how's it going and I also wanted to show how him how loud my horn was.

He was staged right next to the a stop sign. I managed to show extroadinary skills by coming to a complete stop without putting my foot down, look left then take a right hand turn. LOL....if I didn't come to a complete stop he could have busted me for a rolling stop.

Hell, with the corrupt cops we have around here, if you honked a friendly hello and waved at a cop on duty, he'd light ya up and cite you for disturbing the peace! I swear they're bad around here...
The horn has saved my butt several times when some oblivious driver is merging onto the freeway from the right when I'm in the right lane boxed in. Like many have said I prefer to blip the horn once or twice early BEFORE the oblivious driver completes their careless maneuver to alert them of my presence.

When approaching intersections or approaching a car that is intending to make that left turn in front of your path...visible alerts are the only thing that will prevent them from crossing your path. High visibility over-jacket or vest makes more difference than you may realize. I got one to wear any time I plan to drive in the city or on the highway. Swerving in your lane or turning the high beams ON and leaving them on helps too.
I am a commuter on my bike in Los Angeles City Freeway and street traffic. My left thumb is always resting on the horn button so if I need to use i can use it immediately. That being said I must agree with everyone about looking ahead for danger so you do not even need to use it. If i even see the slightest hint that someone is considering turning in front of me I am changing to a favorable lane position checking my escape points in case emergency maneuver is needed and usually do two light blips from the horn well before an emergency maneuver is necessary just to make sure they see me (I would rather someone be pissed at me for honking than not see me and hit me.) I also just try to avoid being in lanes that people will turn into from sidestreets and driveways, and I practice emergency maneuvers (emergency stops and swerves) at least once a month in a parking lot. This way it is more ingrained in my brain on what to do in the situation and I am confident of how to do the maneuver in real life. Still the best way to ensure a safe emergency maneuver is look ahead and move away from the danger before you have to do an emergency maneuver.

And to answer the poll question I use my horn during all emergency maneuvers and anytime I have the hint that someone doesn't see me and is going to do something stupid.
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