Tractor pull

I'm still good:thumbup:. Rain's never stopped me before:rockon: and if there's some breeze about and a couple hours let up that means dry roads
I'm still good:thumbup:. Rain's never stopped me before:rockon: and if there's some breeze about and a couple hours let up that means dry roads

Rain doesnt bother me...i'm keen no matter what, as long as i have the right Jacket, etc.

What's on the Brecky Menu Jules?

Rain doesnt bother me, but this time deb is definately coming and rain makes her shrink so we might drive. I might also be able to con her to drive back then i can have a couple of extra brews. Bacon, eggs (how i dont know yet) mushrooms, chipolatas, tomatos, toast, black pudding, chops, hagus, white pudding, baked beans, spagetti, muslie, yogurt, porridge, and best of all beer.
Rain doesnt bother me, but this time deb is definately coming and rain makes her shrink so we might drive. I might also be able to con her to drive back then i can have a couple of extra brews. Bacon, eggs (how i dont know yet) mushrooms, chipolatas, tomatos, toast, black pudding, chops, hagus, white pudding, baked beans, spagetti, muslie, yogurt, porridge, and best of all beer.

Wow! that is some breakfast menu....5 star hotel stuff....starvation diet till then, starts now! :D

:cheer: Aussiejules :cheer:
LMAO.. now thats a brekky.. :thumbup:

Weather scares me, especially with my front tyre! Almost bought a Pilot today from Maxi-Moto, but I needed new pants, and I got a tank-bag. No money left... bloody work and their 50% pay down-days :(

I will be there, but won't decide until Sat morning if I'm riding or driving. I've got a mate going to meet me out there too, the guy I told ya's about that bought the ZX-14... then dropped it a few days later!!!

Jules, I need your address, so I can share in the goodies. (Bacon, eggs and toast will do me though, not keen on all that fancy

Had to buy a seperate fridge for the beer.

Like i said, i like it when a man gets his priorities right (think i spelt that right this time!).

Well worth the investment i say......i am getting thirsty....and i have no beer in my fridge. :spank: