wolfman down but not out!


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Jul 14, 2007
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adelaide australia
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Just to let you all know, only found out this morning wolfman had a very close encounter with the back of a 4wd yesterday afternoon,from what has been said both he and bike have suffered some damage, details on the toy run thread.:(
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Cheers guys/gals. I'll pass on the well wishes.

I'm sure he'll be on here soon, can't keep the Wolf down for long. From what I heard, I don't think he'd even stopped falling and was on his feet trying to get the bike off the road. (Breed 'em tough down here...lol)

As for the bike, it didn't come out too bad. Few scratches on the engine cover and the end of the front fork (not bent), Oggy Knob's did their job well, but one will need replacing. Broken bar-end mirror and bent bar, and the heated-grips controller got smashed. The worst bit would be those lovely rear-set's, the left one got bent in a bit, hopefully can pull that out.

I got some photo's on my phone, I'll chuck them up when I get a min.

Holy Sheeeit! Damn Wolfie that one must have hurt. I hope you heal up quickly. Damn cars.
Just to let you all know, only found out this morning wolfman had a very close encounter with the back of a 4wd yesterday afternoon,from what has been said both he and bike have suffered some damage, details on the toy run thread.:(
Thanks for letting us know. I have PM'd Jamie.

Heal up quick man.

Crashin sucks.
Crashin over stupid cagers is even worse.
Ok, first of all, i am ok, feel like i have run into a immovable object at 40km/h....funny that! and am moving about, well if you call shuffling about like an old man, moving.

Before i go into the gory detail, i just want to say a HUGE thankyou to my mates for sticking around, and helping me out........Mike & Dave, you guys rock...dropped everything (pardon the pun), and got moving on doing what they could to get things sorted, and as for my big ugly mate, Matt, thanks buddy for also dropping everything upon getting my text, and jumping in your ute, and coming to pick up my poor bike, and me, and taking us both home, and me to the Hospital!

Thanks again to Mike & Matt, for hanging with me at the Hospital, and making me laugh...even though it was hurting a lot to laugh through my heavily bruised bod!

Thanks again Mike, for going to get my Car, and getting me home from the Hospital in the early hours of this morning!

Thankyou to everyone who has posted for your best wishes re my bike & me!

It bought a tear to my eye, reading all the nice thoughts!

Ok.....the Accident!!!!!!

Here go's! Well, we were riding down Lobethal Road, in amongst the most cars i have ever seen on this road...and i have been riding it for 20 years.

We were taking it incredibly slowly, as the road was damp in places, and because of the nature of the road, lots of blind corners, with double white lines, and few passig opportunities, we were biding our time, as to overtaking the multitude of "Sunday Drivers", as safely as possible.

About 4 corners before i got slammed, i had a 4 wheel drive come the other way past me, on my side of the road.....lucky i was hugging the verge, as i was worried about such indiscretions, from cagers, who dont know this road.....a very challenging road, that requires, concentration, and skill, to negotiate safely!

Then it happened.....Mike has explained it pretty well, but here is my version!

Was following a medium sized 4 wheel drive, through a succesion of blind turns at very low speed...about 45km/h at the most, and was hanging a fair way back (about 30 metres at minimum), was watching this car very carefully, as i was highly aware, after the incident 4 corners back, that these "Sunday Drivers" were not to be trusted!!!

Anyway, we come around a blind corner, with about a 2 degree gradient, when all of a sudden, the 4WD puts on the anchors very hard, and slows dramatically, almost to a stop right in front of me!!!!!......as a result, i apply my brakes hard, knowing that there was no way i was going to be able to pull up, but i knew i could get around this car...if it stayed in a straight line....but to my horror, this car starts to turn right into a hidden driveway, into a cherry farm, that he realised he was upon about 30 metres back.

My escape path was now gone! was looking at the prospect of a direct hit with the back of the 4WD at this point, which i was not real keen to experience! so, in a split second, i decided that a side on hit was probably the "Safest" option at this point, rather than hit it front on, and go sailing over my bars...and most probably through the 4WD's back window!

So i deliberately locked up my rear brake at got the bike as sideways as possible...next thing i know, is that i am slamming into the rear right hand corner of the 4WD using my body as a battering ram!!!!! OUCH! managed to get free of the bike, so it does not land on me, and immediately, jumped up (gotta love adrenalin), and with the help of Mike & another guy on a bike, (who where right behind me and witnessed the whole thing), got the bike off the road as quick as possible!!!!!!

The Driver of the 4WD that caused my demise, gets out, asks if i am ok, and against my true feeling's, i tell him i am OK, and that "s*** happens", did ask him what the hell he thought he was doing, and why he did not indicate...other than one flash, after he started turning in front of me!!!! Did not really get an answer....

His car was pretty much fine, other than a completely smashed right rear light assembly, and a couple of scuffs.

I managed to remain calm, as i was just lucky i was not inside his car!!!!!!!!, and was just thankful, it was not a lot worse.

Bike is a bit trashed, but not real bad, and i should not have too many problems returning it to it's former glory, very quickly, little bit of scrapping, a few bent bits, but really only superficial damage! Phew!

Bikes can be replaced!!!!!

More importantly, my kids still have their Dad!

All i want to do now, is get my bike fixed, and get back on it as soon as possible...Is only my 3rd Accident in 24 years of riding, so am philosophical re the whole thing, and am now looking at the whole event like this...if i am going to have an accident, i am happy to take one as minor as this...no major injury's, or life threatening situations!

Last of all, Was wearing full gear.....2 piece leathers, with full body armour, Sidi Vertigo boots (Which saved mt toes...fdront of boot was nearly ripped off!!!!, toe slider looks a bit manged), helmet, and good gloves.....

Am absolutely positive that my riding gear saved me from broken bones, and grazing, etc......ALWAYS WEAR FULL GEAR FOLKS....ALWAYS!!!!

Here's a few pics of the aftermath! :eek: (sorry, a couple of the photo's are a bit bleary....but it was hard taking shots when your shaking like crap)

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I reckon i did a great job of minimising damage....what you cant see in the photo's is my slightly scuffed bottom left fork leg.....the Fork sliders i have had on back order for 8 weeks, would of stopped that....:(, my very slightly bent rear subframe, and my cracked instrument panel mount.

:spank: to the cager, :thumbup: to my buddies for standing by me, and :thumbup: to the motorcycling gods for looking after me again!

Whew.least your ok mate and the damage aint to bad .If it was me I would have lost the plot with the driver,my temper is not the best in those situations I,m ashamed to say !

Matt,Mike and Dave are top blokes ,I think they just proved that,well done guys :thumbup:
Matt,Mike and Dave are top blokes ,I think they just proved that,well done guys :thumbup:

They sure are top blokes, and if it was not for this forum, i would'nt know Mike & Dave....so once again, this forum, shows it's worth.


Thanks for your concern Buddy!

Hey Wolfman, I'm very sorry to hear the news. Sounds like you reacted well to keep yourself out of a lot more trouble; good job.

It's good to hear, though, that you and your bike are in a fix-able state. Take it easy and heal up quick!

Hey Wolfman, I'm very sorry to hear the news. Sounds like you reacted well to keep yourself out of a lot more trouble; good job.

It's good to hear, though, that you and your bike are in a fix-able state. Take it easy and heal up quick!


Yes i reckon i was lucky...self preservation mode rocks! Walking is not fun today....or should i say shuffling.....but it could be a thousand times worse!
