New member welcome thread..

Hi there,
I'm Milen from Bulgaria. Have my FZ6 Fazer for a year and a half. No need to say how much I like it. Whenever I have some free time I jump on it and just drive... with or without other bikers. Have almost 15k km already - never disappointed so far.
Well, that's about me and my bike.
Hi all!

I'm Sara from South Riding, VA. I never had an interest in motorcycles unitl I met my awesome husband, Chris (castle228) just over two years ago. He's been into bikes for quite some time and was corner working on the MARRC safety crew at Summit Point Raceway in WV. He talked me into going to the track with him...I was a bit reluctant at first but decided that I really liked this guy so I thought it would be in my best interest to check out his passion for bikes. I think it took me about three weekends at the track before I decided to take the corner working class. I started working on the safety crew and began to realize what it was that Chris found so exciting about it. After two seasons at the track I thought it would be a good idea for me to take the motorcycle safety class at NOVA since I had no clue about how to even start a bike. After my first day in class I told Chris that I loved riding and wanted a bike of my own. About two weeks before we went to the Dominican Republic to get married (April 5, 2008), I was out shopping with the girls for cute summer clothes and my man drove to Winchester to buy me my very own brand new shift red Yamaha was waiting in the driveway when I got home with all of my treasures...what a guy!! I'm still learning to ride but I'm getting there...slowly but surely. Soon I'll be out on the roads riding beside my husband on his FZ1. Hope to see you out there!!! :Flash:
Hi All

My name is Larry, I live in Bellingham, Washington. I own a blue 2007 FZ6 (the fast one). This is my first bike and just love riding it.
Hello. My name is also Sara, and I also in Northern Virginia. I've been riding a '95 Suzuki Katana for three years, now. I was very happy with my Kat except for the persistent carb issues. I don't mind working on my bike, but if it keeps me from riding it, I get frustrated! I had the carbs cleaned twice last year and finally decided I wanted something newer and fuel-injected, but with all the features I loved about the Kat.

I wanted something affordable and comfortable, but sporty. I sat on bikes for YEARS never quite happy with any of them for one reason or another. At a bike show, I parked my rear on an FZ6, and I fell in love with the dual undertail exhaust (so sexy!) and the light weight. But then I forgot about that (a friend of mine who was with me reminded me of that bike show after I bought Fizzy). I proceeded to look for that perfect bike.

I rediscovered the FZ6 it at a local dealer, but he was asking too much for it. In April 08I went online and purchased my 05 FZ6 (in black and gunmetal gray and silver) from the most wonderful man in the world. He had every bit of work done a the dealership. Even oil changes! This was his baby, and for a 3 yr old bike, it had only 4200 miles. And he gave me a great deal! To add cherries on top of the perfect bike, my Fizzy has a Corbin seat! My only complaint about the stock FZ was the seat, and this Corbin is worth its weight in gold!

I have no photos of her, yet, because I haven't taken her anyplace interesting (just to work and back) but in this last month I think I've put in more miles than I did all of last year!
Welcome to the forum everyone, great choice of bike, enjoy and ride safe :rockon:
this is definately one of the fastest growing forums, sometimes its difficult to keep pace :eek:.
Hi from Chicago

I am a long-time motorcyclist but my girlfriend recently bought a pristine 2005 Fz6 in Cerulean Silver. She (Katie) caught the bug about two and a half years ago while riding as a passenger with me. Katie isn't one who sits on the sidelines to watch other people have fun. So she secretly signed up for the MSF course and got her motorcycle endoresement (she's proud to note that she had the best score in the class!)

While at the Int'l Motorcycle Show in Chicago this winter she sat on the FZ6 and fell in love. We started searching for a nice used one about 2 weeks ago. After finding abused ones at dealerships she saw one that was a Cerulean Silver/Black color combo. She was in love. The problem was the bike had some odd electrical issues that werevery obvious to me. One week later she found an ad in Craigslist about an hour away from us in Wisconsin. We went up there to check it out - the bike was pristine. Not a single scratch on it. It only had 2600 miles and in the colors she was in love with. It was a woman's bike who didn't have time to ride it anymore and she was so happy that another female motorcyclist was going to buy it. So we took it home with us and my girlfriend has been drooling over it in the garage every evening this week. She'll finally get to ride it when she registers it tomorrow.

We've already planned our first bike trip (a very slow 'teaching' trip away from congestion and rude drivers) to southwest WI next weekend. We're both very excited!

- Troy
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Good Choice Katie, and nice job doing best in your class:thumbup:

Happy, Safe, Ridiing!

PS, don't forget the good gear!

New Boston Area FZ6 Owner

Hi! I just picked up my '08 Cobolt Blue FZ6 yesterday. My name is John and I live 30 miles North of Boston about 2 miles from the Ocean. I'm 46 and started riding in 2002. I started on a naked SV650. My wife loves to ride pillion so after a couple of years on the SV, we sold the SV and jumped in big and bought a used '02 GL1800 Goldwing (My GoldWing pics). The 'Wing was fabulous for taking long trips, but we found ourselves not doing many fun around town runs. Plus I never rode the Wing to work, which I did a lot with the SV. So last year we sold the Wing for $500 less than we paid for it (15,000 miles later). The Wings definately hold their value after the first year depreciation.

Currently I have two professions that keep my very busy, a software engineer M-F, and weekend photographer, shooting weddings in the summer and sports in the winter. This summer I decided to leave open a fair number of weekends to go riding!

Being at the ripe 'ole age of 46 with only 20K miles or so under my belt, I'm not a ride-it-like-you-stole it type rider, however I don't mind riding at a lively pace, especially on some of the great roads up in New Hampshire and Vermont. I also like watching Motorcycle racing and have Corner Worked up at NHIS (Loudon) a couple of times. After corner working a vintage race day, I was given a ride on the side car (i.e. flat platform where you hold on for dear life) of a vintage side car motorcyle. That was quite a thrill.

Hope to see some of you around...

hi all. im a newbie. just found site. name crawford. ride a 2005 fz6n wif a few mods.not a bad site, hope to pick up a few tips from it. always on the look out 4 new
Hello to all!
What a great site-packed full of good juicy info....and friendly dudes.
My name is Chris from Tasmania Aussie. I've just picked up a black 08 Fazer S. Only done 130 KM so far and running in (<6000 rpm) Even at this stage I think I've fallen in love-what a perfect machine.
As a noob I was wondering, is the manufacturers run-in a safe bet or is there a better one?
Hi My name is Colin, I live in Winnipeg Manitoba. I just spent a year working in the UAE near Dubai. I picked up a 2008 FZ6 (blue one) a week ago. I am planning on travelling this summer. The plan is kinda like this.... I will face west, turn left and ride!
I've been a lurker around here for a while, thought I would go ahead and register.

Name is Clay Stevens, I'm from a small town in western KY. I own a Red 2006, been street riding a little over a year now.

I'm married (10 yrs) to my wife Michelle, we have 2 boys, Clay Wesley 8 and Chase 4. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
Pic is from a ride I went on a couple weeks ago, we had every year FZ6 represented, mine is the red one on the end.