More Mulholland Stupidity


Howie Mandel's evil twin
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Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Having watched this, I now have zero interest in ever riding this road :eek:

[ame=""]Bad Driving Compilation - YouTube[/ame]
1: why do rednecks think it is a good idea to drive trucks on curvy roads?
2: why are those idiots parking their bikes right on the edge of the road in a curve where even bigger idiots are "driving"
3: looks like that road is as big of an idiot magnet as the dragon
I 100% agree!

Risk your own life..w/e..natural selection. Risking OTHER peoples lives is preposterous. Hopefully law enforcement out there stick those jerks with the stiffest punishments possible.
You have to remember that's a compilation accumulated over a period of time, I'm sure if you taped a regular street non stop for a period of time you would see similar stupidity. That's the corner where the camera's are so all the douches try to show off.

I hung out there for about two hours in February, didn't see much that would make me shake my head. Same thing for Deals Gap, been there around 6-8 times now, can't wait to go back.

It's a beautiful road outside of that one corner, as are most of the roads around southern California, can't recommend it enough. Oh and it was 80F in the beginning of February, what more could you ask for.
Love watching these videos but would not want to be anywhere near it. Way too many heros outthere that think they can drive/ride just because they can afford fast vehicle
A bunch of us hoons rode that road last summer. It's a blast to ride! You would love it as well :)
A bunch of us hoons rode that road last summer. It's a blast to ride! You would love it as well :)

I rode this with the SoCal hoons last October. After riding through the general vacinity I had to ask Cali rider via our headsets if we had passed through the infamous "idiot section". He informed me that we already had, which led me to believe you'd have to be a real moron to have crashed there. :Flip:
I wouldn't ride that road in a pink fit !! :eek: :eek: :eek: On a plus side, if that were in Australia the cops would NEVER leave there !!!! It would be the safest road in the whole country LOL
Have fun and enjoy yourself.

But if trying to ride or drive in an aggressive manner causes you to exceed your skill level extremely quickly, then learning the fundamentals of performance riding or driving shouldn't happen somewhere like that.

More people who buy sports cars should do time trials at trackdays not just sportbike owners. Everyone's afraid of damaging their machines but it really isn't so bad. You just go through brake discs/pads and tires more than anything.

There's some really talented people in that vid. Lol
Mulholland, mundane.

Spring/summer/fall riding is kicking in and their is going to be fatalities every other week up and around Palomar mountain. From what I have seen and read it is rare anybody ever gets hurt at all on Mulholland, while Palomar is passing out death steadily year round and picks up the rate in the summer.

The best roads are always going to have hordes of sports bikes riding fast, pushing the limits, crashing, and dying that is the nature of the beast. If you want to find the best roads to ride- see where all the sport bikes are wrecking/dying.

Lastly, you have the choice to either suit up be part of the adventure or stay home watching everyone else live life for you while you sit behind a lifeless screen.
Here are some interesting statistics.

Also: The photo in this article in no way indicates that the truck was taking the turn at high speed. Because you are leaned over and in a low gear the uneducated observer assumes you're doing something unsafe or illegal. In California the posted speed in a turn is a suggested speed and as long as you are under the speed limit for that road you can be above the posted suggested speed.

Worst roads for motorcycles |
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Weekdays. You'll have the place to yourself.

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Weekdays. You'll have the place to yourself.

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Zackly! On Palomar a lot of peeps go for the photos on the weekends and that's where the population grows and the percentages increase for people to ride beyond their skill. Additionally the weekend is when most have time to ride these places because of work.
Lastly, you have the choice to either suit up be part of the adventure or stay home watching everyone else live life for you while you sit behind a lifeless screen.

There IS a place where one can "live" and push it as hard as he/she can in a much safer environment: THE TRACK!! :thumbup:

I was never overly aggressive on the street, but ever since my first track day, I've *calmed down* even more.
I ridden Palomar on days that there were no cars, bikes or anything. Just me. And it was really nice.
I ridden Palomar on days that there were no cars, bikes or anything. Just me. And it was really nice.

That's how I like it best. That way I can just enjoy myself and not be afraid some speed racer is gonna be stupid. When the faster guys come up behind me I slow so I can wave them by. But those who have ridden Palomar South Grade know there aren't many safe spots to pull out of the way! So then I'm going slow AND worried I'm gonna cause an accident because I'm too slow and they'll make a dangerous pass! Speeding up causes other tensions, equally as unpleasant. Tuesdays around 10am is perfect!