Foot pegs

Hi Lucky Irish,

The pegs look top quality, i've been lookin for pegs with decent grip. Stock pegs are no use for the Irish weather.
Do you ship to Ireland? I so how much would you charge for set of front pegs and shipping to Ireland.

the price depends of witch ones you want? the full front pegs=$65.00us or the screw-ins plates=$35.00us. you will find tons of info on both types on this thread. send me a P.M. with your zip code and i will let you know hot much shipping is.
Do you remember the Mr. Parker, the father on A Christmas Story and how he wanted to see how fast he could change a flat on the family car? I'm Mr. Parker. I'm the type of guy who will time himself on how fast he can do certain tasks. I'm also the guy who finishes his task only to find extra parts lying around. Usually this requires me to remove the item to install a part that I missed. My friends won't let me work on their vehicles.

I ordered two full pegs and two inserts from Josh. Today I arrived at home from work and found my new pegs in the mailbox. I had 20 minutes to get my kids to their karate class so I thought I would change my rear pegs with the inserts I received. I had them done in about 10 minutes. Even had time to shovel down some dinner before leaving. I didn't have any loc-tite but Josh did include some lock washers with his inserts. Just to be safe though I will purchase and use loc-tite tomorrow.

After karate I arrived home at 8:50 PM and was eager to swap the front pegs. Reading about having to align the spring and remove the brake and shifter lever made me a bit nervous, but I wanted to put these new pegs on before I took my FZ6 to work tomorrow. The swap was a piece of cake, easier than I had imagined. I swapped both front pegs in 20 minutes. When I completed it my son was still in the shower and my wife was at the grocery store. Then again, my son smelled pretty bad and needed the long shower and how many women are fast shoppers? Not mine, anyway.

Removing and installing the shifter lever was easy; I just unbolted the hinge bolt with an allen wrench, swapped pegs and bolted it back up. The brake pedal was a bit more since I had to align it just right, but it was still fairly easy. I couldn't set the pedal higher because the peg was in the way. One step down was exactly how it was before. The spring for each peg was easy to set up too. At the end I had no extra parts, only the four stock foot pegs and 4 screws (the old screws for the rear inserts).

I tried taking a picture with my cell phone but since it was at night the pictures looked horrible. I'll see about taking pictures tomorrow when it is light out. I took the bike around the block just to make sure both brake and shifter pedals worked and that I didn't swap them or anything. Not only did it worked as before, the traction on these new pegs is awesome!

These pegs are top quality pegs and I wouldn't hesitate ordering pegs or anything else from Josh.
I feel like i should be given an award or something for making it to page 19 while reading every post along the way :D anyways they look amazing, just pm'd ya

duude i actually lol-ed when i read your post cause i have just completed reading almost every single post ... damn i can't believe it's 3:00 am and i gotta wake up early.

luckyirishboy209 please pm me the total price shipped to 01757 with your paypal info. i want the screw in plates. 2 sets = 4 plates correct? i want them on all my pegs. let me know and i'll paypal you the price.

not to dig up old negative posts but just because these are custom they are already worth more than mass produced products AND if me buying these will encourage you to make other things so be it. :rockon:
I can't believe how fast I got the pegs?!!! they were came in yesterday morning... Anyway, great quality, installed and tested them and very happy with them!

It was great that they came in yest, coz it's like the only nice day we have this week. I put on the peg plates, K&N filter, and painted my windshield!! got a lot done pretty happy with that.

Thanks luckyirishboy209 for a great product and speedy shipment!
Re: making plates with grips for foot pegs

here are some pics the backs, they are the screw in plates. and the fronts are the whole pegs.

Hi luckyirishboy209,

Great jobs on making those pegs. I am interested in the front and rear pegs. Can you let me know how much will be for each set and what will be the shipping cost to Canada Ontario Postal Code is K2S1E4

Also I will like to lower the rear peg position to let say about 2-3 inches. Do you know a way?

Many Thanks
Heh i allso read all posts, and i must say, its damn nice work of you irish !! I like the looks of it, and allso the effort you are putting in to give people a mod !


I cant afford one yet, but ill be forward looking to get a set... :)
Installed last weekend. look and feel great standing still. :) Bike should be back up and running this weekend.
These pegs are so awesome! Josh designed them with the forward/ backward radius so whatever position you have your foot you have grip. The pegs also still have the fold up function so that if you do tag the peg you wont pivot on the peg. If you're looking to do a mod, these are so worth the bucks. They also give you more clearance. Strength is very import and these are so strong. Did I mention looks? There are enough picture of these on this thread. You can see how much better they look over the OEM pegs. Staying on your peg is important and these have so much better grip in any situation and application of riding. Whether you're just cruising or hanging off in a tight turn.

Here's a picture of them in action.
Wow, read all 20 pages, whew.
My 2 cents.

Irish YOU ARE A GENIUS. I ran CNC for 3+ years, it takes more than training to come up with an idea for something like this.

I am soo cheap, but these are soooo good they are on my "save money for mods list". I will be proud to roll with these. Truly unique. Custom!

It pleases me very much to hear that everyone helped Irish out through hard times and he provided a helpful product with a safe purpose that has style.
I look for win/win situations everyday in my life, compromise is second place.
This forum has a very high concentration of real people, I am happy to have found it.

I must admit I was a bit dissapointed that some people bashed FX6 ZN. I thought this site was about informing each other and learning, that is how I took his comment on the R6 pegs, I did not feel he was bashing the work Irish did. But I do understand the knee-jerk reaction because the pegs are so cool and most everyone here is very supportive of each other.

I was glad to have a comparison even though my final decision is custom Irish pegs.(I have Irish blood so my DNA could be bias.)

I would love to see an "Irish" line of custom mods.

My 2 cents.

Still going strong on these pegs and to tell the truth If I were to pick any mod on my bike that is associated with better performance nothing has improved this bike getting around a turn faster than my riding. I am so much more stable when I'm on the balls of my feet, hanging side to side. Those Pegs Rock! :rockon:

Thanks again Josh for a great mod./ product
