Well...I Got It


Junior Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Southern Illinois
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I posted last week the question whether or not i should trade my ZR2 Blazer for a guys FZ-6 that had been down. I drove the 6 1/2 hours to West Virginia on Saturday and we did the swap. Bike has some road rash (of course) but once i got on it, i couldnt leave without it. It was a blast, i had no problem riding it even though i havent ridden anything with 2 wheels since my early teens. Riding was my life, 4 wheelers mainly, but i was pretty darn good on them, and expect to get just as good on my bike. I have a safety class scheduled for 4/22 - 4/24. Im ready to get this license and get out there. Now that i have gotten it home, even though i dont have my license yet, :confused: i found a good secluded road and spent some time one (rural area). I got it up to 65 and took my hands off the bars. It tracked straight and didnt shake, and boy did it get to 65 quick.Think i was only in 3rd gear LOL.

Yeah, yeah, yeah....i know pics or it didnt happen. I will try to get some tommorow. Wifey isnt happy, but we havent been happy for awhile and that is a whole nother story i wont even attempt to bring up here. LOL
That first good ride of a bike IS kinda magical, huh? The FZ is a great bike, you will love it and will have fun on it for years. The bike bug is a little catching, maybe wifey will like it too. Good luck and :welcome:
Congrats! Going to be a long wait for the safety course, but hang in there. You'll be surprised how easy it is to overlook common sense stuff on the bike until an instructor points it out to you.
Ride safe and take your time building your skills. Good luck with your marriage.
I live in Crossville. It is right off I-64 before you get into Indiana.

Got it tax, title, and licensed today. Now i just need my "M" status on my license.

Tell the wife that you will save enough in gas to pay for the cost of the bike after about 30,000 miles of riding instead of taking the cage!
Tell the wife that you will save enough in gas to pay for the cost of the bike after about 30,000 miles of riding instead of taking the cage!

The funny thing is i only spent 155 dollars on the deal, and that was for tax, title, and license today. I traded my Blazer even up for it. She wanted to sell the Blazer (our third vehicle) and pay off my truck (small loan). And that is why she is mad......this time. LOL I tried telling her the bike will make the truck payment when im riding it, but she either doesnt care, or is too mad to listen.
It tracked straight and didnt shake, and boy did it get to 65 quick.Think i was only in 3rd gear LOL.
She'll hit 60, just in first gear. :rockon: (and sounds pretty sweet when she does!)
Congrats, good luck on the class, and greater luck on the relationship... :(
I am from Pinckneyville originally and have family out by you in Carmi. One nice thing about Illinois iß free motorcycle safety classes.

be safe and all that bla bla bla. So you get your gear yet? Check out the forum thread, there are plenty about gear and where to buy it.

She'll hit 60, just in first gear. :rockon: (and sounds pretty sweet when she does!)
Congrats, good luck on the class, and greater luck on the relationship... :(

60 in first gear? i can't imagine that being true... are you sure?
That's almost half of the top end of the bike, and just in first?
Congrats on the bike....but shame on you for taking one from WV (JK). I've been looking for about 2 months for other FZ riders around here lol.

Most of all ride safe and have fun.
I am from Pinckneyville originally and have family out by you in Carmi. One nice thing about Illinois iß free motorcycle safety classes.

I'm in carmi just about every day.

The guy I traded with gave me all of his gear. it is a little big, I'm going to try to sell it and buy my own.
congrats on the purchase and enjoy the bike...dont go out with it if you re worried about things tho as you ll get distracted and lose focus and reaction time.. gd luck on your marriage i hope you get over your issues.

yes it ll do a tad over 100 km (101-105km tops) in first gear(indicated)and revving to 14.000 rpm before the rev limiter cut in. tried it last weekend (stock gearing)
60 in first gear? i can't imagine that being true... are you sure?
That's almost half of the top end of the bike, and just in first?

I have a chart someone else on SBN figured out that gives speed/rpm for a given gear based on stock gearing/sprockets/etc., and according to the chart:

In any gear, you'll hit max engine power around 12k rpm, and if you're still in first at that point, you should be doing 54mph. If you keep going to 13.5k rpm, you'll just clear 61mph.

OP doing this in second should have had even more fun: he would have been around 9.5k rpm @ 60mph, with plenty of room left to climb to 12k rpm, where he should be going about 80mph.

I hear the bike has 4 more gears beyond first and second...but I think if you use them, once you hit 88mph you'll start traveling backward in time. ;)