check this out

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this was e-mailed to me, I thought it was funny


The other day, I needed to go to the emergency room.

Not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, I put on my old Air Force fatigues and stuck a patch that I had downloaded off the Internet onto the front of my shirt

When I went into the E.R., I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left. I guess they decided that they weren't that sick after all.

Here's the patch. Feel free to use it the next time you're in need of quicker emergency service.

It also works well if you ever have to use a Laundromat

That just made my day. Muahahahahhahahhhahah!
I work in E. LA, and If I were to wear that patch there I'd clear out 60% of the masses around me. :D
haha so cruel, some people had to have had serious conditions they were willing to disregard.

unless ur joking, in which case you get a:

At first I thought "man, I can't believe you used a fake patch to sneak your way to the front of the line"....then I got it.

this was e-mailed to me, I thought it was funny


The other day, I needed to go to the emergency room.

Not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, I put on my old Air Force fatigues and stuck a patch that I had downloaded off the Internet onto the front of my shirt

When I went into the E.R., I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left. I guess they decided that they weren't that sick after all.

Here's the patch. Feel free to use it the next time you're in need of quicker emergency service.

It also works well if you ever have to use a Laundromat

Or maybe it would be funnier if the dude said he ran in with some chicken wings and fried rice and said they were giving it away free outside and then all the black ppl would have left too....
I get it. I really do. Just don't think its funny...or appropriate for this forum. But I guess it just depends on your perspective.........

Bring on the flaming
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Or maybe it would be funnier if the dude said he ran in with some chicken wings and fried rice and said they were giving it away free outside and then all the black ppl would have left too....
I get it. I really do. Just don't think its funny...or appropriate for this forum. But I guess it just depends on your perspective.........

Bring on the flaming

OMG are you kidding me? It's a joke posted in the bar for god sake. I for one think it is appropriate, and damn funny to boot.

It's not racial by any means. The guy says nothing to the ILLEGAL ALIENS, they chose to leave. You on the other hand are stereo typing a whole race. I know alot of black people that don't like chicken.. ;)
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Or maybe it would be funnier if the dude said he ran in with some chicken wings and fried rice and said they were giving it away free outside and then all the black ppl would have left too....
I get it. I really do. Just don't think its funny...or appropriate for this forum. But I guess it just depends on your perspective.........

Bring on the flaming
???:wtf:??? R U serious???
Come on, this is funny. I dont think this is racial. He is just poking fun at 'illegal'.
Isn't Lady Justice - an allegorical personification of the moral force that underlies the legal system - blindfolded?
In America dont we say- nobody is above the law??
It's what America is becoming!! I bet when his job gets taken from him and given to a illegal he'll give a damn.

Not likely. My job requires citizenship. And don't mistake my distaste for the joke as lack of understanding of the very complicated social, economic, cultural, law enforcement and national security issue our nation faces with millions of undocumented aliens living in this great country.

OMG are you kidding me? It's a joke posted in the bar for god sake. I for one think it is appropriate, and damn funny to boot.
It's not racial by any means. The guy says nothing to the ILLEGAL ALIENS, they chose to leave. You on the other hand are stereo typing a whole race. I know alot of black people that don't like chicken.. ;)

As i said, the appeal of the joke depends on your perspective. As to the joke not being racial, I disagree. The undertones of the joke are inherently racial (I use that term loosely as Mexican is not a race). I pose this question: would the joke be as funny to you if the affected group (the butt of the joke) looked like you, spoke like you had the same cultural or racial background as you or your parents or grandparents? The joke is only funny if it applies to people who are very different from you.

Come on, this is funny. I dont think this is racial. He is just poking fun at 'illegal'.
Isn't Lady Justice - an allegorical personification of the moral force that underlies the legal system - blindfolded?
In America dont we say- nobody is above the law??

Yes Vinpub, I agree with your assertion but I'm not defending "illegals" or those who disregard the established legal process to enter and remain in our country. I'm speaking to the racial (again loosely defined) undertones this joke embodies. The joke does not "poke fun" at any or all "illegals" it singles out people with an ethnic or cultural commonality.
"But Keits, the joke doesn't say anything about mexicans or latino's"
Correct. But its implied and everyone understands that that is where the joke is going. Otherwise, Wrightme's "La Migra" comment would not make sense.
"Who cares? its just a joke"
True. You (the reader. no one specifically)do. Or at least you would if you felt the joke was de-humanizing people that looked like you or had some connection to you or your family.
If you follow my logic, my whole point is this: There is definately a racial undercurrent implied in this joke that singles out and de-humanizes a specific ethnic, cultural, or racial group. Based on this premise I don't think its appropriate for this site. But as I said in the before, I guess its a matter of perspective.

This is ridiculous! How is this "NOT appropriate" for the forum? It was just a funny e-mail that we received. There was no race mentioned!!!!
i just thought it was in bad taste cuz those people might have had serious medical conditions. unless it was a joke, in which case i see the humour in it.

i dont think it warrants the reaction it got it wasnt that bad, but the only issue i have is very often people that enjoy that kind of humour actually are quite racist below the surface. not saying anything about the original poster as i dont know you personally and you probably arent a racist. just saying that in the states today racism is a huge problem and thats where the sensitivity lies. so while this is a joke and not distasteful or anything, the fact that there exists such animosity towards mexicans in so large a portion of the american consciousness should explain the sensitivity of some on this forum.

no im not mexican, I'm Punjabi and live in canada so i dont experience racism as often as people i know from other areas do. but it is still very common, even here for me. i was born and raised in canada and am more canadian than most canadians, having more pride to be canadian than most causasian canadians. I have seen A LOT of hidden racism that lurks beneath the surface. sometimes it is intense, sometimes it isnt. but its all the same stuff. one thing i have learned tho is the only way to fight it isnt to hate those people back, it is to try to get through to them on a personal level that hey, we're all just people dealing with the same issues lookin out for the common good of people we deem good people. i deem you good people would be good to have you return the favor. but not in so many words.

again, not saying anyone here is racist, it was a funny joke. just that it touches on some sensitive issues which is why some people might be sensitive about it. even if it is overly sensitive.

I've noticed that when I'm in my Army uniform, "US Army" on the front, American Flag on the right shoulder, and other unit patches, I get a lot of looks from people who look to be from south of the US border. Never had anyone leave.
I disagree with the assertion of racial charges. There is no ethnicity or race indicated explicitely or otherwise in the joke. If it is truely dirtected towards a particular ethnic group, you are also asserting that Border Petrol's charter is singling out a particular ethnic group - which is not true.

Undertones of any statement is what you read into it and your own sensitivity (or perspective as you may call it). You seem to be very sensitive to a particular group of ethnic background. Someone reading it in CA may look at the differently, whereas someone in NY or FL may read it entirely differently. But the joke in its simplest literature does not indicate any of it specifically or otherwise.

But as you said everyone has their own perspective - and I am ok with that.
I just think its funny.

Besides, if we are so sensitive, all those comments reagarding :squid:s should not belong here - although not on ethnic boundries it is directed to a particular group! Why, we even have an icon for it!!
Your right. My comment was insensitive. Thats my fault. I am a a$$ sometimes.
If you were offended, I apoligise and will edit it. I do not want to make you uncomfortable.

Yes it was obvious what it was about. Illegal immigration in this country is overwhelmingly from Mexico, and central America. I have a good friend that is from Guatemala legally, and I would not of said that around him, so I am wrong.
i just thought it was in bad taste cuz those people might have had serious medical conditions. unless it was a joke, in which case i see the humour in it.

If the story were true (not saying it isn't), do you really think someone with a "serious" medical condition would just get up and walk out????
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