Making the highway better


Junior Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Syraucuse, NY
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Hey guys, long time reader, first time poster.

I've been trying to figure this out from searching, but at this point I figure it'd be easier to just start a new thread.

So my job location changed and now I find myself on the highway a lot more. Purely stock, my bike isn't a lot of fun on the highway for more than a half hour or so. What upgrades would you suggest to make it more tolerable/fun? I know a windscreen is a must, but have been having a hard time figuring out what the best bang for my buck would be. Would a new helmet fix the wind noise problem?

Any ideas would be appreciated!


What kind of helmet do you have? The Shoei RF1000 which is being discontinued is one of the quietest helmets around. You can probably get a great deal on this helmet.

You can always listen to music. I-pod with headphones.

Get a crampbuster for $10, not so much pressure on the hands while riding long distance. There is a recent post on the Crampbusters here.

You can always take the scenic route, rather than slabbing it all the time.
Hey Matt! What are you wearing for a helmet now? Ask Dennis as he found out from us that a proper helmet can make quite a difference. :D

Windshields are hit or miss. How tall are you and how much of that height is torso? Where does the wind catch you now?

Windshields are a fickle choice. There's issues with the "in between" screens. One that totally blocks is great but increases wind noise where going naked and riding without can sometimes be a better choice.

I'd start with a well researched helmet. Stop over to webBikeWorld and read their helmet articles. They have great reviews! Once you have that, try the bike with the screen and then, try the bike with the screen removed for one highway ride.

Let's hear your answers first and then we can help out more!
Earplugs bro.
They're a must have. Get some disposable ones from CVS.
Reduces the noise from wind buffeting and therefore reduces your fatigue.
The brand I use is called Macks.

Mother of all ear plugs review (love this site) :
Ear Plug - Earplugs - Hearing Protection - webBikeWorld

Grip Puppies help reduce the vibrations.
If you want to use a cramp buster with grip puppies, apparently you need to buy throttle rocker v2 (the one with the strap).
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For most of us handle bars is a must. The FZ1 bars work great and are easier on the wrists for longer riding pleasure. I have the Shoei RF1000 and it's a great helmet with very little wind noise. I have the Puig Double Bubble wind screen and for me 6'1" seems pretty good as far as turbulence, wind noise and comfort. I really prefer the faried model as opposed to the naked version. Going really fast with no wind protection is not my cup of tea. This is just me however and everyone is different. Enjoy and ride safe. :rockon:
Hey Matt, I'm assuming you take the thruway to work? I've ridden to syracuse and back to rochester a couple times. The one thing that made my experience a lot better was the upgraded seat. I chose Top Saddlery. It really increases the comfort level a lot
Ditto on earplugs. It really makes for a more pleasant experience. I use Super Leight foam earplugs. 10 pair for less than $5 at CVS
You'll be surprised at how much extra brain power you can use while wearing earplugs. Extended periods of loud noise (wind, engine, exhaust, etc.) are mentally taxing. You're more likely to make a mistake or loose your cool with said distraction. It's just a lot easier to ride without having one of your senses being overloaded the entire time. I'd never ride without earplugs again...
I wear a pretty cheap helmet. At the time I bought the bike I couldn't imagine coughing up another $500 for an Arei or a Shoei.

I listen to music most of the time, but I have to turn it up pretty loud for it to drown out the road noise. So loud in fact that I don't think I'm gaining anything in terms of mental fatigue.

The wind hits me square in the chest right now, I'm around 6'3"- and long on upper body.

I think the windscreen is a must, and if that won't help with the noise then maybe a helmet too. I don't really have any problems with my seat or handgrips at this point (aside from on realllly long trips). I could wear earplugs, but music is nice for my hour long commute- I'd probably lose my license if all I had for entertainment was passing cagers! :D

I've got a hooge windscreen on mine :thumbup: No problems with wind blast at all with this thing.




It's got a Yamaha badge on it so it's definitely genuine, but I don't know the spec exactly. Maybe some kind of touring thing.

Phwoar, wot a big 'un. ;)
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Good info! One thing to remember is, a taller windshield can actually create more noise behind it if the design is wrong so be careful.

A better helmet is a clear choice first. You cannot put a price on protecting your head!!!
i wear earplugs and listen to music. i got a set of cheap helmet speakers from ebay
helmet speakers, eBay Motors, Electronics. Great deals on eBay!
i wouldn't listen to a new cd with them because they will only go so loud. but as long as it's cd's i know i can sing along and enjoy the music.

i have done a number of things to help traveling distances but they aren't all on the cheap. here is my list.

- grip puppies... i didn't think the bars were particularly buzzy but i gave these a shot. they make the ride so much more comfortable. they're worth the 10 bucks.
- crampbuster... it's been mentioned already so i'll just give a plus one to this one.
- earplugs and helmet speakers
- cutting down your windshield... do a search on this site about it. some have found this to actually work better than a taller shield.

now for the more costly ones.
- up and back risers... someone mentioned fz1 bars but for me it's actually up and back risers. i'd rather sit up more than lean more forward for longer times. part of this has to do with a long torso and short arms.
- highway pegs on engine guards... might sound odd on an fz6 but it is so helpful to be able to change your seating position while riding.
- taller shields... this will be trial and error and could take a decent chuck of cash to find the one that works for you.
- a better seat... i know you said you're fine with the seat but getting a good seat makes all the difference.

that's all that i've done. hope that helps some.
Earplugs! Say what? I can't stand to ride without 'em.
I installed a Puig touring windscreen late last season so there wasn't much time to evaluate it and my jury is still out. I'm 6'3" and the taller screen definitely moves the wind up off my chest and more to my neck/helmet. Whether that creates more wind noise remains to be seen but my gut says so far I like the taller screen.
Check out a ride up Route 8 through Speculator when the weather gets nice and we'll tour the mts.!
I was thinking about trying taking off the windscreen, but considering the temperatures in upstate, NY this time of year- I'm going to hold off until spring.

I'll look into those grips, if they're only 10 bucks it's definitely worth doing.

I was afraid that would be the answer on the helmet, anyone have a good source for helmets?

And maybe seats while we're at it :D ?
(1) Bar risers.
(2) Tunes.... I wear a 3/4 helmet (Shoei) with a flat shield. With this helmet, I attached a small portable Sony SRF-59 (1 AA battery) am/fm stereo to the left side of the shield (removeable in the rain) with 2 plastic wire ties (after drilling 4 holes) in the shield itself. The radio itself will clip onto the ties (which are mounted horozontally).

I then wired in the speakers into the ear cutouts of the helmet. I used industrial velcro on both the helmet and the speakers after cutting the headset apart. The wires were tucked in behind the padding.

I now have a radio built into the helmet and can hear it any speed below 75/80MPH. Makes long rides much more bearable... The battery will last for several months.
